Stenhousemuir Cricket Club
The Tryst,
Stirlingshire. FK5 4QJ
Tel: 01324 562448
THURSDAY 22ndAPRIL 2010 @ 8.00pm
Club President Peter Moses presided over an attendance of 21 members for the EGM.
APOLOGIES: Brian Reid, Duncan Walker & Margaret Walker.
Peter Moses welcomed everyone for attending the EGM over the changes of clauses 11 & 28 in the club constitution.
Members present were as follows:-
John Bell, Brendan Clark (Club Treasurer),John Dirom,William Duffy,
Christopher Dyer,Graham Garner,David Halcrow,Ian McDonald,
Robert Mitchell, Peter Moses, Colin Moodie,John Moodie,Stuart Moodie, William Moodie, Kenneth Pritchard,Alan Reed, John Whyte (Club Secretary), Stuart Whyte, Stuart Williamson,Douglas Zuill & Morrison Zuill.
Peter Moses read out the two resolutions proposed for the changes of the club constitution clauses 11 & 28, as follows:-
Resolution 1:- Clause 11 delete entirety & to be replaced with new clause.
The General Committee shall alone have the power of electing members of the Club. Any person desiring to become a member must be proposed by at least two members of the Club, which proposal must be given in writing to the Secretary showing the name, address, and occupation and contact details of the applicants. The Secretary shall post on the notice-board in the Clubhouse, the names and addresses of the applicants for at least fourteen days before consideration by the Committee. At the first meeting of the General Committee after the expiry of the said fourteen days, the Committee may proceed with the election of the applicants who shall be notified by the Secretary of their decision. The General Committee have the right to refuse membership to any applicant and they shall not be required to state the reason for their refusal.
Stenhousemuir Cricket Club’s membership is open to all, however the General Committee hold the right for electing membership to the Club. Any person desiring to become a member of the club must complete the appropriate membership application form; the said form must have the name, address, occupation and contact details of the applicant and left for the attention of the Secretary. The Secretary shall post on the notice board in the Clubhouse, the name and address of the applicant for at least fourteen days before consideration by the Committee. At the first meeting of the General Committee after the expiry of the said fourteen days, the Committee may proceed with the election of the applicant. The General Committee have the right, with good reason to refuse membership to any applicant. The Club Secretary will notify the applicant of the Committees decision and in the event of membership refusal, the reason membership has been refused.
Resolution 2:- Clause 28 delete entirety & to be replaced with new clause.
In the event of the winding up of the Club from any cause, the whole funds remaining after payment of all debts shall be disposed of as the members of the Club shall decide at a duly constituted meeting. Members shall be held as agreeing to waive claim for return of any proportion of their current subscriptions. If a deficiency arises each member shall be liable to contribute his proportion of that deficiency.
No profits or surpluses will at any time be distributed to Members and if, on winding up or dissolution of the Club, there remains, after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the Club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the Members of the Club by Resolution passed at a General Meeting at or before the time of dissolution and in so far as effect can not be given to such provision then to some other charitable object.
All profits or surpluses generated by the Club activities shall be devoted to maintenance or improvement of Club facilities.
Peter Moses handed over to Stuart Williamson the Youth Convenor to report on the reasons why these changes are required to the club constitution.
Stuart Williamson reported the reason for the changes to clauses 11 & 28 in the club constitution was fro the club to apply for grants which if granted would improve the facilities for our club & would beneficial to the clubs future.
This would in turn help the club to improve & survive as an important part of Scottish Cricket & bring the club as a force in the cricket scene again.
Stuart Williamson reported so far we have received only one grant for a bowling machine & this has shown what a great benefit it has been to the club, for the senior & youth players.
Stuart Williamson also said with better facilities this would hopefully help the club to entice new playing members to the club along with youth players seeing the standard of equipment we have @ the club & hopefully introduce new people to the game.
Peter Moses thanked Stuart Williamson for his points of views.
Objection to the changes to the constitution in clauses 11 & 28 were raised through John Bell, Douglas & Morrison Zuill in their view the members would lose control of the club if it every had to dissolve.
John Dirom, Alan Reed, John Moodie & other members gave the view that this would not happen the members would have the final say, if the unthinkable happened & the club had to be dissolved.
John Moodie stated that clause 28 is what most of the clubs have in their constitution & these changes would bring our constitution in line with other fellow clubs
After a healthy debate by the members with both points of view by the membership, Peter Moses asked for proposals to the resolutions for changes to the club constitution.
Resolution 1:- Clause 11 delete entirety & to be replaced with new clause.
Proposed - John Moodie
Seconded - Brendan Clark
There were no counter proposals.
Old Clause 11 to be deleted & replaced with New Clause 11 in the club constitution forthwith.
Resolution 2:- Clause 28 delete entirety & to be replaced with new clause.
Proposed -David Halcrow
Seconded - Stuart Whyte
There were no counter proposals.
Old Clause 28to be deleted & replaced with New Clause 28 in the club constitution forthwith.
Robert Mitchell called for a vote of thanks for the chairman, Peter Moses & this was duly accepted by the members.