The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)


Proposal for Grant on Novel Research and/or Community Project on Cancer


Novel research and / or community project on cancer

(Exclusion - projects sponsored by commercial firms)

Principal Investigator

Employed by Hospital Authority, local universities or HKSAR Government

Amount of Grant

The amount per grant normally does not exceed HK$200,000 unless with special approval. A higher amount or an extension of the funding period may be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Total expenditure per year normally does not exceed HK$1,000,000.

Cancer Research Committee

Chairman: Dr Tung Yuk (2015-2016)

Panel for grant approval:DrJohn Chan–Grant Panel Chairman

Dr Tung Yuk

Dr Stephen C.K. Law

Dr Anne Lee

Mrs Agnes Wong

Dr Anthony Ying

Call for Application

Target: Hospital Authority, local universities or HKSAR Government

Frequency: Annually

Deadline for application: end August 2015

Notification for approval: end November2015


Cancer Research/HKACS Research grant 2015

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)


Application for Grant on Novel Research and/or Community Project on Cancer

General Guideline


To support principal investigator employed by Hospital Authority, local universities or HKSAR Government to undertake novel research and/or community project on cancer, the result of which should have high clinical impact or significance.

2.Amount of Grant

The amount of grant normally does not exceed HK$200,000 unless with special approval. A higher amount or extension of funding will be granted under exceptional circumstances.

3.Principal Investigator and Institution

The Principal Investigator will be responsible to HKACS and the Institution (organization with which thePrincipal investigator is associated/employed) for all technical aspects of the work referred in the approved project, and is the grant holder. He/she should be employed by the Hospital Authority, local universities or HKSAR Government.


The grant can only be used for the approved project and in accordance with the proposed expenditure items. It must not be used for any other purposes without the prior approval of HKACS. Payment is made monthly in all related expenditure on certified invoices presented to the Hon. Treasurer. Procurement should follow own hospital/institution's procurement procedure.

5.Equipment and Supplies

Equipment acquired under the agreement will normally become the property of the Institution. Only in exceptional circumstances, and with the consent of the Institution, may special equipment be transferred elsewhere, provided it is no longer required at the original Institution. The Principal Investigator and the Institution are responsible for the care and maintenance of equipment provided. Funds provided by HKACS should not be used for the running, maintenance, repairs or current insurance costs of permanent equipment, except as otherwise agreed by HKACS. Consumable supplies and equipment required exclusively for the project being supported, including chemicals, reagents, animals and animal foods, and other special items, may be purchased with HKACS funds. Office equipment including desktop computer usually will not be supported.


The Principal Investigator should submit an annual report not later than mid-October to HKACS on his/her work. These reports should be forwarded through the Institution and HKACS should be informed of any major change or significant deviation from the activity covered by the original agreement for re-approval. Such reports should summarize the present state of the project and should give the positive and negative findings of the work. Financial statement should also be submitted each year at the same time when submitting the annual report.


The Institution or Principal Investigator may publish in any reputable journal the results of their work.Although HKACS shall not be responsible for the work published,all such publications should carry a footnote as follows:

“This investigation was sponsoredby The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society.” Three copies of the published work should be sent to HKACS. In the event of publicizing the result of the project in mass media, the support by HKACS should be acknowledged.

8.Departure or Change of Principal Investigator

Should the Principal Investigator leave the Institution with which the agreement is made, or cease to be involved in the project, the Institution must notify HKACS which shall have the right to terminate the agreement. The project may be continued if another Principal Investigator is appointed by the Institution subject to the agreement of HKACS.

  1. Relationship between the Principal Investigator and HKACS

The Principal Investigator and staff employed by the agreed project are not employees of HKACS and are not entitled to any rights under the Employment Ordinance and the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Ordinance as well as other benefits to which an employee is legally entitled.

10.Patent Right

The disposition and administration of right in any invention or patent thereon, resulting from or developed in the course of HKACS assisted project, should (a) protect the public interest, and (b) give the invention the widest possible royalty free distribution.


Research projects team should acquire/supply a letter from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of their respective institution(s) that such project had sought and received clearance on the project by the Committee. Such letter is not mandatory with the application submission; but it must be supplied upon project approval or else the approval would be withdrawn. In the event that the project involves experiment on laboratory animals, appropriate licenses should be obtained.


Please return the application form on or before 31August 2015to:-

Miss Iris Leung

Chief Executive Officer

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

30 Nam Long Shan Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

Tel: 3921 3821Fax: 3921 3822

Note: It is the responsibility of applicants to take necessary steps to ensure thattheir application has been received by HKACS by the deadline.


