Code : ______Total Score : 75 points / ______

Date : ______Time : 60 minutes


Choose the correct one. (20*2=40)

1.  It was a great holiday. We had ……………………………………………………….. good time.

a)  so b) such a c) so a d) a such

2.  Bold doesn’t like babies ……………………………………………. Chimgee.

a)  nor does b) so doesn’t c) so does d) nor doesn’t

3.  She hardly ever eats ……………………………………………. potatoes.

a)  or bread or b) bread or c) neither bread or d) neither bread nor

4.  When you go abroad, do you ………………………………………………….. take your passport?

a)  have to b) should c) need d) must

5.  ……………………… moon has no ………………………… light. It is bright because …………………………. sun shines on it.

a)  The/-/the b) The/a/the c) -/-/the d) The/the/the

6.  …………………….. doesn’t like to be reminded ………………………….. ………………………….. mother lives in a farmhouse.

a)  He/what/her b) I/-/my c) She/that/her d) We/what/their

7.  They ……………………………………… their English exam at this time tomorrow.

a)  will take b) will be taking c) would take d) is taking

8.  While the gentlemen …………………………………. the recent events, the ladies ………………………………. about the weather.

a)  discuss/talk c) being discussed/being talked

b)  are discussing/was talking d) were discussing/were talking

9.  British people think, if you …………………………………… tea ………………………………………… you.

a)  were depressed/cheers c) shall be depressed/will cheer

b)  are depressed/will cheer d) have been depressed/cheered

10.  If it ………………………………………………. this winter, we ………………………………………………. skiing.

a)  snow/go b) snowed/went c) snows/shall go d) snowed/had gone

11.  If you ………………………………………………. in their talk they …………………………………………………… .

a)  don’t interfere/will quarrel c) doesn’t interfere/will quarrel

b)  didn’t interfere/have quarreled d) interfere/should have quarreled

12.  This house ………………………………………………. better if they ………………………………. it, …………………………….. the grass and ………………………………………………. some flowers.

a)  will look/painted/cut/planted c) looks/painted/cut/planted

b)  would look/painted/cut/planted d) looked/painted/cut/planted

13.  The new film ………………………………………………………. in all the big theatres of the city.

a)  is demonstrated c) is being demonstrated

b)  was being demonstrated d) would be demonstrated

14.  He said to me: “I’ll come as soon as I can.”

He told me that …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

a)  he came as soon as he would be able c) he comes as soon as he can

b)  he would come as soon as I could d) he would come as soon as he could

15.  “Don’t wait for me Ann,” said Tom.

Tom told Ann …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

a)  to wait for him b) not to wait for him c) didn’t wait for him d) don’t wait for him

16.  Stress, ………………………….. is a psychological problem, may lead to physical illness.

a)  Which b) what c) that d) whose

17.  He failed his driving test …………………………………………………… he practiced a lot.

a)  so b) because c) even though d) so that

18.  …………………………… coal reserves are abundant, taking advantage of them requires an active program of development.

a)  So that b) Even though c)Therefore d) Nevertheless

19.  Water is a compound ……………………………………. molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

a)  which b)whom c) whose d) of which

20.  Men ……………………………………………… work is good receive high wages.

a)  who b) that c) whom d) whose


Choose the correct one. (10*2=20)

1.  We saw a ……………………………………. of whales in the distance.

a)  flock b) herd c) school d) pride

2.  He was so deep in ……………………………………….. that he didn’t hear the knock on the door.

a)  tide b) thought c) beach d) air

3.  You shouldn’t touch the …………………………………………. in a museum.

a)  exhibitions b) landmarks c) statues d) exhibits

4.  He was seriously ………………………………………….. in a car accident.

a)  damaged b) hurt c) injured d) devastated

5.  I look forward …………………………………………………. from you soon.

a)  hearing b) to hear c) to hearing d) hear

6.  …………………………………………………. to the National Museum is $10.

a)  Charge b) Admission c) Exchange d) Currency

7.  All the people at the festival were …………………………………………………….. flags.

a)  waving b) banging c) bowing d) flying

8.  Can you give me a(n) ………………………………………………. with this exercise, please?

a)  arm b) hand c) finger d) help

9.  The air pollution from the factories creates ………………………………………. rain.

a)  salt b) hydrogen c) steel d) acid

10.  Anand enjoys ……………..…………………. activities such as climbing and hiking.

a)  outdoor b) indoor c) frontdoor d) backdoor


Read the text and choose the best answer. (5*3=15)

Cloning pets

A company in Phoenix, Arizona says that it can now clone your cat. “Actually,” said Felix Lee, President of Twice Is Nice. Inc., “you don’t even have to wait until your beloved cat dies. We already have clients whose clone lives with its donor.”

The price is steep. A clone for your cat will cost $50,000. First, your veterinarian must do a biopsy of your cat. This is sent to TwIN, Inc., where it is cultured to grow fresh new cells. These new cells are stored in liquid nitrogen until you notify TwIN, Inc., that you are ready for the clone. At this time, you pay half the amount ($25,000). A cultured cell is implanted into a female cat that is in estrus, and if all goes well, a kitten is born about 60 days later. The new kitten is weaned in about eight weeks. TwIN, Inc. delivers the kitten to you after it receives the remaining $25,000.

“We are a growing company,” said Lee. “Our facility can handle about a dozen births a year now, but our goal is to produce about 50 kittens and 50 puppies a year.” The company is currently experimenting with stray dogs. Some canine clones seem to be perfect, but some have been bizarre. Nevertheless, Lee believes that they will be successfully cloning dogs in about a year.

Comprehension questions :

1.  What should be done first if you want to have your cat cloned?

A.  You must have a biopsy of your cat done.

B.  You have to wait until your cat dies.

C.  You must find a partner to live with your cat.

D.  You must give your cat a medical examination.

2.  What is done with the biopsy?

A.  It is put into liquid nitrogen.

B.  It is stored in any kind of liquid.

C.  It can be kept wherever you like.

D.  It is used to produce new cells.

3.  How long can you keep the new cells in liquid nitrogen?

A.  Less than 8 months

B.  60 days

C.  As long as you like

D.  Weeks

4.  How long does it take for a kitten to be born from a cultured cell?

A.  10 months

B.  9 months

C.  60 days

D.  8 weeks

5.  Which of the following is true?

A.  TwIN, Inc. now can produce 50 kittens and 50 puppies a year.

B.  The company is currently experimenting with dogs offered by volunteers.

C.  Not all clones are satisfactory.

D.  Lee is not quite sure about when they will be able to clone dogs.