Office of the Secretary-General
General Secretariat
Ref.: 2014-07-D-14-en-2
Orig.: EN
Scuola per l’Europa di Brindisi: Dossier of conformityBoard of Governors
Meeting in Brussels on 2-4 December 2014
Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
Department for the Planning and Management of Human, Financial and Instrumental Resources
Directorate of International Affairs
Secretariat of the Director General
Protocol n° AOODGAI/7Rome, July 28, 2014
For the attention of the Plenipotentiary Minister Maria Romana Destro Bisol
(DGSP) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and, copied to,For the attention of Jessica Laganà
(DGPA) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
For the attention of Luciano Chiappetta
Head of the Department of Education
Head office
For the attention of Sabrina Bono
Head of the Department of Planning
Head office
For the attention of Gianluigi Benedetti
Diplomatic Adviser
Head office
SUBJECT: Transmission of the "Conformity file"- Second phase of accreditation of the European School of Brindisi
In reference to the current accreditation procedure of the European School of Brindisi and to the official approval of the first document (the general interest file), concluded during the meeting of the Supreme Council of the European Schools last April in Sofia, I am sending to you the conformity file in English, namely the form required for the second phase of the European accreditation process of our institution, for the purposes of the official submission of said document, by the competent services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Supreme Council of the European Schools of Brussels, scheduled for the beginning of next autumn. Lastly, I would like to specify that our school will have an English-speaking department and an Italian-speaking department, and will aim to offer a full course of studies from nursery school to the second stage of secondary school, as well as the awarding of European Baccalaureate diplomas.
For and on behalf of the Director General
The official
Annamaria Leuzzi
Scuola per l’Europa
di Brindisi
Dossier of Conformity
II. Criteria and Rules for European schooling...... 18
III. ANNEX:...... 22
A.General information
1.School data
Names of the schools:1) Istituto Comprensivo “Centro”
2)Liceo Scientifico Statale “Fermi-Monticelli”
1) Via Ferrante Fornari, 25 - 72100 Brindisi (Italy) …………………………...
2) High School:Via Nicola Brandi, 24 - 72100 Brindisi – Casale (Italy)
1) 0039 831 521067 – 0039 831 520270
2) High School: 0039 831 587522 – 0039 831452615
1) 0039 831 564899
2) High School: 0039 831 512833 – 0039 831 452615
2) High School:
Web sites:
2) High School:
State / private / recognised or other status :Under the supervision of Italian National Ministry of Education
Funding of the school
oState / Yes X / No
oPrivate / Yes / No
oMixed / Yes / No
3.Structure of school
oTeaching levels–nursery / Yes X
·number of years: up to three years
·age range of pupils: 3 to 5
–primary / Yes X / No
·number of years: five years
·age range of pupils: 6 to 10
–secondary / Yes X / No
·number of years:
Middle years school: three years
Secondary School: five years
·age range of pupils:
Middle years school: 11 to 14
Secondary School: 14 to 19
Where applicable, links with other schools for teaching levels not catered for by the school itself:
oNational state school / Yes / No X
Teaching levels concerned: /
oNational private school / Yes / No X
Teaching levels concerned: /
oOther: / / Yes / No X
Teaching levels concerned: /
4.Number of pupils in the school / institution
Total number of pupils:o “Istituto Comprensivo Centro” School (nursery school, primary school and middle years school): 1144 pupils;
o “Liceo Scientifico Fermi-Monticelli” School (secondary school): 1190 pupils
Number of pupils per teaching level:
onursery: 299
oprimary: 618
“Istituto Comprensivo Centro” School (nursery school, primary school and middle years school): 227 pupils for the classes until the third year of the secondary “European School” (classes from 1 to 3)
“Liceo Scientifico Fermi-Monticelli” School (secondary school): 1190 pupils for the classes from 1 to 5
oHead(s): two headteachers - one for the classes from nursery school up to the third year of secondary school, another for the secondary classes from 1 to 5oDeputy Head(s): two teachers, one for each school
oAdministrator: two admin managers, one for each school interested
oHead(s) of teaching levels: two coordinator teachers, one for each school
oHead(s) of department (by subject): one coordinator teacher per subject department per each school
oEducational adviser(s): mentors, tutors and careers counsellors
oOthers: pedagogic coordinator
6.Administrative bodies
oName: “Consiglio di Istituto”, one for each school–Composition: Teachers’ representatives, admin staff representatives, parents’ representatives, headteacher of the school; in the secondary school, pupils’ representatives from 1 to 5 grades.
oName: C.T.S. (Comitato Tecnico Scientifico) for the “Istituto Comprensivo Centro” school
–Composition: School Inspector, headteacher of the school, three Professors/Chief of Department of University
oName:C.S. (Scientific Committee) for the “Liceo Scientifico Fermi-Monticelli” school
- Composition: School Inspector, Headteacher of the school, U.N.L.B. Brindisi, Confindustria Brindisi, Brindisi Province and Brindisi City Council.
