SouthForsythHigh School

Boys Basketball

Player Expectations and Rules


All South Forsyth Boys Basketball players MUST:

1. be academically eligible to participate in sports in terms of both GHSA requirements and team requirements. GHSA requirements are as follows and can be seen at Each player must pass at least five of seven classes taken. In addition, a junior must have 11 credits to begin his junior year. Likewise a senior must have 16 credits to begin his senior year. Any failed classes must be made up in the summer or through another means in order to keep academic compliance. In terms of team requirements, we will do grade checks every three weeks. Players who are failing two or more classes will NOT be allowed to play in games until such time those grades are improved. Saturday school, help sessions with teachers, tutors, help from teammates, etc are all ways to help improve your grades. Players must remember that participation in athletics is a privilege that comes with performance in the classroom.

2. be in school the day of games and practices (adhering to SFHS attendance and tardy policies). Players not in attendance the day of a game will not play in that game. Players not in attendance the day before a game will not start the next game. Two or more days missed will result in missing the entire game, unless otherwise noted by a coach.

3. maintain conditioning (and adhere to SFHS smoking, tobacco, drug, and alcohol policies). Players should eat healthy and get plenty of sleep. Remember that you have many teammates who depend on you to be at your best at all times. Players caught using or possessing cigarettes, tobacco, drugs, or alcohol will be suspended for 2 games. A second violation will result in termination from the team.

4. attend all practices, reviews sessions, team functions and games and be on time unless excused by the coach. Being on time includes being 40 minutes early to practices to games for individual and team stretching. Reporting time for games will be determined. Players must notify their head coach by phone or text message prior to any team event they might miss.

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Player Expectations & Rules


The coaches will have their cell phones on them almost all of the time. But ALWAYS leave a voice mail or text messageif no one can be reached

Coach Dankosky 404 579





For Summer League




Unexcused Absences:

1stunexcused absence –1 game suspension

2nd unexcused absence – 3 games suspension

3rd unexcused absence – termination from program

Stairs, hills, school maintenance and/or sprints will be assigned for tardiness to practice. Injuries do not dismiss players from practice. If a coach approves treatment, then you may miss for the treatment time.

If a player misses a practice for an excused reason, they will still be missing important practice time and playing time for the next game could be decreased. If you are too sick or hurt to practice, you will (in most cases) be too sick or hurt to play in the next game. In extreme cases, there are possible exceptions.

5. be respectful to all coaches, teachers, managers, officials, players, fellow students and fans. Address coaches as Coach and teachers as Coach, Mr., Mrs. or Miss. Say “Yes Sir” and “No Ma’am” whenever you can. The ways you present yourself in public reflect not only yourself but your team mates, your school and you head coach. Insubordination of any type will not be tolerated.

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Player Expectations & Rules


6. put team success ahead of personal goals and preferences. When a team is successful everyone benefits.

7. will be well groomed and well dressed at all times. Players will have their hair cut to stay out of their eyes. First, and foremost, this posses a safety hazard for the players that cannot see everything on the floor, including out of their peripherals. Second, it serves a basketball purpose of not getting their hair involved in their shot, messing with their hair instead of

playing, etc. Players will wear appropriate clothing to school and wear mandated uniforms and game date attire during the season. We will present ourselves in the highest possible way.

8. be responsible for returning equipment. Players will be expected to pay for anything that they check out but fail to check in at the end of the season. The cost to replace a custom jersey or pair of shorts is close to $100.

9. will not display negative feelings on the floor. No profanity or signs of disgust at an official's call.Do not show negative emotions at any time. Players will be expected to maintain positive relationships with teammates, coaches, students, and teachers. Players will be expected to set positive examples in and out of school.

10. will not sit down during practice. Pay attention when a coach is talking. Listen to the coaches even if they are not talking directly to you. Players are expected to learn from their own mistakes and the mistakes made by teammates

11. will maintain their gym and locker room. Players are expected to treat their facilities like gold. Pick up trash, towels, water bottles, and other equipment after every practice and game. Always leave the facilities in better condition than when you arrived. NOTE: The locker rooms are not secure areas and therefore players should not bring anything valuable into the locker room. Towel service is provided for varsity players, however each player must bring three towels to donate to the service.

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Player Expectations & Rules


12. will pay attention all the time. Practices are closed to everyone but team and district personnel. Players need to be focused on the team, not the stands. Any player that is not doing what the coach wants, and instead listening to people in the stands will be faced with discipline following the practice or game. Players who are not focused will be sent home.

13.will not wear bandanas, jewelry, hats, wristbands, headbands, etc. in practice or games. Always wear SFHS practice gear during practice.

14. will always wear ankle braces before stepping foot on the basketball court for practices or games.

15. will set positive examples throughout the season on the court as well as in and out of school.

16. will wear shorts above the hips and tuck shirts at all times.

17. will play hard all of the time. Players must be willing to play defense, block out, take charges, and dive on the floor for loose balls. NEVER quit.

18. will help keep stats, carry equipment, wet mop, and film. We are all here to help each other achieve common team goals.

19. will practice at a level that will prepare the team to be successful in game situations. This means that everyone will be expected to practice with the same enthusiasm, intensity, and hard work that it will take to win games. NOTE: Players who do not put forth the necessary effort in practice will be told to go home. Any sent home early from practice more than one time will be suspended from playing in games at the coach’s discretion.

20. will win as a team and lose as a team. The team concept is extremely important for maximum success.

21. will play with winning character. Winning character is honesty, loyalty, respect, unselfishness, and class.

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Player Expectations & Rules


22. will familiarize himself with the NCAA eligibility process. A complete guide can be found at ( At the beginning of his junior year, each player must register at ( This process helps put the player’s name in front of hundreds of NCAA coaches and helps keep track of eligibility requirements. Please notify the head coach of any contact with college or professional basketball programs. Also, juniors and seniors are encouraged to develop a list of five schools they might be interested in attending and give that list to Coach Dankosky.

24. must ride the bus to and from away games unless approved by the coach prior to the event.

23. will have fun. Basketball is the best game in the world and this year could be one of the best experiences in your life.

* Penalties for breaking team policy or school policy will be determined by the coaching staff and if necessary the school administration. Penalties could include, but not limited to: 1) extra conditioning, 2) decreased playing time 3) team suspension and/or 4) team expulsion.

Please sign the next page and give it to your head coach for placement in your player file.


South Forsyth Boys Basketball

Player Code of Conduct

I have read the player code of conduct with my parents and understand all team expectations and rules.

Iunderstand and accept any consequences resulting from my inability to meet team expectations or breaking team rules.

Player Signature: ______

Player Phone:______

[ ] Please check if it’s okay to send text messages.

Player Email Address:______


Parents/Guardians Names:______

Parents/Guardians Signature:______

Parents/Guardians Phone: ______

[ ] Please check if it’s okay to send text messages.

Parents/Guardians Email:______

Date: ______


[ ] Parents have registered their son at at

Please make a copy of these rules for you own records. Return signed copy to Coach Dankosky before the first day of practice. You must also have an up to date physical and grade sheet (see FSC website).