Sponsored by:Estacada Rod & Gun Club
Date:June 10 & 11, 2017
Location:Estacada Rod & Gun Club Range
23400 S.E. Eagle Creek Road - Eagle Creek, Oregon (0.4 mile south of Hwy 211)
Rules:Current NRA High Power Rules will govern unless stated otherwise.
Eligibility:Preference will be given to individual members of the National Rifle Association. Junior competitors may be individual members of the NRA or a member of an NRA affiliated Junior Rifle Club.
Teams will consist of four firing members. An alternate and a non-firing captain and coach may also be named, or the captain and coach may be firing members of the team. A team captain MUST be named (rule 12.1).
Team representation: Club - rule 2.11; Service - rule 2.13; State Association - rule 2.12; Law Enforcement Agency - rule 2.14; Junior - Rule 2.18. Pickup teams are welcome, however they are not eligible for awards or national records.
Entries:Entries in individual events will be made using a registration card accompanied by check or money order, payable to Estacada Rod & Gun Club or by calling and/or writing to Carl Haggland (address and phone listed on the last page of this program). Be sure to indicate correct NRA Classification and NRA member number. Proof of NRA classification and State Association membership must be shown on the day of the match. (Those competitors who are not members of their State Association are welcome to compete however; they will not be eligible for State Championship awards.)
Individual entries will be limited to the first 40 competitors. Team entries will be limited to the first 5 teams.
Entries close: Individual entries: Saturday June 10 at 8:30 AM or when range capacity is met. Team entries close Sunday June 11 at the start of the team match or when range capacity is met.
Fees: NRA Registration fee: $5.50 per competitor
OSSA Registration Fee $3.00 per competitor
Match fees: (Individual fees include NRA & OSSA fees)
Saturday (Matches 1-6) $35.00
Sunday (Match 7) $20.00
Saturday and Sunday - Individual Package Fee $40.00
Sunday Team Match $5.00 per firing member
Firing:Will begin each day at 9:00 AM
Squadding:All matches will be squadded. Squadding tickets for individual matches will be issued from the Stat Officer. Squadding information for team matches will be announced on the range. A competitor who fails to present himself at the proper firing point when his relay is called may lose his right to compete in that event.
Classification: The NRA classification system will be used in all matches. Unclassified competitors will
compete in the Master Class, rule 19.2. Assigned classification or rule 19.14 temporary
classification will be used in all matches.
Rifles allowed:NRA Match Rifle - rule 3.3; Service Rifle - rule 3.1 (a) thru (d).
Targets:SR - 1, SR - 21, MR - 31
Scoring:All scoring will be accomplished while targets are still on the target frame. Any shot holes requiring a plug will be plugged at the time of scoring by the chief range officer or his designee. Competitors shall serve as shot count verifiers as assigned.
Sighting Shots:Must be taken and recorded where specified.
Course of Fire:100 yards on reduced targets.
Match 12 ss and 20 shots for record, standing, slow fire, SR-1 target rule #5.12; time limit 22 minutes.
Match 22 ss and 20 shots for record, sitting or kneeling, rapid fire, SR-1 target rule #5.8 or 5.10; 60 seconds per 10 shot string.
Match 32 ss and 20 shots for record, prone, rapid fire, SR-21 target rule #5.6; 70 seconds per 10 shot string.
Match 42 ss and 20 shots for record, prone slow fire, MR-31 target rule #5.6; time limit 22 minutes.
Match 520 shots for record, prone slow fire, MR-31 target rule #5.6; time limit 20 minutes.
Match 6An aggregate of the scores fired in Matches 1-5.
Match 7National Match Course - Sighting shots will be taken at each stage; 10 shots standing slow fire, SR-1 targets; 10 shots sitting or kneeling, rapid fire, SR-1 targets; 10 shots prone, rapid fire, SR-21 targets; 20 shots prone slow fire, MR-31 targets.
Match 8The Oregon State H/P Rifle Reduced Course Championship. An aggregate of scores fired in Matches 6 & 7.
Match 94 person team match: 80 Shot Regional Course - No Sighting shots; 20 shots standing slow fire, SR-1 targets; 2 strings of 10 shots sitting or kneeling, rapid fire, SR-1 targets; 2 strings of 10 shots prone, rapid fire, SR-21 targets; 20 shots prone slow fire, MR-31 targets.
Categories in
Matches: Rifles will not be separated into categories. Competitors will be recognized with awards to be given at the completion of firing each day. Award points will be mailed with the Match Bulletin.
Awards:Matches 1-5Match 6
Match winner5 award pts.Inscription on Cecil Wolfe
Perpetual Trophy
Keeper Plaque
2nd PlaceKeeper Plaque
3rd PlaceKeeper Plaque
Class winner3 award pts.Keeper Plaque
2nd in class2 award pts.5 Award Pts.
3rd in class1 award pt.3 Award Pts.
Match 7Match winner7 award pts.
Class winner3 award pts.
2nd in class2 award pts.
3rd in class1 award pt.
Match 8The Oregon State H/P Rifle Reduced Course Championship
The championship is an aggregate of Matches 6 & 7.
Note:Competitors must be members of the Oregon State Shooting Association or the equivalent within their state of residence to be eligible to receive awards for the “The Oregon State H/P Rifle Reduced Course Championship”. Proof of membership must be shown during registration. (Includes Juniors)
Match winnerInscription on the Estacada Rod & Gun Club Reduced
Course Championship Perpetual Trophy
Keeper Plaque
Class winnersKeeper Plaque
The top 10% of Oregon State Shooting Association members who are “Oregon State non-distinguished” shooters shall receive credit toward receiving their
Oregon State Distinguished High Power Rifle Medal.
Special Awards(Match 6 only):
High Senior, High Junior, High Woman, High Grand Senior
Teams1st Place -- Inscription on Mark O. Hatfield Perpetual Trophy
Keeper Plaques for each firing team member.
Awards Disposition:
1.There must be at least 5 (3 for special awards) entries in a class for one award; 8 for two awards; and 13 for 3 awards.
2.In the event of insufficient entries in any class, the entries will be combined with the next higher class.
3.Fewer than 5 High Masters will fire for open awards only.
4.Match winners and class winners are not eligible for special awards.
For information and registrations contact:
Carl Haggland
Estacada Rod & Gun Club
P.O. Box 18083
Portland, OR 97218
Evening Phone (503) 281-2927