Whole school devoted to European schooling? / Yes / No Xsection or part of school devoted to European schooling? / Yes X / No
Prior existence in the school of international and/or bilingual education other than European schooling / Yes X / No
The “Istituto Comprensivo “Centro” School was allowed by the Italian Ministry of Education to hold European School classes. During the current school year we have classes as follows: one Nursery/Infant school class and three Primary school classes(one Anglophone class and two Italian classes); according to the project, pupils are taught in English, French and Italian; international education in all the other classes is taught in Italian, according to Italian Curricula. In the “Liceo Scientifico Fermi-Monticelli” School some modules of many subjects are taught and studied in English, as a current experimentation of C.L.I.L. (Content Language Integrated Learning) methodology. The school provides extracurricular courses of German, Spanish and French and courses of English to get certificates at level B1, B2, C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- School development plan in relation to criteria for European Schooling
oshort-term: Introducing and developing European Schooling in conformity with the European school system, fixing the experimental years in the nursery and primary classes and in grade 4 in the Secondary School Liceo Scientifico “Fermi-Monticelli”. If required by foreign students more advanced in their studies, further experimental classes can be catered for.
to develop mathematical and scientific skills;to promote the knowledge required in social activities and the skills required to act as a well-informed citizen in a democratic society;to develop pupils’ physical skills and promote adoption of a healthy lifestyle;to develop pupils’ media skills and content-related and technical skills in information and communication technology (ICT);
olong-term: Introducing and developing European Schooling in conformity with the European school system for all the nursery, primary and secondary classes with the aim to lead Italian and non-Italian pupils to European Baccalaureate.
to develop and encourage pupils’ own creative artistic expression and increase their knowledge of different arts and European culture; to offer pupils guidance on further studies and career choices; to cultivate pupils’ growth in terms of personality, social capabilities and knowledge and skills, thus creating conditions for well-being and lifelong learning; to develop the competence that will help pupils to understand social, political, economic and ideological developments in their own countries, Europe and the whole world, from a historical point of view as well;
Pedagogical priorities: Education for mixed nationalities
Objectives: to strengthen pupils’ own linguistic and cultural identity; to ensure command of the mother tongue and high standards in foreign languages;
European dimension: European education as provided in the European Schools:
European dimension is enhanced in European classes, through different projects and events organised in the school, cooperation among language sections, in language teaching as well as in history and geography teaching, and through links with schools abroad.(i.e., e-Twinning, Comenius and others)
7.Organisation of European schooling
a)Teaching levels planned:
oNursery / Yes X / NooPrimary / Yes X / No
oSecondary / Yes X / No
b)Number of pupils(prevision -school year 2014/ 2015)
anglophone section / Italian section / IT and EN sectionenrolled / cat. I / other / enrolled / cat. I / other / enrolled / cat. I / other
NURSERY / Class 1-2 / 23 / 3 / 20 / 23 / 3 / 20
Class 2-3 / 19 / 8 / 11 / 19 / 8 / 11
PRIMARY / Class 1E/F/G / 48 / 5 / 43 / 48 / 5 / 48
Class 2E… / 21 / 7 / 14 / 21 / 7 / 14
Class 2F… / 19 / - / - / 19 / -- / --
Class G… / 7* / 3 / 4 / 7* / 3 / 4
TOTAL: / 3 / 1 / 2
SECONDARY / Class 1 / 7
Class 4 / 7* / 0 / 7 / 25 / 0 / 25
Class 5 / 7* / 0 / 7 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL: / 14 / 0 / 14 / 25 / 0 / 25
* The number is approximate because the procedure for enrolment is starting now, after the positiveopinion expressed by the Board of Governors regarding the General Interest File
- Pupils whose mother tongue is different from that of the language section in which they are enrolled:
oPupils’ mother tongues - number of pupils involved:
Languages…. / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / …
Nursery / 4**
Primary / 4**
Secondary / 2**
TOTAL / 10**
oNumber of pupils receiving mother tongue tuition
Languages…. / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / …
Primary / 1**
Secondary / 2**
TOTAL / 3**
- All pupils:
First foreign language of students (L2)
LanguagesFrench / English / German / Italian
Nursery / ** / ** / ** / **
Primary / ** / ** / ** / **
Secondary / ** / ** / ** / **
(**) Availability of data on September; the Dossier will be updated
Do pupils learn the language of the country? / Yes X / NooIs this language learning :
–compulsory / Yes / No X
–optional / Yes X / No
oNumber of pupils studying the language of the country as:
–L1 (mother tongue): /
–L2: /
–L3: (Infant and Primary School) / 8
–L4: /
Syllabuses in primary educationonational / Yes / No
oEuropean Schools / Yes / No
omixed: Syllabus harmonizedwith New Curricular Guidelines / Yes X / No
ospecific / Yes / No
Syllabuses in secondary education up to secondary year 5 (inclusive)
onational / Yes / No X
oEuropean Schools / Yes X / No
omixed / Yes / No X
ospecific / Yes / No X
