Jacksonville High

World History Honors


Course Syllabus


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Course Description

World History is required for graduation in the state of North Carolina. This class will satisfy the requirement for graduation. Honors World Historyprovides the opportunity for advanced work, rigorous study, and systematic study of major ideas and concepts found in the study of global history. The course is challenging and requires students to take a mature attitude, greater responsibility for their learning by participating in problem-seeking, problem-solving, scholarly and creative processes, critical analysis and application, and reflective thinking. Although the goals and objectives are the same as those found in the North Carolina Essential Standards, the material is taught with greater complexity and reflects a differentiated curriculum

Attendance Policy:

According to the Onslow County Board of Education policy 4400, in order for a student to receive credit for a course, he/she must be in attendance eighty (80) class periods per semester. Absences over ten (10) per semester with extenuating circumstance must be documented by medical and/or legal paperwork and be submitted to the principal/designee for review.

Restroom / Hallway Procedure- Students are required to have an agenda or a pass from anotherteacher / administrator in order to leave the classroom during class. Students will also be required to sign Ms.York’s hallway logbook beforeleaving the room.

Course Objectives

  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of some of the principle themes in world history
  2. Students will develop an ability to analyze historical evidence
  3. Students will develop an ability to analyze and to express historical understanding in writing.
  4. Students will build their reading, writing, critical thinking skills and discussion skills.

Ms. York’sExpectations

My expectations on running my class room is based on the ancient Greek idea of “arête”, this idea stresses that each person performs a task to the best of their ability in order not only to better their own lives but the lives of others in their society. The idea behind this is that if you give this course your best effort, your labors will not only be helpful to you, but also to your peers and classmates. Remember…DOING ONE’S BEST IS AN OBLIGATION, NOT AN OPTION

Materials / Supplies / Textbook Items needed for the Room

1. 2 ½ -3 inch Binder w/ dividers

2. Pencil with eraser Kleenex

3. Pen (black or blue) Hand Sanitizer

4. Notebook Paper Colored paper

5. Composition Book

6. Colored Pencils

7. *Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay


Evaluation: Student grades will consist of: tests, quizzes, class work, homework,portfolio, group and individual projects,exams and various other assignments. If you know there will be a test on a certain date, being absent the day before the test date does not excuse you from taking the test on that date.

Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100, B = 80 – 89, C = 70 – 79, D = 60 – 69, F = 0 -59


This course has a demanding and rigorous schedule, assignments are not to be taken lightly.Assignments are due on the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted, with a 15 point deduction. Remember, a zero can hurt your grade dramatically.


  • You can expect several quizzes from each unit. And will count twice in the gradebook.
  • The quizzes consist of questions taken directly from the previous nights reading assignment or previous days activities.
  • Quizzes serve to help keep you motivated about the readings and help to assess your understanding of the information given.


  • You can expect 1 major project each six weeks and several smaller projects in each unit
  • Most projects will be done in group form


Each student is required to keep a portfolio which will contain all the materials assigned or handed out filed in chronological order within the units specified on the cover sheet provided. During the first weeks of class the portfolio will be graded on the basis of the basic parts being present, portfolio, dividers, and course materials filed properly. The portfolio will be graded twice each grading period and will be counted as a chapter test grade. The major divisions of the portfolio will correspond to the major divisions shown on the cover sheet. The first section will contain the course outline and rules.

The notebook evaluation will be based upon the following criteria:

1. Neatness - Are all materials secured together with no blank paper loose or non-course material? Are all decorations or other writing on and inside the portfolio appropriate and in keeping with purpose of the portfolio? Does it show a general pride in workmanship or look thrown together at the last minute?

2. Organization - Is the first sheet you see when opening the portfolio the cover sheet, which identifies the course, student and class period? Have the units been set off with visible, labeled dividers in front of each unit identifying the contents of that section of the portfolio? Are all materials filed chronological order within the proper unit? Are all course materials in the first unit?

It has been found that a student, who keeps a well organized portfolio, as described above, will earn better grades on test and quizzes given throughout the semester. The basic idea behind the portfolio requirement is to help keep students organized to successfully study.

3. Content - Are all assigned materials and handouts in the portfolio? Have corrections been made on tests, quizzes and other assignments? Are there any class notes present in the portfolio?

Ongoing ActivitiesSemester:

Current Events Log (100 points total)- Every Friday and, we will have an in-class discussion on current eventsgoing on in the world around us. Your task between those timeswill be to search national and international media outlets to findevents of regions and global importance. By giving ten to fifteenminutes per week to this log, you will earn an easy twenty (20)points. At the end of the semester you will be turning in twentyfive(25) of your best write-ups. It is suggested you keep a separatefolder / binder for all current events. At the end of the course, you current event log will

be collected for an overall grade of one hundred (100) points.

Course Outline

WH1 Apply the four interconnected dimensions of historical thinking

to the Essential Standards for World History in order to understand the creation and

development of societies/civilizations/nations overtime.

WH 2 Analyze ancient civilizations and empires in terms of their development, growth and lasting


WH 3 Understand how conflict and innovation influenced political, religious, economic and social

changes in medieval civilization.

WH 4 Analyze the political, economic, social and cultural factors that lead to the development of the firstage of global interaction.

WH 5 Analyze exploration and expansion in terms of its motivations and impact.

WH 6 Understand the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.

WH 7 Understand how national, regional, and ethnic interests have contributed to conflict among groups and nations in the modern era.

WH 8 Analyze global interdependence and shifts in power in terms of political, economic, social and

environmental changes and conflicts since the last half of the twentieth century.

Parental Information

The most important tools for success in our class, as well as in life, will be a positive attitude, high expectations, and an open mind. Positive attitudes and high expectations encourage us to do our best. An open mind is essential when learning about opinions, ideas and values that are different from our own. Topics covered in this class may include sensitive issues such as gender, culture, ethnicity, and other issues. These issues will be discussed with the utmost concern for professionalism and sensitivity. If you have any questions regarding the content of the course, feel free to contact me at any time. I may be reached via telephone at 989-2048 or via email at


Student Signature


Parent Signature


Parent Email Address