10) Characteristics of a social worker

Social work is a special profession that helps needed people, for example children, their families, homeless, addicts, old people, handicapped, ills, etc. If you want to be a good social worker you should study this subject at the college or university. There is Association of Social Workers in the CR. Social workers have a big responsibility to their clients and society, they should keep The Ethic Code of Social Workers. Thic code is divided into several sections:

Ø  Social Workers´ Rensposibilities to Clients,

Ø  Social Workers´ Rensposibilities to Colleagues,

Ø  Social Workers´ Rensposibilities in Practice Settings,

Ø  Social Workers´ Rensposibilities as Professionals,

Ø  Social Workers´ Rensposibilities to a Social Work Profession,

Ø  Social Workers´ Rensposibilities to the Broader Society.

The Responsibilities to Client are the most important, I think. The client must believe to his/her Social Worker for good work. The social worker must keep the client´s self-determination, he must respect and promote the rigts of client to self-determination and assists clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals. On the other hand, social workers may limit clients´ right to self-determination if they are convinced that clients´ actions or intended actions pose serious risk to themselves or others.

Commitment to Clients – Social workers´ primary responsibility is to promote well-being of clients. In general, clients´ inerests are primary. However social workers´ responsibility to the larger society or specific legal obligations may on limited occasions supersede the loyalty to clients, and clients should be so advised.

Informed Consent – Social workers should provide services to clients only in the context of a professional relationship based on valid informed consent. Social workers should use clear and understandable language to inform clients of the purpose of the services, risks related to the services, limits to services, relevant costs, reasonable alternatives, clients´ right to refuse or withdraw consent, and the time frame covered by the consent. Social workers should provide clients with an opportunity to ask questions. In instances when clients are not literate or have difficulty understanding the primary language used in the practice setting, social workers should take steps to ensure clients´ comprehension. This may include providing clients with a detailed verbal explanation or arranging for a qualified interpreter or translator whenever possible.


The Association of Social Workers – Asociace sociálních pracovníků

The Ethic Code of Social Workers – Etický kodex sociálních pracovníků

Responsibility – odpovědnost

Self-determination – svobodné rozhodování, sebeurčení

Promote – prosazovat

Efforts – úsilí

Identify – identifikovat, poznat, určit, shodovat se

Clarify – objasnit, vyjasnit, očistit se

Goal – cíl

Intended – zamýšlený, úmyslný, určený

Pose – pózovat, vznést, nadhodit, předložit

Commitment – závazek, odevzdání, uvěznění

Obligations – povinnost, břemeno, laskavost

Occasion – příležitost, důvod, vhodná doba

Supersede – odstranit, nahradit, vytlačit, převzít úlohu

Informed consent – informační souhlas

Valid – platný, právoplatný, oprávněný

Purpose – účel, úmysl, záměr, zamýšlet

Related – související spojený

Withdraw – stáhnout, odvolat, ustoupit, couvnout

Consent – souhlas

Frame – stavět, vytvářet, utvářet, spojit

To be literate – vzdělaný, gramotný

Setting – nastavení,

Ensure – zabezpečit, zajistit, zaručit

Comprehension – pochopení, porozumění

Arranging – pořádájící, sjednávající