MINUTE OF THE SPECIAL MEETING of the CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL held within the Council Chambers, Greenfield, Alloa, on FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 2006.

PRESENT Provost Derek Stewart (Chair)

Councillor Donald Balsillie

Councillor Keith Brown

Councillor Janet Cadenhead

Councillor Alastair Campbell

Councillor Eddie Carrick

Councillor William Douglas

Councillor Kenneth Earle

Councillor Brian Fearon

Councillor Craig Holden

Councillor Bobby McGill

Councillor Helen McGregor

Councillor Harry McLaren

Councillor Reverend Sam Ovens

Councillor Janis Paterson

Councillor Margaret Paterson

IN ATTENDANCE Keir Bloomer, Chief Executive

Garry Dallas, Director of Development and Environmental Services

Jeni Graham, Director of Corporate Development Services

Dave Jones, Director of Services to People

Jackie McGuire, Head of Administration and Legal Services

APOLOGIES for absence were received from Councillor George Matchett and Councillor Walter McAdam.


There was submitted a report by Keir Bloomer, Chief Executive, Clackmannanshire Council, and Keith Yates, Chief Executive, Stirling Council, a copy of which had been circulated previously to each Member.

Councillor M Paterson moved that Council supports the recommendation set out in the report and that in addition Council agrees to set up a political monitoring group involving Councillors from all Groups who are committed to the constructive development of the proposals. Seconded by Councillor Carrick.


“Council opposes any merger with Stirling Council, and any process that would lead to such a merger. Accordingly, Council will not seek to facilitate such a merger by merging the management of its services with Stirling Council.

Accordingly, Council agrees that any further extension of joint working arrangements should be the subject of properly planned and notified discussion and consultation between Members, trade unions, employees and those that will pay for any such initiatives, the people of Clackmannanshire, including, but not exclusively, through the Area Forums.”

Moved by Councillor Brown. Seconded by Councillor Balsillie.

Councillor Brown asked for a roll call vote. The Council agreed that a vote be taken by calling the roll and at this stage there were 16 Members present who were eligible to vote. On the roll being called the Members present voted as follows:

For the amendment:

Councillors Brown, Douglas, Balsillie, J Paterson, McGregor and Campbell.

Against the amendment:

Councillors Holden, Fearon, Carrick, M Paterson, McGill, Cadenhead, McLaren, Earle, Ovens and Stewart.

For the motion:

Councillors Stewart, Ovens, Earle, McLaren, Cadenhead, McGill, M Paterson, Carrick, Fearon and Holden.

Against the motion:

Councillors Campbell, McGregor, J Paterson, Balsillie, Douglas and Brown.

The amendment was defeated by 10 votes to 6.

The motion was carried by 10 votes to 6.

Accordingly, the Council agreed in principle to the proposal for increased integrated working and agreed to authorise the Chief Executive to consult with staff, trade unions and others and to develop detailed proposals for submission within a timescale of three months with a view to early implementation. The Council also agreed to set up a political monitoring group involving Councillors from all Groups who are committed to the constructive development of the proposals.

Action: Keir Bloomer, Chief Executive