General Meeting – Minutes December 2nd 2015

Minute taker: David NashHamptons, Quality Inn, Bronte

Present:Paul McLeod (Chair) David Kuhnke, Rod McDonald, David Nash, Ralph Robinson,Art Walford, Holly Thompson, .Dermot Clancy, David Jarvis Warren Lowkum,

AbsentTony Byrne

Call to OrderThe Meeting was called to Order at 7 pm

Installation Ceremony:President Paul installed Dermot Clancy, Warren Lowkum and David Jarvis as new members.


Secretary’s Report:

Minutes: Motion to accept Minutes of the General Meeting of November 4thprinted in the Bulletin.

Dermot Clancy/Art Walford Carried

Correspondence: No Correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: Paul McLeod

Current Balance Statement as of October 31,2015

Service $3647.48General $2068.46Service Funds: $2097.00Equipment Funds: $740.68

Total Assets $$5716.14

Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Art Walford/Holly Thompson. Carried.

Registrar: David Kuhnke reported that there are a total of 11 members, and an attendance at this meeting og nine, with 8 meals. seven out of twelve members present and one guest.

Old Business

Kinsmen Food Drive

David Kuhnke reported that we had raised $5,0065.48 in cash donation and two and a half gaylord bins of food donations. There had been 30 helpers Warren Lowkum film of the event was good. It was agreed to round up the donations to $5,100. Ralph Robinson would get the cheque from the Town to Treasurer Paul. A ‘big cheque’ would be presented at the January meeting. Thanks were expressed to David Kuhnke and Rod Macdonald for their organisation and hard work.

President Paul suggested that someone be appointed in charge of transportation for next year to avoid confusions and double runs.

Fun Nights::

January 21st “Dead Guilty’ at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts at 8 pm preceded by dinner at the Queen’s Head at 6 pm.

Team 2: February: Progressive Euchre - details to be announced.

Team 3. March - Wine Club in Burlington

Bingo: Ralph Robinson had checked but the Town officials have not responded with any information about the application process and waiting list.

New Business

Fertiliser Sale: Holly Thompson reported that he would seek a partner for us to run a fertiliser sale together.

Sponsored Run for Lighthouse: Holly Thompson suggested a sponsored run to raise funds for our principal charity - The Lighthouse for Grieving Children.

The meeting adjourned, it was followed by a Christmas gift exchange. Season’s Greetings were also exchanged,