European schooling in secondary years 6 and 7 / Yes / No
oEarly implementation of year 6 / 2016 - 2017
oIntention of organising the European Baccalaureate in the school / Yes X / No
oEarly implementation of the first European Baccalaureate / July 2018
e)Additional information
- Weekly timetables and School calendar
oNursery/Infant: daily 8.00 – 16.00 from Monday to Friday
oprimary: 30 min up to 60 min
onumber of school days per year: at least 180 days
othree terms in a school year
obreakdown of school holidays: in conformity with European School’s calendar
- Upper Secondary:
- 33-35 periods;
- number of school days per year: at least 180; periods of 45’; division of the school year in terms or semester;
- breakdown of school holidays in conformity with the European School model (Attachment N° 1)
- Assessment of pupils
- European classes from Nursery to Lower: end-of-term report in December and March, end-of-year report at the end of the school year in June (three terms in a school year); type of assessment: formative and “summative”; class councils
- Upper Secondary: frequency of reporting at least 2 x year. Parents and pupils will be able to monitor their children’s progress and grades through the Electronic Logbook, free of charge; types of assessment are formative and “summative”; there is a class-council for each class.
- Provision for pupils with special educational needs
There are special teachers and a specialist staff; there are forecast personal or individual study plans.
- Career guidance for pupils at secondary level
- Extra-curricular activities
Activities catered for: sports and cultural activities
oin the school / Yes X / No
ooutside the school / Yes X / No
oorganised by
–the school / Yes X / No
–parents / Yes X / No
ofree of charge / Yes X / No
ocharge made / Yes X / No
- Communication with parents
oschool reports / Yes X / No
omeetings / Yes X / No
omail / Yes X / No
ointernet / Yes X / No
onewspaper / Yes X / No
Frequency of meetings: one perterm
Type of meetings orinterviews: structured and formal meetings in presence with each teacher and/or with the tutor of the class
- Links with the European Schools system
- The two schools will contact other European Schools (Varese European School).
Planned areas of future links: teacher-teacher contacts, we are planning teachers visiting European Schools and teachers participation in the in-service training organised by the European Schools when appropriate. It was requested the support by the General Secretary to contact an European School of Type 1.
Specific management: / Yes X / NooHead teacher / Yes X / No
oHead(s) of language section(s) / Yes X / No
oOthers: mother-tongue teacher for Anglophone class / Yes X / No
b)Teaching staff
Number of teachers (table in annex)Teachers’ wages
oNational authority of the host school responsible for teachers' wages. / Yes X / No
oSchool itself responsible for mother-tongue teachers' wages / Yes / No
Recruitment of teachers
By Italian authority – M.I.U.R. (Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca)
Evaluation of teachers’performance / Yes / No
–by the Head / Yes / No
–by national inspectors of the subject / Yes X / No
–by European School inspectors / Yes X / No
In-service training of teachers / Yes X / No
–by whom: School, National Organisations, European Organisation, MIUR…..
–frequency: At least once a year
9.Equipment and facilities
a)Teaching materials and equipment
- School books and textbooks, computers,multimedia libraries, library books/works of reference, scientific experimentation equipment/apparatus…Secondary (4-5-6-7 years): each classroom has internet connection, LIM and computers
- b)Nursery, Primary and Lower Secondary School
Purpose-built or specially fitted out premises for European schooling
/ Yes / No X
oArea “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school about 14.000 m2 (whole school); number of classes: 52
oNumber of classes: 57 (school year 2014-2015)
by teaching level: “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school
–nursery: 12
–primary: 33
–secondary first grade: 12
oclassrooms “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school: 66
olibraries “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school / Yes X / No
ogymnasia “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school 2 up to 3 / Yes X / No
oICT rooms “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school 1 up to 6 / Yes X / No
oart rooms “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school 1 up to 2 / Yes X / No
omusic rooms “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school 1 up to 5 / Yes X / No
oothers: “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school Auditorium, Canteen / Yes X / No
Number of specially equipped laboratories for science lessons “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school: 1 up to 4
Number of computers in classrooms: “Istituto Comprensivo CENTRO” school 40 notebooks, 25 netbooks, 12 KIT LIM, 8 LIM (in the school)
c)Upper Secondary School
Purpose-built or specially fitted out premises for European schooling
(where applicable)
Yes X No
□Area Brindisi – Casale
oNumber of classrooms
by teaching level: 4-5-6-7 years
–secondary: The school has 20 classrooms. Next year the number of classrooms will be 50-55
olibraries Yes X No
ogymnasia, outdoor sports facilities Yes X No
oICT rooms Yes X No
oart rooms Yes X No
omusic rooms Yes X No
oothers: school canteen (in preparation) Yes X No
Number of specially equipped laboratories for science lessons: Two for Biology, two for Chemistry, two forPhysycs.