Cancer Research/HKACS Research grant 2015


Application for Grant on Novel Research and/or

Community Project on Cancer


1. Study title

2. Principal Investigator

2.1 / Name:
2.2 / University staff / Position:
HA Staff / Position:
HKSAR / Position:
2.3 / Department/Unit:
2.4 / Institute/Hospital:
2.5 / Relevant experience to the study
2.6 / Phone number:
2.7 / Fax number:
2.8 / E-mail:

3. Co-investigators

Name / Title
(e.g. Dr) / Relevant qualification / Department, Institute/Hospital

4. Study Site(s)

4.1 / Is this a multi-centre trial in HK? / Yes / No
4.1.1 / If yes, number of local study sites:
4.2 / Local study site(s) / Department / Institute/Hospital
4.2.1 / Primary study site
4.2.2 / Other study sites / Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
4.3 / Is this an international study (involving study sites outside HK)? / Yes / No

5. Milestones

5.1 / Proposed study starting date:
5.2 / Proposed study completion date:
5.3 / Expected final report date:

6. Multi-centre proposal (for multi-center study)

6.1 / Has the protocol been vetted by REC/IRB in HK? / Yes / No
6.1.1 / If yes, specify reference number of protocol approved REC:
6.2 / Has the proposal been rejected by any REC/IRB? / Yes / No

7. Brief summary of study (use language understood by laypersons)


8. Novelty and significance of study

Summarize in less than 200 words the novelty and potential significance / impact of the proposed study:

9. Scientific basis

9.1 / Scientific background, current evidence and essential references:
9.2 / Aim of study:
9.3 / Expected outcomes or impacts of study on healthcare / knowledge:

10. Study Subjects

10.1 / Target subjects:
Patients / Patients’ Family / Staff / Others:
10.2 / How many subjects will be recruited locally (and globally if applicable)?
10.3 / Rationale for sample-size calculation:
10.4 / How will subjects (patients/controls) be identified and recruited?
10.5 / What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria?

11. Study design and methodology

11.1 / Type of study : / Data collection / Direct patient intervention
11.2 / Study design
Randomised controlled trial / Non-randomised controlled trial
Uncontrolled trial / Specify:
11.3 / If randomisation is used, explain the process:

12. Methods of Statistical Analysis

13. Potential Hazards

13.1 / Difference of study procedures from usual management provided at study sites:
If yes, specify:
13.2 / Describe potential discomfort, distress and hazards entailed by study procedures:
13.3 / Will subjects be provided with a card describing their participation in study and contact
phone number for inquiry and adverse event reporting? / Yes / No


14. Source of funding

14.1 / Have you applied previously for any research grant from The / Yes / No
Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
14.1.1 / If yes, give details as follows:
Date of application:
Amount requested:
Amount awarded:
Balance remaining at date of this application:
14.2 / Have you applied to other bodies for financial assistance / Yes / No
toward this project?
14.2.1 / If yes, give details as follows:
Body :
Date of application :
Result :

(Applicants receiving sponsorship from any commercial organization will not be considered.)


Declaration byinvestigators

  1. The information supplied is to the best of my knowledge and belief accurate.
  2. I/We submit this application for a research grant within the terms of the current General Conditions relating to Agreements of The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)
  3. I/We agree to report study progress annually to the HKACS as requested, and to submit a final report at the end of the project.
  4. This investigation was carried out under the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society. Three copies of the published work should be sent to the HKACS. In the event of publicizing the result of the project in mass media, the support by HKACS should be acknowledged.

Title and Name / Signature / Date
Principal investigator:

Endorsement by Chief of Service or Head of Department (or authorised representative)

  1. I endorse this application and authorize the study to be undertaken in my department upon approval by the HKACS.
  2. I am in the opinion that the investigator(s) within my department/unit are appropriately qualified within the disease/therapeutic area involved, and are capable of undertaking this study in terms of their workload and time available, and that the study site(s) under my supervision have access to adequate facilities and supports for the research to be conducted in a safe manner.

Signature / Name / Post, Dept, Institute/Hospital / Date

* Where the Chief of Service or Head of Department is an investigator, this declaration should be signed by another suitable senior staff.


Cancer Research/HKACS Research grant 2015


For HKACS use only
Cost for current year
(HKS) / Hon. Treasurer’s code No.
Item No. / Classification
(1) / Description
(2) / Catalogue or
Quotation Reference
(3) / Cat. Price
salary / C.I.F.*
etc. / Total / Amount
(HK$) / Remarks / Final
*Carriage, insurance and freight / Grand


(1)Classification : Items are to be classified as Consumables, Equipment or Salaries according to the following definitions –

Consumables are those articles which by their use or design are of temporary value. Typical consumables in connection with research grants include chemicals, experimental animals and for their up-keep.

Equipment- all materials which are not consumables should be classified as equipment. If equipment is to be fabricated, the materials (and labour costs, if any) should be itemized except for those estimated to individually cost $100 or less; these may be grouped in categories, e.g. electronic components, glassware, recording tape, etc.

Salaries- include basic salaries, allowance and provident fund where applicable.

(2)Description : All items requested must be fully described in the same term as those to be sent for ordering purposes.

(3)Catalogue reference and cost estimate : Evidence in support of cost estimate must be submitted. This will normally be by reference to a current catalogue, price list, or by submission of a written quotation. Where more than one of an item is required, unit cost must be specified as well as total cost.


Cancer Research/HKACS Research grant 2015