Single Student Housing Check-Ins, In-House Moves, and Check-Outs Procedures 2010-2011

Prior to Student Arrival

1.  The Admin Staff will Assign all Applicants to their spaces

2.  The Facilities Staff will ensure that each building is brought back up to “the standard”

3.  The ResLife Staff will be decorating Doors and Bulletin Boards, Order Onity Keys, and Printing off Rosters and Agreement of Acceptance (A of A) Forms

Checking In

  1. The student arrives at their area office
  2. ResLife Staff
  3. Check for the student’s booking (roster)
  4. Make the student a TEMP Key (expires in 2 days)
  5. For Aggie Village, give them only their apartment/bedroom key
  6. Explain the A of A Form and deadline (2 days)
  7. Resident returns the completed A of A Form
  8. ResLife Staff
  9. Extends the students Apartment Key (SSH)
  10. Gives the student their mail key, bedroom key (if applicable) and laundry card
  11. Files the A of A Form in Area Office
  12. Some ProStaff like to check residents in to RMS before filing the form

In-House Move or Room Swap

  1. Resident Contact ProStaff of area to which they wish to move
  2. ProStaff:
  3. Check for Availability
  4. Inform Resident of $25 fee
  5. Arrange the move in RMS
  6. Apply $25 moving fee in RMS
  7. Inform Resident they must arrange their check-out with their RA
  8. If this is an In-House Move then the ProStaff needs to close the room for 5 days for facilities to go in and clean and assess the room.
  9. The Resident arranges their check out with their current RA
  10. The Resident Checks in to new room and begins check-in process.
  11. Finishes moving and cleaning their old room for check out.
  12. The RA takes the A of A Form to the check out. The RA:
  13. Assesses the cleaning by the resident
  14. Collects Keys from resident
  15. Fills out Check-Out section of A of A Form
  16. List any cleaning problems and charges in Charges Section
  17. Informs the resident that Facilities will be coming to the room to check for damages (read check-out statement)
  18. Has resident sign and date the Check-Out section of A of A Form
  19. Signs and Dates Check-Out section of A of A Form
  20. Submits Completed A of A Form to ProStaff
  21. ProStaff submits Work Order to have the bedspace assessed for damages by Facilities
  22. Facilities assesses space and informs ProStaff of any charges or that no charges need to be assessed
  23. ProStaff
  24. Updates the Charges section of A of A Form (if necessary)
  25. Totals all charges
  26. Submits the form to Admin Office
  27. Admin Office
  28. Applies charges to residents account
  29. Submits A of A Form to Facilities
  30. Facilities files form for appeals processes

Check Outs

  1. At the end of a semester the Admin Office creates IHM/Vacating Residents List for Facilities
  2. If the resident is checking out during Fall Semester or at the end of Fall Semester they must fill out an Intent to Vacate form with the Admin Office PRIOR to their check out.
  3. Residents sign up to check out with their RAs
  4. RAs take A of A Form to check out
  5. Assess Cleaning
  6. Collect Keys
  7. Fill Out Form
  8. Read Check-out Statement
  9. Have Resident Sign Form
  10. RAs submit A of A Form to ProStaff
  11. If this is a Mid-Semester Check Out then the ProStaff submit a work order to have the vacated room assessed for damages.
  12. Facilities Assesses vacated rooms
  13. Create Damages Report w/charges
  14. Facilities sends the damages report to ProStaff
  15. ProStaff apply charges to appropriate A of A Forms
  16. For shared charges for damages in an apartment detail the charge information on the resident in the A bedspace (or as close as you can) then write, “Refer to Bedspace A” on all the other roommates.
  17. For Common Building Charges write the amount each resident is to be charged on the A of A form of each resident the charge applies to.
  18. ProStaff submit completed A of A Forms to Admin Office organized by Building & Room Number
  19. Admin Office applies charges to RMS
  20. Admin Office sends completed A of A Forms to Facilities for filing for Appeals Process

End of Semester In-House Moves

  1. In-House Moves (IHMs) will happen on specified dates for each period: summer, fall, and spring
  2. IHM residents must move their belongings out of their apartments no later than (12pm) on the designated day
  3. Residents will store their belongings in the areas they are moving to if storage is needed
  4. All vacated rooms will be cleaned by facilities from (12pm – 6pm)
  5. Residents will be allowed to move into their new spaces after 6pm