June 5, 2012
The regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen was Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the MunicipalBuilding.
The following members of the Governing Body were present:
Mayor: Richard Propst
Alderman: Terry Yount
Alderman: Benny Orders
Alderman: Danny Ritchie
Alderman: Carroll Franklin
Others present:
Manager: Matt Settlemyer
Town Clerk: Sherry Dula
Attorney: Jonathan Jones
Alderman Orders opened the meeting with prayer.
Approval of Minutes - The Council approved the previous minutes for the month of May by a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Orders and the vote was unanimous.
2012-2013 FY Annual Budget Public Hearing - Public Hearing was opened at 7:05 p.m. Manager Settlemyer reviewed the highlights from last months presentation and stated there weren’t any changes since last month. He also stated that with the revenues from the water/sewer rate increase, the town should look into some capital improvements to water lines and maybe start with the 2 inch lines in the Garrison Drive and Pearl Street area.
The following are some highlights from the budget presentation from last month:
- Tax Rate remains @ $.32 per $100
- Total Budget increases by 1% for this fiscal year
- Electric Rates will reflect a 5% increase to reflect a wholesale rate increase from the Power Agency
- Water Rates will increase in September, 2012 by $2.00 on the minimum for inside customers and $2.00 on the minimum for outside customers
- Sewer Rates will increase inSeptember, 2012 by $4.00 on the minimum for inside customers and $4.00 on the minimum for outside customers
- Investment Earnings remain low
- Monies have been budgeted for the purchase of Viper Radios for the Police Department, replacement of leaf vacuum for Public Works, replacement of patrol car for Police Department, continue to develop the Drexel Recreation Program, continue street resurfacing based on pavement condition survey and funds to utilize new wastewater lift station on Seitz Road.
The Council voted unanimously to adopt the 2012-2013 Budget by a motion from Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Yount. A copy of the budget ordinance is attached as part of the minutes. The Public Hearing closed at 7:20 p.m.
June 5, 2012
2011-2012 Budget Amendment - Manager Settlemyer stated a budget amendment was needed to accommodate certain items that changes the budget figures. The town received the monies for the Part F grant in the 2010-2011 Budget but wasn’t used until the 2011-2012 Budget Year. Also the Fire Insurance Grant was $5,000 more than we expected, Powell Bill monies and recreation improvements. A motion was made by Alderman Ritchie, seconded by Alderman Orders and the vote was unanimous. A copy of the Budget Amendment is attached as part of the minutes.
Departmental Reports – The Council reviewed the Financial and Police reports for the month of April, 2012. A copy of each report is attached as part of the minutes.
Attorney Report - Attorney Jones updated the council on the progress with the ongoing dispute with the County. He stated that he would like to gather all the information in reference to payments made to the County from the Town before we take any action toward filing a lawsuit. Attorney Jones said that we should send them another letter asking for a meeting and he suggests that we go ahead and attached a copy of the lawsuit to the letter. The town would not file the lawsuit until we meet and see if they will consider resolving the issue without the lawsuit. Therefore, the Council gave the Manager authority to direct the attorney to send the letter with the lawsuit attached to the county asking for a meeting to try to resolve the issue out of court.
Town Manager Application Process - Manager Settlemyer said that a representative from the N.C. League of Municipalities would like come meet with them and give them direction on how to review applications and what type of questions to ask applicants.
Miscellaneous –
- Mimosa Ave/South Main Street Intersection project is still in process but NCDOT has discovered a drain pipe issue that will need to be handled to move forward with the project.
- Fire Inspection went well and the Town keeps their fire rating of 5.
Resolution of AppreciationHonoringTown Manager – Town Manager Matt Settlemyer will be leaving the Town on June 29, 2012 to take a job with BlackMountain. The Mayor presented him with a resolution of appreciation honoring his service with the Town. The Board expressed their appreciation for his valuable leadership and dedication to the Town for the last 9 years. Manager Settlemyer expressed his sincere thanks to the Board and said that he had never worked on any job where he had a more enjoyable experience than with the Town. He states this has been a great place to work and he was lucky to have this opportunity. He said the Town of Drexel is a great community and a fine place to raise a family. He said that he was proud and that the Board should be proud of what they have done and accomplished for the citizens.
June 5, 2012
Adjournment - With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. upon a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Ritchie.
MAYOR ______