Ministry of Education Ministère de l'Éducation

Education StatisticsDirection de la statistique

& Analysis Branchet de l’analyse de l’education

777 Bay Street 777, rue Bay,

4th Floor, Suite 422Bureau 422, 4e étage,

Toronto, OntarioM5G 2E5Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5


Director, XXX

FROM: Don Young

Director, Education Statistics & Analysis Branch

DATE:May 25, 2010

SUBJECT: Managing Information for Student Achievement (MISA)

LocalCapacityBuildingFunding 2010-11

Further to the ministry’s memo of March 26, 2010 regarding funding in addition to Grants for Student Needs,I am confirming that ______has been conditionally allocated to your board to support MISA Local Capacity Building eligible activities in fiscal year 2010-11 (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011).

Over the past five years school boards across the province have been transforming their processes and practices to increase the capacity of teachers, principals, and board administrators to work with data and evidence in support of improved student outcomes and reduced gaps in achievement. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for the leadership you have shown in this regard. The attached chart outlines the specific growth of your board within the MISA core capacity areas and is provided along with the MISA Core Capacity Continuum to assist in planning 2010-11 MISA activities.

Boards’ MISA plans for 2010-11 should continue to focus on activities aimed at the management and use of data by principals and teachers to improve student outcomes at the school and classroom levels. To facilitate 2010-11 planning, the ministry will be hosting teleconferences during the week of May 31st that MISA Leaders may choose to participate in. Details concerning the teleconferences have been provided to all MISA Leaders.

The attached planning template is to be completed and returned to the ministry for review before June 24, 2010. Please send plans electronically to Lisa Lumley, Sr. Manager, MISA Liaison at .

As you are aware, the ministry has centralized the Transfer Payment function. Your board has already entered into a master transfer payment agreement which covers most funding provided to school boards by the ministry, including MISALocalCapacityBuilding. Aproject agreement specific to MISALocalCapacityBuildingrequires your endorsement and will be sent to your board directly from the ministry’s corporate coordination office. You will note in the project agreement that conditions of funding include having your board’s MISA Leader and other board staff fully participate in MISA Leader events and MISA Professional Network Centre activities.


Please contact Lisa Lumley at (416) 325-9118 should you or your staff have any questions regarding 2010-11MISALocalCapacityBuilding funding.

Thank youfor your ongoing support of the MISA initiative.


Original signed by

Don Young

Director, Education Statistics & Analysis Branch


cc.MISA Leaders

Superintendents of Business