PHONE: (336) 703-6733

FAX: (336) 661-4857





Principal: Debra Gladstone

Assistant Principal: Monica Bruce

Assistant Principal: Seth Cabonor

Athletic Director: Bob Kohut


Philosophy and Goals of Intramurals and 2

Interscholastic Athletics

Eligibility Requirements for Intramurals

And Interscholastic Athletics 3-5

Expectations of Participants6

Weather Considerations & Emergency Plans 9-10

Intramural Program 11

Intramural Permission Form 12

Athletic Schedules 13-15

Student requirements for athletic participation and athlete expectations 16

Parent/ Athlete contract 17

(Copies of all forms are on the athletic and intramural forms link found on the athletic home page)

At Mineral Springs Middle Arts and LeadershipMagnet School, we offer students a quality extra-curricular experience in sports. As an extension of the physical education program, an intramural program is offered to 6th, 7th and 8th graders. In addition, an interscholastic sports program offers seventh and eighth graders higher levels of competition.

Philosophy of the Intramural and Interscholastic Athletic Program (AR6145.5)

The athletic program of a school is a valuable asset to the total education process. Therefore, the program must operate within the aims, objectives, and goals of the overall educational program. The athletic programs offered by the WS/FCS, including both intramural and interscholastic sports, will be offered to meet the needs and interests of the students. The programs will help students to develop mentally, socially, physically, and emotionally. A comprehensive intramural program will be an outgrowth of the physical education program while the interscholastic program could be an outgrowth of the intramural program. Varied programs with different, appropriate emphasis for different age groups will be provided. In the middle school, athletic participation will involve a large number of students with more emphasis on participation than on winning. Therefore, a complete and varied intramural program will be offered throughout the school. In order to meet the needs and interest of those students who desire additional activities, a limited interscholastic sports program should be made available.

Goals of Intramurals and Interscholastic Athletics

  • To provide activities which teach the values of cooperation as well as the spirit of competition.
  • To offer opportunities which enhance self-concept and optimum development as an individual.
  • To provide opportunities that develop pride, an interest in, and appreciation for the school.
  • To provide opportunities for individuals to develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
  • To teach self-discipline and good sportsmanship through athletic participation.
  • To teach good health habits and safety techniques in all activities.
  • To provide an incentive for students to attend school regularly and to earn passing grades.

Interscholastic Sports

The responsibility of educating and guiding student athletes in the regulations governing interscholastic athletic eligibility shall rest with the administration of each school. Student-athletes and parents of student-athletes share the responsibility to see that the interscholastic athletic regulations are followed. 7th and 8th grade students who meet the eligibility requirements listed below can try out for a school team.

Student Requirements for Athletic Participation

  1. Shall be properly assigned to a school by the local education agency.
  2. Shall not be absent more than 10 days of the previous semester at an approved school, unless granted a hardship waiver. (See appendix A).
  3. Shall meet state and local promotion standards.
  4. A student must pass all his/her courses and earn a 1.75 GPA.**
  5. Shall not participate on a seventh or eighth grade team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31stof said school year.
  6. Have a medical examination by a physician licensed to practice medicine. Physicals are valid for one year. (30 day grace period) The physical must be turned in to the Athletic Director prior to the tryout period. (See appendix B).
  7. Shall be an amateur.
  8. Should have proper insurance coverage. This coverage may be through a school plan, individual family plan, or family coverage through a company plan.
  9. Shall not be guilty of misconduct.
  10. Shall not quit a team unless a parent has requested that his/her child be removed from the team for discipline or academic reasons. Quitting a team will make a student ineligible for the rest of the school year.
  11. Has only 4 consecutive semesters to participate in athletics once he/she reaches the 7th grade.

** If a student does not qualify academically, the student shall be placed on academic probation the next nine-week grading period. The student shall be eligible for participation while on academic probation if the student participates weekly in a tutorial/remedial program conducted beyond the instructional day. During the probation period, if a student misses a tutorial, he/she is ineligible for a week of athletics. A second missed tutorial is automatic dismissal from the team. If the student does not pass all courses and earn a 1.75 GPA during the nine-week grading period that he/she is on academic probation, the student shall be ineligible in subsequent nine-week grading periods until he/she passes all his/her courses and earns a 1.75 GPA. (Policy 6145)

Intramural Participation Requirements
  1. Must pass all courses and earn a 1.75 GPA.
  2. Shall not be absent more than 10 days in a semester, unless granted a hardship waiver. (See appendix A).

3. Must turn in an intramural permission form signed by the parent/guardian. (See page 13 of this handbook or page 15 of the MSMS student agenda).



To be eligible to tryout, all students must have a current physical within 365 days and insurance information turned in to the athletic director prior to the tryout period. Students who do not meet the academic requirement of 1.75 GPA and a passing grade in all classes must attend a tutorial session once a week to be eligible. Participants must meet requirements at the end of the quarter or be ineligible the following nine weeks. In addition, students cannot have missed more than 10 days the previous semester. In extreme cases, waivers can be filed with the athletic director. (See appendix A) Once a student reaches 7th grade, he/she has only 4 consecutive semesters to participate in athletics. A student on an athletic team who is assigned to STOP/ISS during that sports season will be suspended from that team for one week. A second assignment during that same sports season will result in dismissal for the remainder of the season. An out-of-school (OSS) assignment will result in an automatic dismissal for the rest of that sports season.

