Program Rationale/Purpose Statement:The purpose of the Tiffin University Marketing major is to promote, stimulate, and guide study, research, and professional career development in all areas of marketing. Students enrolled in the major support the educational mission of professional excellence through the theoretical and applied aspects of marketing theory and practice specifically related to entrepreneurship, increasing brand equity and strengthening stakeholder relationships.
Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement:
Program Learning Outcomes:
Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes:
Marketing graduates will explain how organizations can apply the consumer behavior model to improve organizational performance (MKT 252)
Marketing students will create and implement a marketing research project. In addition, the students will communicate the research results via a presentation and written research report, to the organization that they conducted the research for. Data will be collected using a presentation rubric (MKT 353)
Marketing students will achieve a passing score on a major field test (MFT). At least 70% of student will exceed average scores of benchmarked institutions. (Benchmark data obtained ACBSP schools.)
All marketing students will participate in an internship. Internship supervisors will report on at least a minimum level competency per an internship rubric in applying Marketing concepts within the organization. All marketing student interns will score an overall of at least an above average rating on the evaluation of the student intern form.
Marketing students will participate in an International Marketing capstone course in which they will give a presentation that will demonstrate their critical thinking skills knowledge level in the areas of international marketing theory, entrepreneurship, increasing brand equity on an international scale, and how to strengthen stakeholder relationships while growing both nationally and internationally. Data will be collected using a presentation rubric (MKT 404). [LBS1]
Program Executive Summary:
Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcomes 1: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific) Marketing graduates will explain how organizations can apply the consumer behavior model to improve organizational performance.
Assessment Criteria:On an exam at least 90 percent of Marketing graduates will successfully answer a test question where the graduate will list the steps in the consumer behavior model and explain how organizations apply them in their marketing activities. (MKT 252)
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2013/2014 / Met/Not Met
Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
95% of MKT 252 students in Fall 2012 successfully answer a test question where the graduate listed the steps in the consumer behavior model and explained how organizations apply them in their marketing activities.
Data Details
96% of MKT 252 students in Fall 2013 successfully answered a test question where the graduate listed the steps in the consumer behavior model and explained how organizations apply them in their marketing activities.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
2012-2013:The 2012-2013 outcomes activities were met. Future analysis of assessment data for MKT 252 will eliminate non-marketing major student data. The marketing faculty will be reviewing the goal assessment report during the fall of 2014.
2013/2014:The 2012-2013 outcomes activities were met. Future analysis of assessment data for MKT 252 will eliminate non-marketing major student data. The marketing faculty will be reviewing the goal assessment report during the fall of 2015.
Intended Outcomes 2: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific / D – Research Skills) Marketing graduates will plan, create and present a marketing research project.
Assessment Criteria:At least 90 percent of Marketing graduates will earn a grade of 80% or better on a marketing research project where the student plans, creates and presents to the class and faculty member using the grading criteria established by for the project. (MKT 353)
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2013/2014 / Met/Not Met
Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
92% of students in MKT 353 planned, created, and presented a marketing research project to the United Way.
Data Details
100% of students in MKT 353 planned, created, and presented a marketing research project.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
2012-2013:The 2012-2013 outcomes activities were met. Future analysis of assessment data for MKT 353 will eliminate non-marketing major student data. The marketing faculty will be reviewing the goal assessment report during the fall of 2014.
Intended Outcomes 3: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific) Marketing students will preview the environments of business prior to graduation. Internship – students with a “B” or better.
Assessment Criteria: (a): Students will be able to participate in a Marketing interest group, which meets once a month during the regular semesters.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2013/2014 / Met/Not Met
Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
100% of Marketing interns passed the internship with a “B” or better.
Data Details
100% of Marketing interns passed the internship with a “B” or better.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
2012-2013:The 2012-2013 outcomes activities were met. Future analysis of assessment data for MKT 470 will eliminate non-marketing major student data. The marketing faculty will be reviewing the goal assessment report during the fall of 2014.
In addition, next year we will add an additional intended outcome #4 as follows and will begin data collection during the 2013-2014 academic year:
Intended Outcomes 4: (D–Critical Thinking/D–Career Readiness–Program Specific) Graduates will successfully integrate theoretical information in practical situations within themarketing field.
Assessment Criteria: A minimum of 90% of students in MGT 470 will achieve an above average or outstanding rating from an outside evaluator on question number 6 of the School of Business Intern Evaluation form.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
2013-2014 / Met/Not Met
Not Met / Data Details
Did not collect data in this area need to evaluate for next academic year 14-15.
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
[LBS1]Where is the assessment criteria for this?