Course Outlines:


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Professor D Chidester

Course entry requirements: Acceptance for an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

The course focuses on the theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and keywords in theacademic study of religion. The course develops a vocabulary that will be useful for students in anyspecialised field supported by the postgraduate programme in Religious Studies. Sessions aredevoted to exploring (1) Religion, Religions, Religious; (2) Belief and Rationality; (3) God andPerson; (4) Experience and Gender; (5) Body, Image, and Relic; (6) Performance and Sacrifice; (7)Territory and Time; (8) Modernity and Conflict; (9) Culture and Writing; (10) Transformation andTransgression; and (11) Liberation and Value.

DP requirements: Submission of all prescribed assignments by due dates. Regular attendance andparticipation in class.

Assessment: Weekly response papers (30%). Final essay of 7,000 word (70%).


30 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Dr L Blond

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours programme.

Course outline:

An appropriate research paper, on a topic chosen in negotiation with the Head of Department andwritten under the supervision of a staff member. The paper needs to be of approximately 15,000words in length, and it must demonstrate the student’s ability to engage with the theory andmethodology of religious studies.

DP requirements: Submission of essay.

Assessment: Research essay 100%.


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Dr E Porcu

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours programme.

Course outline:

This course will introduce students to the systematic study of Buddhism. The course will examineBuddhism as a living tradition in its relation to society and culture. Students will be exposed toBuddhist traditions both in their historical and contemporary developments, their schools, texts, andpractices. Themes will include monasticism and lay Buddhism, Buddhism and gender, Buddhismand popular culture, Buddhism, art and the media, and the transmission of Buddhism in the Westand Africa, as well as Buddhism-based new religious movements. Different traditions will beexplored with particular emphasis on East Asian Buddhism.

DP requirements: Submission of all prescribed assignments by due dates. Regular attendance andparticipation in class.

Assessment: Class presentations (10%). 5 weekly response papers (40%). Final essay (50%).

REL4048S CRITICAL THEORY(Not offered in 2017)

24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Dr L Blond

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours programme.

Course outline:

All religious traditions have been fundamentally altered by their encounters with modernity.Enlightenment reason and the growth of secularism have continually challenged and eroded not onlyreligious traditions but also the foundations of Western political culture in general. In order tounderstand this process, a new mode of theoretical investigation arose in the early 20th centurywhich became known as Critical Theory and has now expanded to wider fields of critique andtheory. Critical Theory allows an exploration of not only the social processes but also the modes ofinvestigation, including the dominant forms of Western reasoning that requires analysis and criticalengagement.

This course will introduce students to a variety of thinkers and concepts enabling them to engagewith a range of phenomena and social processes. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, MaxHorkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault, and Franz Fanon will be studiedin order to gain critical insight into contemporary problems. The concepts and methodology ofcritical theorists will be examined thereby giving students the tools to enter crucial debatessurrounding alienation, subjectivation, power, gender, race and post-colonial theory.

DP requirements: Submission of all prescribed assignments by due dates. Regular attendance ofweekly seminars.

Assessment: Weekly papers 50% and one 4,000 word essay 50%.


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Dr A Brigaglia

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours programme.

Course outline:

This course will introduce students to Islam as a religious tradition. Using the tools and terms of thecomparative study of religions, the course will familiarise students with the beliefs, practices andinstitutions of Islam in their variety, historical development and particular contexts. Themesexplored will include the life of the Prophet Muhammad, the study and transmission of thefoundational texts of Islam (Qur’an and Hadith), the development of Islamic law and jurisprudence,the formation of schools of theology and philosophy, the history of Islamic mysticism (Sufism) andof various social movements.

DP requirements: Submission of all prescribed assignments by due dates. Regular attendance ofweekly seminars.

Assessment: Weekly response papers 50% and one 4,000 word essay 50%.


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Professor A Tayob

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

The course is an exploration of the seminal figures that have shaped the study of religion. Texts willbe read for the terms, concepts and models that have helped scholars to understand and produce newknowledge on religion(s). Texts chosen will be the familiar standard references used in the study ofreligions (Weber, Durkheim, WC Smith, Eliade) but also texts that have challenged thesefoundations (Adorno, Chidester, Asad). The course aims to provide a theoretically rigorousfoundation for the study of religion(s).

DP requirements: Submission of all prescribed assignments by due dates. Regular attendance ofweekly seminars.

Assessment: Regular attendance and participation in class. Class presentations (10%). 5 weeklyresponse papers (40%).Final essay (50%).


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 8

Convener: Associate Professor A Ukah

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

This course is an exploration of African religions and culture. It will provide in-depth discussions of principal and fundamental issues and themes concerning African culture andAfrican Traditional Religions, beginning with issues revolving around the academic study ofAfrican religions. Some concepts and world-views that are ordinarily considered to be uniquelyAfrican will be analysed. We will also examine a select set of issues and historical developments inthe cultural thinking of Africans about Africa. Selected case-studies of Islamic and Christianreligious culture in Africa will also be explored during the course.

DP requirements: Participation in all classes and a reading assessment to be submitted at the end ofeach class based on readings for that section.

Assessment: Reading assessments (30%) and one 6,000 word final essay (70%).


96 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Dr L Blond

Course entry requirements: Acceptance for master’s programme.

Course outline:

A dissertation completed under supervision which shows thorough practical and/or academicknowledge of the approved subject and methods of research, and evidence of independent criticalpower in the handling and interpretation of material already known or newly discovered, mayembody such original work of others as may be pertinent, may include the candidate's ownpublished material on the same subject, if the prior permission of the Senate has been obtained. Thedissertation must be the candidate’s own work and any contributions to and quotations in thedissertation must be cited and referenced.

