Minnesota State University, Mankato Sport Management Association Constitution

President: Tyler Slick


We believe that a group of Minnesota State University, Mankato students interested in the field of Sport Management should organize for a mutual benefit.

Article I. Purpose & Objectives

Section 1:The purpose of Minnesota State University, Mankato Sport Management association shall be:

  1. To operate the club on a sound financial basis of profit to increase value for our members, and create opportunities within the Sport Management field.
  2. To promote camaraderie and togetherness among members of the club in order to create a fun and exciting atmosphere.
  3. To serve the community through various organized service activities that mutually benefit both members and the community.

Article II. Membership

Section 1:Membership will be open to all students that are interested in Sport Management and any other individuals that want to be apart of a group.

Section 2: This organization accepts responsibility to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of its programs for all qualified persons regardless of race, religion, age, sex.

Article III. Executive Committee

Section 1:The executive committee shall be elected in the spring of each year to serve the following year. If an executive spot cannot be filled additional elections may be held.

Section 2: Any executive member who fails to fulfill terms of office or has not done their job will be removed.

Article IV. Duties of the Executive Board of Directors

Section 1:The president’s duties shall be to provide at all meetings, to prepare meeting plans and communicate and coordinate with faculty advisor Bryan Romsa.

Section 2: The vice president shall preform the duties of the president in the president’s absence. In the event of a vacancy at president, the vice president will take over and shall succeed the president until a vote can be held.

Section 3: The executive members shall be given a detailed description of what they should do for the club and what they are in charge of. Once again if tasks are failed by a member of the executive member the possibility of removal is an option.

Article V. Faculty Advisor

Section 1:The faculty advisor will be Bryan Romsa and he will be in this position until he resigns. In that case, the officers will appoint a new faculty advisor. The faculty advisor and the graduate assistants may attend certain meetings called by the officers for the association and any other meeting needed.

Section 2:The faculty advisor will keep the club information/binder in his/her office to relay to information to the upcoming officers next year.

Section 3: The administration, or officers, shall appoint a faculty advisor who will be the person the administration can look to for information and or contacts. The club may also seek assistance from the graduate assistants who will always help supervise the Sport Management Association.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1:There shall be the following committees made up of the Executive members and Club members: Operations committee, Sponsorship committee and the Marketing and Sales committee.

Section 2:The Executive members and the faculty advisor are expected to be knowledgeable, follow and enforce the policies of the group as well as aid and advice.

Section 3: The president or presidents shall appoint any other special committees deemed necessary.

Article VII. Records

Section 1:The records of Minnesota State University, Mankato Sport Management Association shall consist of financial records and any other such records as the association deems necessary.

Article VIII. By-Laws and Amendments

Section 1:The constitution, together with the By-Laws, shall constitute the operation of the association.

Section: 2The Constitution and By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present, with proper notification having first been given to the entire membership.

By-Laws of the Minnesota State University, Mankato Sport Management Club

Section 1:Sport Management Association will cost $20 per year, and $15 per semester paid to the president.

Section 2: The number, location and times of the meeting shall be determined by the Executive members.