Winfield Township Supervisors Meeting
Minutes of May 28, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the Winfield Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman MatthewKlabnik at 7:06 p.m. The other Supervisor presentwas Michael Robb. The Township Solicitor Michael Hnathwas also in attendance.
Public Comment Period:
The minutes of the April 26, 2015 Supervisor’s meeting were acceptedon motion of Mr. Robb, Seconded by Mr. Klabnik. All were in agreement and the motion carried.
On motion by Mr. Klabnik, seconded by Mr. Robb, the Treasurer’s reports were approved with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Klabnik made a motion to pay all bills and payroll. Mr. Robb seconded. All agreed and motion carried.
Old Business:
Requisition #05-2015:Mr. Robb made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Klabnik to approve disbursements of funds to Dillon McCandless King for $881.21, Malcolm Pirnie for $3,230.66 & Penn Vest for payment of $14,753.48.
Correspondence: A letter from the Tarentum District Sportsman Club was read regarding their upcoming skeet shooting matches.
Mr. Klabnik made a motion to advertise the Seal Coating specs again as well as a special meeting on June 17th at 5:00 PM for the letting of the Seal Coat bids as a result of the Eagle not running the ad the first time.
Mr. Robb also brought up his desire to form a finance/budget committee. He feels that this would be advantageous to have more eyes on the budget for a longer period of time. Mr. Robb also feels that we can tie the finance committee into the comprehensive plan as well as the planning for infrastructure improvement. Mr. Robb asked Mr. McCracken and Ms. Stivason to develop a group of people to sit on the committee for the next meeting.
Mr. Klabnik made a motion to pay Supervisor Nagle 8 hour’s wages for his attendance at the BCATO conference as has been done in the past. Mr. Robb seconded that motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.
Zoning Officer’s Report: The report was read and accepted as submitted.
Sewage Officer's Report: A letter from Doug Duncan was read about a sewage system malfunction at 207 Frank Ave. Mr. Klabnik made a motion to approve the Township to connect the property and add the cost of connection onto the existing lien. Additionally, the Township Secretary shall obtain three prices to connect the property and is authorized to award the work to a contractor based on price and time. Mr. Robb seconded that motion, with two yes votes, the motion carried.
First Amendment to the Service Agreement- This Amendment was first introduced in December of 2012 and had to do with reducing the tap fee to $5,000.00. Mr. Klabnik made a motion to approve the First Amendment to the Service Agreement and to have a Supervisor and the Secretary sign all necessary document when they are received from MABT. Mr. Robb seconded the motion. With two yes votes, the motion carried.
Second Amendment to the Service Agreement- Mr. Hnath explained that this Amendment would authorize the turning over of the Sewage system to the Municipal Authority of Buffalo Township, including the responsibility of the remaining PennVest loan, essentially removing all responsibility from the Township of Winfield and transferring it to MABT. Mr. Robb made a motion to approve the Second Amendment, Mr. Klabnik seconded the motion. With two yes votes, the motion carried.
Smoke and Dye Ordinance-Mr. Klabnik made a motion to adopt the Smoke and Dye Test Ordinance. Mr. Robb seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.
Oil and Gas Ordinance- Mr. Klabnik made a motion to send the revised draft of the proposed Oil and Gas Ordinance with changes from the Public Hearing to the Planning Commission for their review. Mr. Robb seconded the motion, with two yes votes, the motion carried. Mr. Klabnik made a motion to approve the advertisement of a Public Hearing for the intent to adopt the proposed Oil and Gas Ordinance on July 30, 2015 at 7:00 PM pending Planning Commission approval. Mr. Robb seconded the motion, with two yes votes, the motion carried.
Road Department Report- The report was read and accepted as submitted.
Township Solicitor-nothing to report at this time.
Planning Commission-nothing to report at this time.
Public Safety: Their report was read as submitted and it was decided that Mr. Klabnik would go to the April meeting.
Park Advisory Board-Mr. Klabnik made a motion to authorize Adam Hartwig to spend up to $20,000.00 on a 72” Zero Turn Mower for the parl. Mr. Robb seconded the motion. With a unanimous roll call, the motion passed.
South Butler Community Library-Mr. Robb made a motion to approve the first of two annual donations to the Library. Mr. Klabnik seconded the motion. With two yes votes, the motion carried.
Tax Exonerations- none submitted
With no further business before the board, on motion of Mr. Klabnik with a unanimous roll call, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Hartwig