DP requirements: Regular consultation with supervisor.

Assessment: A dissertation of no more than 25,000 words in length.

REL5018S RELIGION & GENDER(Not offered in 2017)

24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Associate Professor S Shaikh

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into a master’s programme.

Course outline:

This course addresses intersections between gender studies and cross-cultural study of religion.Various feminist theoretical perspectives will be used to analyse the significance of social, ethicaland symbolic discourses relating to sexuality and gender in selected religious traditions. The courseis particularly attentive to theorisations of gender and conceptions of personhood in a variety ofcontemporary religious practices, texts, hermeneutics, and broader religious imaginaries.

DP requirements: Regular participation to weekly seminars; submission of all prescribedassignments by due dates.

Assessment: Weekly response papers 50%; final essay 50%.


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Professor D Chidester

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours programme.

Course outline:

This course explores the multidimensional phenomenon of religion by using the resources of theoryand method developed in the academic study of religion. As an open, plural, intercultural andinterdisciplinary field of study, the academic study of religion has developed a range of basiccategories, such a myth, for the analysis, interpretation and explanation of religion in all its forms.These categories, however, have emerged out of a history that includes both the EuropeanEnlightenment and European colonialism. In the context of that history, this course explores thepotential and the limits of basic categories in the study of religion for gaining knowledge aboutreligion and the religions.

DP requirements: Submission of all prescribed assignments by due dates. Regular attendance ofweekly seminars.

Assessment: Careful preparation of reading assignments for seminar discussion; Five weekly papers(2-5pp) each developing a single point of analysis, interpretation, explanation or argumentationsupported by evidence in response to the readings 40%; one research project (approx. 5 000 words)on a topic to be arranged with the instructor 60%.


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Associate Professor S Shaikh

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into a Master’s programme.

Course outline:

This course explores mystical interpretations and practices of Islam also known as Sufism, as acentral historical and contemporary expression of Muslim spirituality and religious life. The coursewill involve readings of historical texts on Sufism (in translation) as well as explorations of Sufiaesthetics. Topics covered in these texts include understandings of the Sufi path, cosmology, thenature of human beings and God, interpersonal relationships and ethics, rituals and meditativetechniques, music and poetry, and social implications of the Sufi path.

DP requirements: Regular participation in weekly seminars; submission of all prescribedassignments by due dates.

Assessment: Attendance of and preparation for seminars; seminar papers (50%) and one essay(50%).


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Associate Professor A Ukah and Dr A Brigaglia

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

With the coming of Islam and Christianity in Africa, new religious movements blossomed in thecontinent. This course examines some major theories in the history and the sociology of religiousmovements, and provides a critical investigation of selected case-studies of major religiousmovements within the three major religious traditions of Africa, namely, African Indigenousreligions, African Christianities and African Islams.

DP requirements: Regular attendance at all seminars and timeous completion of all assignmentsand essays.

Assessment: Reading/essay assessments (30%) and one 6,000 word final essay (70%).


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Dr A Brigaglia

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

This course is designed to give students exposure to religious texts and their commentarial literaturein the religious traditions studied in the department. It will introduce hermeneutical and analyticaltools for reading these texts in translation or, skills permitting, in their original languages. Withthese tools, students will undertake a close reading of selected texts in light of their social andreligious contexts. They will also develop the skills to address relevant issues about canon,authenticity, orality and writing, intertextuality and interpretation. This course will prepare mastersstudents for the critical contextual reading essential to undertake new research in these traditions.

DP requirements: Regular attendance at all seminars and timeous completion of all assignmentsand essays.

Assessment: Weekly seminar papers (50 %) One essay of 6-8,000 words (50 %).


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Dr L Blond

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

This course will explore a selection of philosophers who have placed religion at the centre of theirwork either in order to critique its worth or to transform religious concepts into different, oftensecular, forms. The philosophers selected will be major figures in Western thought who havechallenged traditional forms of Jewish and Christian religious authority (for example, Spinoza andNietzsche) or philosophers who have contributed to debates on the value of religious concepts andreligious ethics (for example, Jacobi, Hegel, MacIntyre and Levinas) to demonstrate their continuedrelevance. The course will explore how value and meaning are contested on religious concepts and itwill attempt to show that current debates extend and build on the significant contributions of earlierthinkers in the Western canon.

DP requirements: Regular attendance at all seminars and timeous completion of all assignmentsand essays.

Assessment: Attendance of and preparation for seminar, seminar papers (50%) and one essay of5,000 words (50%).


24 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Convener: Dr L Blond

Course entry requirements: Acceptance into an honours or master’s programme.

Course outline:

This course raises issues that affect much of 20th century and Contemporary Jewish Thought as theyaffect religious and secular life. The Jewish experience of the twentieth century is marked byemancipation, holocaust and the re-establishment of the State of Israel. We will explore a selectionof thinkers who have attempted to come to terms with the consequences of these events as theyaffect secular and religious life. The thinkers selected will be major figures in Jewish thought whohave wrestled with the political, philosophical and religious questions raised in Jewish experience,such as Hannah Arendt, Emil Fackenheim, Richard Rubenstein, Theodor Adorno, EmmanuelLevinas, Jacque Derrida, Yeshayahu Leibowitz. We will also address themes such as post-holocaustthought, religious freedom and the law, and the relationship of Jews to the European tradition andthe concept of otherness.

DP requirements: Regular attendance at all seminars and timeous completion of all assignmentsand essays.

Assessment: Two 3,000-4,000 word essays each worth 50% of final mark. The second essay is atake home final examination