Go to www.contactingthecongress.org to find fax numbers for the folks below, if they represent your state or district. You can also upload a short version of a letter at this website.

Write to folks on this list that represent you where you live now, and others who represent you. That information is found at the website above, by zip code.

You can also load letters to the websites of the individual Senator or House (if you are in the zip code represented) member.

Senate Labor HHS Subcommittee:


Senator Tom Harkin (Chairman) (IA) ERC and Ag center – Adrienne Hallett

Senator Patty Murray (WA) ERC and Ag Center – Stephanie Arnold

Senator Richard Durbin (IL) ERC – Binta Beard

Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD) ERC – Jeffrey Okamoto

Senator Sherrod Brown (OH) ERC – Jessica McNiece


Senator Richard Shelby (Ranking) (AL) ERC - Laura Friedel

Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) ERC and Ag Center – Jenifer Healy

Senator Mark Kirk (IL) ERC – Shauna McCarthy


*member of the Labor HHS subcommittee


C.W. Bill Young, FL ERC – Brad Stine
*Jerry Lewis, CA ERC and Ag Center – Jennifer Wickre
*Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ ERC – Marissa Watkins
Tom Latham, IA ERC and Ag Center – Jacob Parker

Robert Aderholt, AL ERC - Megan Medley
*Kay Granger, TX ERC and Ag Center – Theresa Vawter
John Abney Culberson, TX ERC and Ag Center – Kristin Hendee
Ander Crenshaw, FL ERC – Jennifer Debes
John R. Carter, TX ERC and Ag Center – Zach Stone
Ken Calvert, CA ERC and Ag Center – Chris Marklund
Jo Bonner, AL ERC – Luke Strange
Steve LaTourette, OH ERC – Sarah Cannon
Mario Diaz-Balart, FL ERC – Miguel Mendoza
Steve Austria, OH ERC – Ted Maness (COS)


Norm Dicks, WA ERC and Ag Center – Hart Edmunson

*Nita Lowey, NY ERC and Ag Center – Chris Bigelow

Jose Serrano NY ERC and Ag Center – Philip Schimdt

Maurice Hichey, NY ERC and Ag Center – Amy Kelbick

*Lucille Royball-Allard, CA ERC and Ag Center – Debbie Jessup

Sam Farr, CA ERC and Ag Center – Rochelle Dornatt

*Jesse Jacckson Jr., IL ERC – Charles Dujon

Steve Rothman, NJ ERC – Kalina Bakalov

*Barbara Lee, CA ERC and Ag Center – Christos Tsentas

Adam Schiff, CA ERC and Ag Center – Aaron Baird

Mike Honda, CA ERC and Ag Center – Ahmed Bhadelia

Betty McCollum, MN ERC – Jenn Holcomb