Classzone investigations ES1304: Delta Developments

Working in groups of three (3) complete the tasks outlined in the Classzone Keycodes: ES1304.

- One person is in control of the mouse and typing: ______________

- One person is taking notes and making the drawings:______________

- One person is in charge of time management and keeping the group on task.: ________

Make a sketch of the main characteristics of each delta. List these characteristics, too.

River Dominated Delta

Wave Dominated Delta

Tide Dominated Delta

What type of delta is…

a) The Fraser River Delta d) The Gurupi River Delta

b) The Niger River Delta e) The Rhone River Delta

c) The Tigris-Euphrates River Delta f) The Selenga River Delta

Classzone investigations ES1305: Waterfalls and Erosion

Working in groups of three (3) complete the tasks outlined in the Classzone Keycodes: ES1304.

- A new person is in control of the mouse and typing: ______________

- A new person is taking notes and making the drawings:______________

- A new person is in charge of time management and keeping the group on task: _______

Watch the video and answer these questions about waterfalls and chasms.

1) Define the term plunge pool

2) What causes the erosion at the bottom of the waterfall? Be specific and use complete sentences.

3) Where do you think the erosional debris ends up?

4) How is the length of the chasm increased?

5) Is it likely that a waterfall in a stream will be exactly the same each time you visit it? Why or Why not?

Classzone investigations ES1306: Changes in the Channel of a Meandering River

Working in groups of three (3) complete the tasks outlined in the Classzone Keycodes: ES1304.

- A new person is in control of the mouse and typing: ______________

- A new person is taking notes and making the drawings:______________

- A new person is in charge of time management and keeping the group on task.: _______

Observe the river’s paths over the 55 year span from 1935 to 1990. Click on each date independently, and then over lay one date on another. Examine the paths to see where straight sections of the river developed meanders or meandering sections were later straightened.

1) Compare the green line of 1935 with the blue line of 1958. Do you think it meanders more in the 1958 photo or the 1935 photo? Explain your answer.

2) Compare the blue line of 1958 with the yellow line of 1973. The river does not seem to change very much over these 15 years. Propose a reason for this.

3) Compare the yellow line of 1973 with the red line of 1990. The river changed significantly over these 17 years. Propose a reason for this.

4) Do you think a river in New England (like the Connecticut or the Winooski) is susceptible to such dramatic changes in path? Why or Why not? How is the lithosphere different in New Mexico than Vermont?