OCTOBER 2, 2012

The regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Municipal Building.

The following members of the Governing Body were present:

Mayor: Richard Propst

Alderman: Terry Yount

Alderman: Carroll Franklin

Alderman: Benny Orders

Alderman: Danny Ritchie

Others present:

Town Clerk: Sherry Dula

Attorney: Jonathan Jones

Alderman Orders opened the meeting with prayer.

Approval of Minutes – The Council approved the previous minutes for the month of September by a motion from Alderman Orders, seconded by Alderman Ritchie and the vote was unanimous.

Public Power Week Resolution - The annual resolution declaring October 7-13, 2012 as public power week in Drexel was adopted by a motion from Alderman Orders, seconded by Alderman Ritchie and the vote was unanimous. A copy of the resolution is attached as part of the minutes. Also October 7-13, 2012 is Fire Prevention Week.

2012-2013 Fiscal Year Audit Contract – The Council awarded the audit contract to Boggs, Crump & Brown for the fiscal year 2012-2013 in the amount of $9,900. A motion was made by Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Franklin to approve the audit contract with Boggs, Crump & Brown and the vote was unanimous. A copy of the contract is attached as part of the minutes.

Handheld Radio for the Administration Office - The Council voted unanimously by a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Franklin to purchase a handheld radio for the Administration Office in order to communicate with the Police and Fire Departments once everyone has switched to the Viper Radio System. As of January 1st, our base system will no longer work because the viper system will be in place at that time.

Also the Council discussed what to do for the Public Works once the system is in place. Council agreed to provide 6 push to talk phones to the public works department for those who are on call each week. Manager will check into different phone providers to see which company has the best service and price.

Update on Application with the State of North Carolina to Request Loan/Grant Assistance for the Sewer Project - R.J. Mozeley with McGill & Associates emailed with an update on our application requesting assistance. He stated that our application for the loan was approved for the full amount requested. An approval letter will be sent to the Town with the full details.

Budget Amendment - A budget amendment for the following is needed:

A.  Loan Monies for the Police Car and Viper Radios

B.  Garbage expenditures for the year were budgeted too low

C.  Recreation Equipment expenditures were budgeted too low


OCTOBER 2, 2012

Instead of having to find money for the expenditures under budgeted, we moved the $30,000 from the Leaf Truck to these two funds. Roger stated that he was not able to find a truck in time for the leaf season and feels that he can make it with this truck for one more year so we will revisit this for the next budget year. A motion was made by Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Ritchie to approve the Budget Amendment and the vote was unanimous. A copy of the amendment is attached as part of the minutes.

Town Manager Position – On Monday, October 1st, the Council met in closed session to discuss the Manager position and the candidates. They came to a decision to offer the job to Sherri Bradshaw which in turn accepted the offer and has agreed to start work on November 1, 2012. An employment contract was drawn up for the Council’s review and will be presented to Sherri Bradshaw for signature before she begins work. The Council also voted unanimously by a motion from Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Franklin to continue paying Sherry Dula the extra $50 per week thru the 6 month probation and training period for the new manager.

Departmental Reports - The Council reviewed the Financial and Police reports for the month of September, 2012. A copy of each report is attached as part of the minutes.

Attorney Report - Attorney Jones updated the Board on the status of the exchange of property with the town and Rick Ramsey. He asked if the Board would like a title search and they agreed. He will complete that and get the paperwork ready for closing. Also he updated us on the status of collecting taxes on the Drexel Property, Fred Godley has been in contact with the town and the amounts were given to him but still has not followed thru with payment. Attorney Jones has sent another letter and the deadline has passed so therefore he will start proceedings for a lawsuit and Mr. Godley will then be responsible for the tax amounts and the attorney fees.

Miscellaneous –

·  Mimosa Avenue and Park Avenue Paving Project – West Consultants will advertise for bids on the paving project on October 18th.

·  Mimosa Intersection – J.M. Teague Engineering received confirmation from NCDOT that the design has been approved for the Mimosa Intersection and they are awaiting the official approval statement in order to move forward.

·  R.O. Huffman Center – Marty Beal sent the cost estimates for the repairs to the building and the estimates came in low and does not contain all of the cost requests that the Town had asked them to provide. The Mayor will contact Marty and ask them to revise the cost estimates to include those requests asked for in the beginning.

Adjournment - With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. upon a motion from Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Yount.


MAYOR ______