Number of computers in classrooms: one per classroom. Pupils may use their own notebooks or tablets if they want. ICT classroom: 20 computers
10.Funding of European schooling
By the supervisory body / Yes / No–state (public sector) / Yes X / No
–local authorities / Yes X / No
–private (private sector) / Yes / No
School’s own funds / Yes / No
Parents / Yes / No
ofees / Yes X / No
ocharges / Yes / No
ovoluntary contribution / Yes / No
European Commission / Yes / No
European Agency or Institution / Yes / No
International Institution / Yes / No
Financial burden-sharing arrangements
II.Criteria and Rules for European schooling
11.Reason for the introduction of European schooling
Existence of a European Institution/Agency / Yes / No XoIf so, which one: /
Existence of an international institution / Yes X / No
oIf so, which one: U.N.L.B. (United Nation Logistic Base)
Other reason:Brindisi hosts a large number of companies belonging to prominent Italian and International Groups.They are:Eni, along with the controlled Versalis, Enipower and Syndial, (producing ethylene and polyethylene, supplying propylene at the co-settled plant of LyondellBasell. The semi-finished aromatic products and the butadiene supply the other Versalis plants);Enel, along with the controlled Enel production (producing electric energy) and Edipower, Edison Group, (producing electric energy);Jindalfilms, Indian group which has recently taken over the plastics branch of Exxon Mobil (producing film in biaxially-oriented polypropylene for flexible packaging);LyondellBasell *∗ (producing resins and polypropylene);Sanofi (leading company producing antibiotics);AgustaWestland (Finmeccanica making helicopters);Avio Aero (recently taken over by General Electric, leader in the design, development and production of mechanical and power transmissions, low-pressure turbines and engine combustors for the world leading Original Engine Manufacturers (OEM). Avio also provides servicing for PW100 engines (MRO) and repairs for modules and components for civil engines (CRO) designed and produced by the company);Magnaghi-Salver (developing and producing artifacts in the composite material in the aeronautic field);Dema (research and design of new technologies and materials in the aeronautic field); Chemgas, Sapio Group (pipeline distribution linked to the production of nitrogen, oxygen and compressed hydrogen) and Sfir (sugar refinery); Ipem (acquisition, stockpiling and marketing of liquefied petroleum gas and other liquid and gaseous fuels);T.I. Group (US group in the automotive area);Boeing (production quality control, with 100 US engineers at the Grottaglie Alenia plant).
Near Brindisi, in Taranto, there is a NATO Base.
12.Critical criteria and rules
Number of language sections: twoLanguage(s) of language sections:
Section in the vehicular language(s) :FR, EN, DE
(at least one is compulsory) / YesX / No
oIn which language (s): English,
Section in the language of the host country (non-binding) / YesX / No
oIn which language: Italian
Specific tuition in the language(s) of the section(s) for pupils whose mother tongue is different from that of the language section in which they are enrolled (priority)
* minimum number is requested / YesX* / No
Provision of mother tongue tuition for pupils whose mother tongue is different from that of the language section in which they are enrolled (priority) / Yes X / No
oby a teacher from the actual school / Yes X / No
ousing distance learning techniques / YesX / No
oin cooperation with the European Schools / YesX / No
oin cooperation with other schools or with embassies / YesX / No
The methodology will be studied for each pupil and the solution will be the most suitable
Provision of vehicular languages as L2 (compulsory) / YesX / No
Which ones: FR, EN, DE
Subjects taught in L2 up to grade 5 secondary / YesX / No
oHistory and Geography / YesX / No
oOthers: / Yes / No X
These subjects:
–have a timetable at least equivalent to that of History and Geography / Yes / No
–require good communication skills in the language concerned / Yes / No
After grade 5, History and Geography taught in L2 (compulsory) / YesX / No
Teaching of a Language 3 from secondary grade 1 onwards (compulsory) / YesX / No
Teaching of a Language 3 before secondary grade 2 / Yes / No X
–If so, from which year onwards: