Notice of Election2017

Nomination Form

Election of Professional Staff Fellow of Senate


Notice of Election...... 2

Timetable...... 2

Nomination procedures...... 2

Nomination Form...... 4

Information Statement Form...... 5-6

University of Sydney Act 1999 (as amended)...... 7-8

[Sections 26 F and 26 G; Schedule 2A]

Notice of Election2017

Call for nominations for election of one

Professional Staff Fellows of Senate

Notice of Election

NOTICE is hereby given that an election of one Fellows of Senate by and from the Professional Staff of the University of Sydney will be held on 5 May2017. The election will be conducted by means of an electronic ballot from 21 April - 5 May 2017 (4.00pm).

Nominations for election are invited from qualified persons. It is the responsibility of candidates and nominators to ensure that the nomination procedures are followed.


Nominations close / 3 April 2017 (12 noon)
Ballot material issued: / 21 April 2017
Closing date of the ballot: / 5 May 2017 (4.00pm)
Counting of ballots: / 5 May 2017

1.Nomination procedures

1.1Each nomination of a nominee must be forwarded on the nomination form to reach Mark Smith, Executive Officer to Senate,via email not later than 12 noonon 3 April 2017.

1.2Each nomination form must be signed by at least two qualified voters and must be signed by the person nominated signifying his or her consent to the nomination.

1.3The nominee must also sign the nomination form as an acknowledgement that he or she has read sections 26F and 26G of, and Schedule 2A to, the University of Sydney Act 1989 regarding the duties of Fellows of Senate, and understands the effect of those provisions.

1.4There must be a separate nomination form for each nominee and no qualified voter may nominate themselves or more than one nominee for election.

1.5If a qualified voter nominates more than one person in any election, the Secretary to Senate will treat the first signed nomination form received as the valid nomination.

1.6Nomination forms are available from:

  • the Senate election website at:
  • Mark Smith, or telephone +61 2 9351 4260

2.Persons qualified to stand for election, to nominate a candidate for election and to vote in this election:

2.1A person is eligible to stand for election, to nominate a nominee for election and to vote in the election if that person’s name appears on the Roll of Professional Staff members (see point 3 below) at the time for close of nominations specified in this notice of ballot, i.e. on 3 April 2017 at 12 noon.

3.Roll of Professional Staff of the University:

3.1The Roll of Professional Staff contains the names and addresses of the full-time and part-time members of the professional staff of the University at the time for close of nominations specified in this notice of ballot, i.e. on 3 April 2017 at 12 noon.

3.2A person who is engaged as a casual member of the professional staff isnot entitled to have his or her name entered on the Roll.

4.Information about nominees:

4.1For the Voting website:

Each nominee mustprovide at the time of nomination:

(a)a completed nomination form

(b)a 200 word Information Statement (attached to the nomination form)

(c)photo* for the voting website.

4.2For the separate Senate election website:

(a)In addition, the 200 word statementwill be on the separate Senate election website.

*photo must be a JPEG file and no larger than 1 megabyte

The Returning Officer may edit the information that will appear on the Voting and Senate websites.

5.Method of election:

5.1This election is conducted in accordance with the University of Sydney Act 1989 (as amended)and theUniversity of Sydney By-law 1999 (as amended) at

5.2In the event that only onenomination is received for this election, the nominee will be declared elected.

5.3In the event of there being more than onenominee nominated for this election, an election will be held by electronic ballot.

Mr David Pacey

Secretary to Senate

March 2017

Nomination Form2017

Election of oneProfessional Staff Fellow of Senate

Nomination form and information statement due no later than 12 noon on 3 April 2017toMark Smith, Executive Officer to Senate, via email

1.Nominee’s details, consent and acknowledgement

(All field to be completed in upper case/block letters)

Full Name and staff id
Position Held
University Address
Email address
Acknowledgement / I hereby consent to my nomination as a candidate for election as an Academic Staff Fellow of Senate.
I acknowledge that I have read sections 26F and 26G of, and Schedule 2A to, the Act and understand the effect of those provisions, in that Section 26F of the University of Sydney Act 1999 (as amended) provides that each Fellow has the duties set out in Schedule 2A of the Act and may be removed from office by the Senate in accordance with section 26G of the Act for a breach of such a duty. These provisions are attached on pages 7 and 8.
Signature of Nominee

2.Two eligible nominators(All field to be completed in upper case/block letters)

Full Name and staff id
Position Held
University Address
Signature of Nominator
Full Name and staff id
Position Held
University Address
Signature of Nominator

Information Statement Form2017

Election of oneProfessional StaffFellow of Senate

Nomination form and information statementdue no later than 12 noon on 3 April 2017to Mark Smith, Executive Officer to Senate, via email


The information about each candidate on the Voting website is:

  • the information provided on this form; or
  • provided in a separate statement; and
  • is restricted to not more than 200 words

1.Information on Nominee

(All field to be completed in upper case/block letters)

Full Name
Current Occupation or Position
Academic Qualifications
Signature of Nominee


As per Clause 38 of the University of Sydney By-law:

Each candidate for election may appoint one person to be present as that candidate’s scrutineer at any counting of votes for that election. Any appointment under this clause must be in writing, signed by the candidate, and given to the returning officer before counting of votes commences.

Statement 200 words


This statement will be reproduced as plain text for the voting website; please do not use any formatting such as bold, italics, underline or bullet points. The Returning Officer reserves the right to edit any Statement accordingly.




























From the University of Sydney Act 1999 (as amended)

Sections 26F and 26G

26F Duties of Fellows

The Fellows have the duties set out in Schedule 2A.

26G Removal from office for breach of duty

1The Senate may remove a Fellow from office for breach of a duty set out in Schedule 2A.

2The removal from office may be effected only at a meeting of the Senate of which notice (including notice of the motion that the Fellow concerned be removed from office for breach of duty) was duly given.

3 The removal from office may be effected only if the motion for removal is supported by at least a two-thirds majority of the total number of Fellows for the time being.

4The motion for removal must not be put to the vote of the meeting unless the Fellow concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity to reply to the motion at the meeting, either orally or in writing.

5 If the Fellow to whom the motion for removal refers does not attend the meeting, a reasonable opportunity to reply to the motion is taken to have been given if notice of the meeting has been duly given.

6 A Fellow may not be removed from office by the Senate for breach of duty except pursuant to this section.

SCHEDULE 2A Duties of Fellows (Section 26F)

1Duty to act in best interests of University

A Fellow must carry out his or her functions:

(a)in good faith in the best interests of the University as a whole, and

(b) for a proper purpose.

2 Duty to exercise care and diligence

A Fellow must act honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in carrying out his or her functions.

3 Duty not to improperly use position

A Fellow must not make improper use of his or her position:

(a) to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for the Fellow or another person, or

(b) to cause detriment to the University.

4 Duty not to improperly use information

A Fellow must not make improper use of information acquired because of his or her position:

(a) to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for the Fellow or another person, or

(b) to cause detriment to the University.

5 Disclosure of material interests by Fellows


(i) a Fellow has a material interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a meeting of the Senate, and

(ii)the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the Fellow's duties in relation to the consideration of the matter,

the Fellow must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the Fellow's knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the Senate.

(b)A disclosure by a Fellow at a meeting of the Senate that the Fellow:

(i)is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or other body, or

(ii)is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, or

(iii)has some other specified interest relating to a specified company or other body or to a specified person,

is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter relating to that company or other body or to that person which may arise after the date of the disclosure and which is required to be disclosed under subclause (1).

(c)Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause must be recorded by the Senate in a book kept for the purpose and that book must be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by any person on payment of a reasonable fee determined by the Senate.

(d)After a Fellow has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the Fellow must not, unless the Senate otherwise determines:

(i)be present during any deliberation of the Senate with respect to the matter, or

(ii)take part in any decision of the Senate with respect to the matter.

(e)For the purpose of the making of a determination by the Senate under subclause (4), a Fellow who has a material interest in a matter to which the disclosure relates must not:

(i)be present during any deliberation of the Senate for the purpose of making the determination, or

(ii)take part in the making by the Senate of the determination.

(f)A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of the Senate.

(g)This clause does not prevent a person from taking part in the consideration or discussion of, or from voting on any question relating to, the person's removal from office by the Senate pursuant to section 26G.

(h)This clause applies to a member of a committee of the Senate and the committee in the same way as it applies to a member of the Senate and the Senate.

(i)For the purposes of this clause, a Fellow has a material interest in a matter if a determination of the Senate in the matter may result in a detriment being suffered by or a benefit accruing to the Fellow or an associate of the Fellow.

(j)In this clause:

associate of a Fellow means any of the following:

(i)the spouse, de facto partner, parent, child, brother or sister, business partner or friend of the Fellow,

(ii)the spouse, de facto partner, parent, child, brother or sister, business partner or friend of a person referred to in paragraph (a) if that relationship is known to the Fellow,

(iii)any other person who is known to the Fellow for reasons other than that person's connection with the University or that person's public reputation.

Election of one Fellow of Senate by & from the Professional Staff1