Minorities and Iraq’s Parliamentary elections 2010, and Kurdish irregularities in disputed areas

This 2010 elections is the third elections that the Iraqis will have, during the 2005 and 2009 Iraq’s parliamentary and provincial elections, the minorities such as the Yezidis, Chaldo-Assyrians, Sabeans, Kakais, Turkmen, and Shabaks; these ethnic groups had a high hope that they would have equal rights, freedom and share the government responsibilities in their ancient homeland.

  • During Iraq’s parliamentary elections in 2005, the KRG Officials threatened the Yezidis and paid 25,000 Iraqi dinars which equalled to about $ 20.00 USD at that time for each Yezidi vote they could get; thousands of the innocent Yezidis could not buy foods and drinking water for his/her family members, therefore, they would vote for whoever give them any amount of money. And many people in the KRG region voted more than 10 times by dipping their finger in special oil and then in ink, and also many of the election observers marked more than 100 election tickets.
  • During the last provincial elections of 2009, the KRG did its brutal tactics of buying votes, threatens Yezidis to vote for the KRG list and relocate more than 35,000 Kurdish families to the Nineveh province from Dohuk, Erbil, and Sulimaniya and gave them fake ideas to be able and vote for the KRG list (Ninawa brotherhood list) and nominated 8 Yezidi candidates and threatened them as soon as they are elected, they have to vote for the referendum that Yezidis’ regions become a part of Kurdistan.
  • The 2010 Iraq’s parliamentary elections are on its way to come on March 07, 2010, and the minorities are hesitating again as they did in the last two elections, because of election frauds and ballot boxes did not reach many of the minorities’ regions, there were a lot of irregularities by KRG and its illegal militias. Now in the Yezidis’ regions of Sinjar, more than 90% of the election observers are members of KDP or PUK, from the 90% there are about 85% of those are uneducated persons and 5% of those are school teachers who are members of either Kurdish political parties and are being fired from their teaching positions temporary and have been accepted as an election observers to make their part frauds for the KRG’s interest. The KRG has tried many evil tactics against the Yezidis and other minorities such as to convert those unique ethnic groups into their bloody culture or leave the region. The most worst and funniest things happening in the Yezidis’ regions in Sinjar are these: The KRG and its kuridified militias are telling innocent Yezidis this time a “Yezidi person” is worth only a blanket or a turkey, therefore vote us and get your preferred prize, and if you get your prize did not vote for KRG, you will have to be convert or leave, this time the KRG will spy on Yezidis in this regions.
  • For these elections irregularities by KRG and its officials, who will be worthless? The “political leaders” who pay the prizes or the “hungry person” who is in need of foods, water, basic human rights and freedoms, securities, etc. as a human beings and if you think of humanity, I strongly believe the worthless persons are the “political leaders” who give out prizes to buy votes from innocent person/persons against his or her will/

The Yezidis and Chaldo-Assyrians are the oldest ethnic groups and have lived on this land for thousands of years now, but we now see we are being forced leave our unique and traditional cultures by Kurdish mostly and other extremists and terrorist groups. When the United States, UK and other coalition forces removed the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein from the power in Iraq, at that time the coalition forces loudly said “equal rights, freedoms, and share of government power” are for all and every Iraqis, they did not say that they will support the Kurdish terrorists of Barzani and Talabani’s organizations against the innocent ethnic groups such as the Yezidis, Chaldo-Assyrians, Turkmen, and Shabaks in the disputed areas (Mosul, Kirkuk, and Diyala provinces) in Iraq

We Yezidis have found themselves just like blind, mute, and deaf persons between the Arabs and Kurds, with both sides trying to persuade us into backing their cause across a swathe of disputed areas. This has left many of the Yezidis and other minorities unclear about how to vote.

In the SinjarMountain and regions, which is connected to Syria border, where the Yezidis make more than 85% of the population; we Yezidis have complained many times to International Communities, that we are afraid of both Arabs and Kurds. We are still alive and see that we and our possessions are being divided between the two.

In the Iraqi constitutional laws, there should be one seat to a minority ethnic and religious groups for very 100,000, the Yezidis alone are at least more than 650,000 thousands and got only one quota seat, therefore, it should be clear to the International Communities, the Iraqi government doesn’t follow its own laws, so how it would protect its non-Muslim religious and ethnic minority groups such as the Yezidis, Chaldo-Assyrians, Sabean and Kakais. So therefore the question is that, where are those International Communities who said they take responsibilities for equal human rights and freedoms?
We Yezidis live in a very complicated situation, we see KRG’s politicians are killing us and sucking our blood and the International Communities keep themselves very silence as they don’t see and hear us. And particularly we fear about our future, what will happen when the United States pulls out its military and still support the bloody Kurdish plan against the innocent minorities in the disputed areas of Iraq. The US knows very well that when its pulled, there would be fighting between the Arabs and Kurdish and also the United States and other International Communities know for sure the victims of this fights would be the innocent Yezidis, Chaldo-Assyrians, Shabaks, Turkmen, and Sabeans. Therefore, the US knows minorities’ issues will be complicated and irresolvable by Iraq’s government, Arabs and Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite. So the question is that who will be responsible the situation.

In the Nineveh province, where Mosul is the capital, is the most multi-ethnicities in Iraq such from Yezidis, Christians, Arabs, Shabaks, Turkmen, and Kurdish and the Kurds don’t even make up 10% of the population in this province and in the Yezidis’ region of Sinjar the Kurdish population is less than 4%, and therefore, what is the presence of Kurdish militias (terrorists) are doing in these regions (disputed areas)? The minority ethnic groups are being tortured or killed on the daily basis since the 2003 and these brutal acts are still continuing; we minorities are the victims of power balances between the Kurdish militias and Arab extremists. Although the UN, US, UK know that the problems of the disputed areas of Iraq will never be solved unless they remove the brutal and violence creator of Kurdish militias. So the question is that, what would be the rewards that the US, UK, and France would receive if the minorities are annihilated in the disputed areas in Iraq. The Kurdish say they have been promised by the West to have their own country, that is okay, we are not against them, but as Yezidi and minority, we have lived and survived for thousands of years on this land as God created us. Therefore, we Yezidis don’t want to be a part of this bloody Kurdish plan period. Why is it so hard for junior mullah Barzani and Talabani to understand?

There are only two Yezidis political parties (Yezidis Movement for Reform and Progress and Yezidis Progress party) in Iraq.

Our Advices to all Yezidis to go and vote for one of the Yezidi political party, you make the choice and you make the changes for a better and safer Iraq to live in!