Faculty Senate Office

(818) 677-3263


Minutes of Meeting of October 5, 2006

Oviatt Library Presentation Room

Faculty President Matos called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m.

The Recording Secretary called the roll. Senators not present were: Janna Beling (excused), Brian Connett (excused), Vicentiu Covrig, Cathy Jeppson (excused), Marilyn Joshua-Shearer, Garry Lennon (excused), Gretta Madjzoob (excused), Shannon Morgan (excused), John O’Brien, Sirena Pellarolo (excused), Janet Reagan, Alberto Restori, Adam Salgado, Jeff Wiegley (excused), Chi-chuan Yao, Jeff Zhang (excused)

The revised Faculty Senate Minutes from May 18, 2006 were approved as distributed.


a.Matos gave a brief statement on faculty governance and directed the Senators to the Faculty Senate website to review a document called Governance, Collegiality and Responsibility in the CaliforniaStateUniversity. The Faculty Officers, the Executive Committee and the new Senators were introduced. The Senators were reminded that agendas and minutes will be sent by e-mail and are also posted on the Senate website.

b.Jennifer Zvi (Co-Chair of the Faculty Retreat Committee) announced that the Faculty Retreat will be on January 22-23, 2007 at the Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort in Oxnard. The theme is: We Count – Documenting our Progress and Success. Proposals for oral and poster presentations are due on October 27.

c.The process for developing the academic calendar, as approved by the Senate, is included with the May 18, 2006 minutes. The policy, as approved by President Koester, is posted on the Faculty Senate website. An ad hoc Calendar Committee has been established and the Chair, Jerald Schutte, will report at a future meeting on their progress.

d.There is a new speaker series that will take place on campus called Speak Your Mind. This Fall, the focus is on the Middle East and the Spring focus will be on Issues on Immigration. The next two events will be on October 23 and December 6. The Senate Office will forward announcements to the Senators.

e.There is an opening on the Educational Equity Committee. Interested faculty should contact the Senate Office.

Tribute to Antonio Calvo – Lynn Lampert, Reference and Instructional Services

Dr. Lynn Lampert gave a special tribute in honor of Antonio Calvo. MSP to include the remarks in the official minutes. The tribute is posted at:

President’s Report– Jolene Koester, President

President Koester reported the following:

Web Accessibility – A new coded memorandum which is directed toward providing access to electronic and information technology for persons with disabilities has come from the Chancellor’s Office. It includes a plan for ensuring that the CSU campuses are in compliance with federal and state laws and CSU policy. The law applies to instructional web sites and other materials, the University web pages and the next levels that provide information support, and business processes and transactions. Over the next 18 months, a plan will be developed for CSU, Northridge to implement the provisions of this coded memorandum. Barbara Gross, Chief of Staff, will be the executive sponsor of these activities.

Student Enrollment – Campus headcount for this semester is 34,560 students. We are going to be over our FTES target this fall semester and for this academic year. There are changes in the way the CSU counts FTES. First, “new” graduate enrollments are counted as 12 student credit units are equal to 1 FTES. The system has re-benched all graduate enrollments using this new formula. The other change is that non-resident students do not count as eligible for funding from the state and are not included in the FTES target. The FTES targets given to the Colleges are not re-benched.

There are indications that we need to focus our efforts on enrollment management. Other CSU and UC campuses have stepped up their efforts to recruit freshmen, proprietary institutions are recruiting heavily, enrollment at the community colleges has been down, and our senior class has 10,000 students this year. For these reasons, we need to think strategically and make decisions on how to sharpen enrollment management, including thinking about future outreach and recruiting efforts.

Student World –Our student associations have made a commitment to create opportunities for shared experiences for students, and many special events will be planned. The students are working on a fee referendum to provide financial support for activities that will promote a community for the student body.

Ed.D. Program in Educational Administration

Dr. Richard Castallo, Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Carol Bartell, Chair of the Ed.D. Program Committee

Castallo and Bartell gave an overview of the new Ed.D. Program in Educational Administration that is being developed and is scheduled to begin in Fall 2008. The mission, timeline, a proposed outline of courses, and the criteria for choosing faculty members for participation were distributed. The mission of the Doctoral Program in Educational Administration is to create a network of school and college administrators prepared to lead profound change in teaching and learning that results in improved student achievement.

The Senate will be provided with many opportunities for consultation and input before itcomes to the Senate for approval in October 2007.

Bylaws and Senator-at-Large Election

The Proposed Revision of the Faculty Bylaws was approved (unanimously) by the Senate on May 18, 2006. A ballot will go out to the general faculty on October 6. The ballot includes the Bylaws Revisions and the Senator-at-Large slate. Ballots are due back in the Faculty Senate Office by Tuesday, October 24. The Senators were asked to encourage faculty to vote. Approval requires a 2/3 affirmative vote, with at least 25% of the Faculty casting a ballot.

Senate Reports

Provost Harry Hellenbrand,Statewide Academic Senator Michael Reagan, and CFA President Dave Ballard provided written reports and responded to questions from the Senators. Please see links below:

Report 10-5-06.doc

Report 10-5-06.doc

Report 10-5-06.doc

New Business

Proposition 1D - MSP (Reagan/Neubauer) to approve the following resolution in Support of Proposition 1D:

Resolved, that the Faculty Senate at California State University, Northridge, urge that all members of the University community vote in favor of Proposition 1D on the November ballot.

Rationale: Current state budget monies are inadequate to address serious infrastructure needs in education, including in the CSU. This bond issue will bring $690 million to the CSU for infrastructure.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:25p.m.

Submitted by:Heidi Wolfbauer, Recording Secretary

Diane Schwartz, Secretary-Treasurer of the Faculty