The curriculum in the middle-childhood through early-adolescence education program is designed to develop resourceful, creative, and competent teachers to work with children in primary through middle level educational settings. In this innovative program, which integrates theory and practice with integrated learning design and project based learning, graduates will meet the requirements for teaching grades 1 – 8, with licensure in middlechildhood – earlyadolescence education (MC-EA) for thestate of Wisconsin. All graduates of the MC-EA program will graduate with a minor in an approved area of study. Graduates of this program are employed as elementary or middle-level educators in grades 1-8.
A. English / Language Arts
______ENGLISH 1130 College Writing I -3 credits
______ENGLISH 1230 College Writing II -3 credits
______ENGLISH American literature, ______-3 credits Recommended: ENGL 2540 or 4430
______ENGLISH British Literature,______-3 credits (see below)
Recommended: ENGLISH 2330, 3440, 3540, or 4330
______ENGLISH 3030 Teaching of Composition -3 credits
______ENGLISH 3930 Literature for Young Adults -3 credits or ENGL 3940 Grammar in Context
______ENGLISH 4730: Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools- 3 credits (spring only)
______Additional Elective -3 credits
*Students must select an elective from lists of American Literature, British Literature, and approved electives categories.
American Literature Courses
ENGLISH 2430: American Literature Through the Civil War
ENGLISH 2530: American Literature Since the Civil War
ENGLISH 2950: Intro to Multi-Ethnic American Literature
ENGLISH 3730: Black Literature in America
ENGLISH 3740: Asian American Literature
ENGLISH 3750: American Literature of Ethnicity and Immigration
ENGLISH 3760: Wisconsin Indian Literature
ENGLISH 4430: Major American Writers
British Literature Courses
ENGLISH 2130: British Literature I: Beginnings through the Age of Swift
ENGLISH 2330: British Literature II: Romanticism through the Present
ENGLISH 3230: The English Novel and Short Story
ENGLISH 3270: Old and Middle English Literature
ENGLISH 3370: Renaissance Literature
ENGLISH 3540: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century British Literature
ENGLISH 4330: Shakespeare
Approved Electives
ENGLISH 2120: Intro to Creative Writing
ENGLISH 2210: Intro to Linguistics
ENGLISH 2640: World Literature II
B. Social Sciences
History Required Courses
______HISTORY 1010 World Civilization I- 3credits
______HISTORY 1020 World Civilization II- 3 credits
______HISTORY 1330 U.S. History to 1877- 3 credits
______HISTORY 1430 U.S. History since 1877- 3 credits
Geography Required Courses:
______GEOGRPHY 1330 World Regional Geography- 3 credits
Note: GEOGRPHY 3330 Environmental Conservation is a DPI and Core Curriculum Education requirement for education majors, but it does not count toward the social sciences minor.
Economics Required Course:
______ECONOMIC 2130 Principles of Macroeconomics- 3 credits
Political Science Required Course:
______POLISCI 1130 Introduction to Politics-3 credits
Note: Polisci 1230 Introduction to American Government is a DPI and Core Curriculum Education requirement for education majors, but it does not count toward the social sciences minor.
Sociology Required Courses:
______SOCIOLGY 1030 Principles of Sociology-3 credits
______SOCIOLGY 1130 Introduction to Anthropology-3 credits
______SOCIOLGY 2130 Cultural Anthropology- 3 credits
Psychology Required Course:
______PSYCHLGY 1130 General Psychology- 3 credits
C. Mathematics
______MATH 1030 Mathematics for Educators I -3 credits [Pre-R: Math 15 with grade of “C-“ or math proficiency of 15 or above]
______MATH 2030 Mathematics for Educators II -3 credits [Pre-R: Math 1030 with “C-“ or better]
______MATH 3030 Mathematics for Educators III -3 credits[Pre-R: Math 2030 with “C-“ or better]
______MATH 3040 Mathematics Seminar for Middle School Teachers -4 credits (spring only)[Pre-R: Math 3030 with “C-“ or better]
______MATH 1830 Elementary Statistics- 3 credits[Pre-R: Math 15 with a “C-“ or better or math proficiency level of 15 or above]
______MATH 2450 Precalculus-5 credits[Pre-R: Math 15 with “B” or better or math proficiency level 20 or above]
______MATH 1530 College Algebra-3 credits[Pre-R: Math 15 with “C-“ or better or math proficiency of 15 or above]
______MATH 2530 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry-3 credits[Pre-R: Math 1530 with “C-“ or better or math proficiency level of 30 or above]
______MATH 2630 Calculus with Applications- 3 credits[Pre-R: Math 1530 or Math 1630 or MATH 2450 with grade of “C-“ or better or math proficiency of 30 or above]
______MATH 2640 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I-4 credits [Pre-R: Math 2450 or Math 2530 with a grade of “C-“ or better or math proficiency level of 40]
______MATH 1630 Finite Mathematics with Applications-3 credits[Pre-R: Math 15 with a “C-“ or better or math proficiency level of 15 or above]
______Any mathematics course that is numbered 2730 or higher. Courses numbered between Math 3000 and 3100 maynot be counted towards this requirement.
D. Natural Science
A minimum of one course (or lecture and lab combination) from each area:
______PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1340 Introductory Astronomy- 4credits
______PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1310 Introductory Astronomy Lab- 1 credits
______BIOLOGY 1150 General Biology- 5 credits
______CHEMISTRY 1050 General Chemistry-4 credits
______CHEMISTRY 1140 General Chemistry*-4 credits
______GEOGRPHY 1040 Planet Earth-4 credits
______GEOGRPHY 1140 Global Landforms-4credits
______GEOGRPHY 1240 Physical Geography: Weather and Climate*-4 credits
______GEOLOGY 1140 Physical Science- 4 credits
______GEOLOGY 1240 Historical Geology-4 credits
______PHYSICS 1150 Physical Science-5 credits
______PHYSICS 1050 Principles of Physics- 5 credits
______PHYSICS 1350 Introductory to Physics I*- 5 credits
*Must be selected if this science area is chosen to satisfy the two semester concentration specified in part two.
A two-semester concentration is required in one science area.
______BIOLOGY 1650 The Unity of Life- 5 credits
______BIOLOGY 1750 The Diversity of Life- 5 credits
______CHEMISTRY 1140 General Chemistry- 4 credits
______CHEMISTRY 1240 General Chemistry- 4 credits
______GEOGRPHY 1240 Physical Geography- 4 credits
And one course from:
______GEOGRPHY 1040 Planet Earth-4 credits
______GEOGRPHY 1140 Global Landforms-4credits
______GEOLOGY 1140 Physical Geology-4 credits
______GEOLOGY 1240 Historical Geology- 3 credits
______PHYSCIS 1350 Introductory to Physics I- 5 credits
______PHYSICS 1450 Introductory to Physics II- 5 credits