2014 Project Impact/Service Works

Mid Project Summary

**Please type all information. This document must remain a word document. Due March 18, 2014


AmeriCorps Program:
County/School Site:
Transition Partner (If applicable):

Please submit the following documents electronically to Jaimie Timmons when you submit this summary on March 18.

·  Sign-in Sheets for all meetings up to March 17, 2014

·  Career Scavenger Hunt Activity Completed by Students

·  Work Skills Reflection Activity for February Completed by Students

·  Exploring Careers Through Volunteering Activity Completed by Students

Please provide the following information.

1. Summarize the meetings and activities completed to date with Project Impact/Service Works students/participants.
2. Based on your mapping activity with students identify: the need students choose to address and the service project that will be completed to impact the chosen need.
3. Why did students choose this need?
4. Please describe the service project chosen by students in detail.
5. What kind of jobs/careers did students identify that might be related to the service project your group is completing?
6. What skills did students identify they were learning from participating in Project Impact/Service Works activities?
7. What jobs/careers and potential matching volunteer opportunities did students identify that would help them gain experience with that particular job or career identified?
8. What is the date, time and location of your group’s chosen service project?

Please Submit your completed template electronically by March 18, 2014

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