ENG 1PIName: ______

Alphabiography Assignment (Part One)

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Use the brainstorm star to create a list of at least FIVE different things that represent you. Write a different thing about yourself at each point of the star.
  2. To get started, try to think about…
  3. favourite songs, TV shows, movies
  4. sports or activities that you enjoy watching or playing
  5. things that you are GOOD at! (cooking, drawing, gaming, singing, etc.)

Your Brainstorm Star:

Creating an Alphabiography:

  1. An ‘Alphabiography’ is a biography (real things about you) that uses the letters of the alphabet.
  2. Using the FIVE things that represent you, use the chart below to list each thing by its first letter (i.e.: C is for Cooking).
  3. Then, use the space on the right-hand side of the chart to describe how this ‘thing’ represents you! (i.e.: I have always loved to cook. Spaghetti dinner is my specialty!)
  4. You must do at least FIVE letters of the alphabet! There is space in the chart for you to add more!

Letter of the Alphabet / One to two sentences that describe how this ‘thing’ represents you!
____ is for…
____ is for…
____ is for…
____ is for…
____ is for…
____ is for…
____ is for…

ENG 1PIName: ______

Alphabiography Assignment (Part Two)

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Using everything that you learned in the power point workshop at the Learning Skills Conference, you are going to use POWER POINT to create your assignment.
  2. Each of your slides will include the following THREE things:
  3. Photo.
  4. Letter of the alphabet (i.e.: M is for Muskoka).
  5. 1-2 sentences describing how this ‘thing’ represents you.

Finding and Using Photos:

  1. You can use photos of your own!
  2. If you want to use photos from the internet, here are

some reliable sites to try for finding FREE photos:

Assignment Format:

  1. Use the checklist below to be sure that you have completed the assignment properly.

Slide Order / Letter of the Alphabet
(organize your slides in alphabetical order!) / 1-2 sentences describing how this ‘thing’ represents you / Photo
(check if completed)
*6. (bonus)
*7. (bonus)
*8. (bonus)
  1. When you have finished all of your Alphabiography slides, you are going to create a FIRST and a FINAL slide to introduce and conclude your power point presentation.

 / What to write… / Photo
First Slide / (your name ) ______’s Alphabiography
Final Slide / A quotation that represents you. You must include the author’s name.

Alphabiography Assignment – Evaluation Rubric

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Mark
Knowledge & Inquiry / The Alphabiography is not a good representation of the author.
- the author has not created an effective first slide to introduce their presentation
- there is no final slide or no quotation used to conclude the presentation
- the slides are not connected to a letter of the alphabet in a creative and meaningful way
- the author has not met the requirement for using 5 letters from the alphabet / The Alphabiography has the potential to be a good representation of the author.
- the author has attempted to create an effective first slide to introduce their presentation
- there is a satisfactory quotation on the final slide to conclude the presentation
- each slide has the potential to be connected to a letter of the alphabet in a creative and meaningful way
- the author has used 5 letters or less from the alphabet / The Alphabiography is a good representation of the author.
- the author has created a good first slide to introduce their presentation
- there is a good quotation on the final slide to conclude the presentation
- each slide is somewhat connected to a letter of the alphabet in a creative and meaningful way
- the author has used 5 letters from the alphabet to create a good presentation / The Alphabiography is an excellent representation of the author.
- the author has created an excellent first slide to introduce their presentation
- there is an excellent quotation on the final slide to conclude the presentation
- each slide is connected to a letter of the alphabet in a creative and meaningful way
- the author has used 5 or more letters from the alphabet to create a meaningful presentation / / 20
Application / The PowerPoint presentation has been created without strong attention to detail:
- inappropriate amount of information on each slide
- unclear or confusing photos
- unattractive colour scheme
- unclear font choices / The PowerPoint presentation has the potential to achieve good detail:
- mostly appropriate amount of information on each slide
- photos are satisfactory
- colour scheme is satisfactory
- font choices are satisfactory / The PowerPoint presentation has been created with good attention to detail:
- good amount of information on each slide
- good photos
- good colour scheme
- good font choices / The PowerPoint presentation has been created with excellent attention to detail:
- appropriate amount of information on each slide (1-2 sentences)
- awesome photos
- creative colour scheme
- excellent font choices / / 20
Communication / The Alphabiography has not been completed in sentence form. Overall, this piece of writing is not well polished, edited or well finished (many spelling and grammatical mistakes). / The Alphabiography has not been completed in sentence form. Overall, this piece of writing has the potential to be well polished and finished (some spelling and grammatical mistakes). / The Alphabiography has been mostly written in complete sentence form. Overall, this piece of writing is mostly polished and well finished (good use of spelling and grammar). / The Alphabiography has been written in complete sentence form. Overall, this piece of writing is polished and well finished (excellent spelling and grammar). / / 10

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