A minimum of two days will be allotted for all students to try out, unless weather or other conditions arise. Only the athletic director will make these exceptions. Tryout dates will be posted in advance. Students scheduled for in-school suspension or after-school detention are ineligible on that particular day. The suspensions and detentions will not be rescheduled to accommodate students who wish to tryout.

Students must be marked present at school to participate in or attend tryouts, practices or games. Absentees will be allowed to tryout on an alternate date if they have a lawful excuse. For a list of excused absences, see the WS/FCS policy.

Coaches will use documentation on which player selection will be based. Skills and attitude are two examples of the criteria used in a coach’s documentation. The head coach of each sport and a group of evaluators will select teams and alternates who may practice with the team to replace ineligible players. Each sport has the following number of participants:

Unlimited – Cross-country

12-15 in volleyball and basketball

15-25 in soccer

30 in track

13 in cheerleading

Practices will be held Monday through Thursday provided there are no games on those days. Practice will begin at 2:10 and end at 3:25. Student-athletes are expected to report to the practice field/court immediately at 2:10. Activity buses will run on days of practices and games, with the exception of any Friday practice. See individual sports schedules for game times.



At Mineral Springs Middle Arts and LeadershipMagnet School, players are students first and athletes second. Students must honor our commitment to excellence both on and off the playing fields.

A student-athlete at Mineral Springs must hold a high set of standards with regard to academics and behavior. Players must succeed in the classroom and conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times.

In addition to following the expectations of Mineral Springs Middle Arts and LeadershipMagnet School, student-athletes must meet the eligibility requirements set by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. Student-athletes must abide by the school rules and policies of Mineral Springs Middle Arts and LeadershipMagnet School and the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. Such rules and policies remain in effect as long as students are under the supervision of the staff, during the school day, at practices and games, on the school grounds, and on the bus.

Failure to abide by regulations might result in suspension or dismissal from the team. Decisions to suspend or remove players will involve coaches and possibly athletic directors and administrators.

Participation in interscholastic sports can positively influence a young person’s life. The athletic department is committed to providing a quality athletic program to be that influential factor.


Debra Gladstone, Principal Seth Cabonor , Assistant Principal


Monica Bruce , Assistant Principal Bob Kohut, Athletic Director

Expectations of Student Participants

✔Accept seriously the responsibility and privilege of representing the school and community; display positive public actions at all times.

✔Live up to high standards of sportsmanship established by coaches and directors.

✔Treat teammates and opponents with respect.

✔Respect the judgment of officials and abide by the rules of the contest.

✔Cooperate with officials, coaches, directors and participants to conduct a fair contest.

Expectations of Coaches

✔Always set a good example for participants and fans to follow, exemplifying the highest moral and ethical behavior.

✔Instruct participants in proper sportsmanship responsibilities and demand that they make sportsmanship and ethics the number one priority.

✔Respect the judgment of officials and abide by the rules of the event.

✔Treat opposing players, coaches, directors and fans with respect.

✔Develop and enforce penalties for participants who do not abide by sportsmanship standards.

Expectations of Directors

✔Provide appropriate personnel for each interscholastic event.

✔Support participants, coaches, directors, fans and spectators who teach and display good sportsmanship.

✔Recognize exemplary behavior and actively discourage undesirable conduct by participants, coaches and fans.

✔Attend events whenever possible.

Expectations of students, parents and fans

✔ Be an exemplary role model by positively supporting teams in every manner possible.

✔ Respect fans, coaches, directors and participants.

✔ Know the rules and strategies of the contest in order to be a knowledgeable spectator.



In case of any emergency, we will use the following procedures:

The School Resource Officer (SRO) will contact the Principal or Assistant Principal to notify them of the situation. The Principal or SRO will communicate with 911, depending on the situation. The Athletic Director or Intramural Director will assist in case of an administrator’s absence.

If indoors: In the event of a fire or fire alarm, the crowd and teams will be instructed to exit the building. A tornado alarm will require the use of the locker

rooms and hallways.

In the event of a serious injury, emergency vehicles can pull up to the

front of the school on the Motor Rd. side to access the gym. Contact

parents immediately.

If outdoors:When lightning and/or thunder can be seen or heard, all activities will

stop immediately. Players and spectators will be instructed to seek

shelter. If there is no safe shelter, individuals should assume a crouched position in a ditch or in an area of small trees surrounded by taller trees. The school administration and athletic director will assess the weather in 15-minute intervals, with the assistance of radio/TV.

In the event of a tornado, seek shelter immediately. A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for a tornado.

A tornado warning means a tornado has been spotted. In either case, play will stop. If you can get inside, crouch in interior corridors away from windows. The gym and auditorium are not designated safe shelters in tornadoes. If safe shelter is not close by, lie flat in a ditch or another low-lying area covering your head for protection.

In the event of a serious injury outdoors, emergency vehicles can access the field area through the gate next to the exit driveway off of Motor Rd. I

in front of the school. An alternate route is the entrance to the track on the end of the field closest to the gym. Contact parents immediately.

If a situation occurs involving a fight or weapon, the SRO and School Administration will handle the involved parties, coaches will escort their teams into the locker rooms, and the crowd will be escorted out of the building or off of the field, if necessary.


Professional Days

All practices, games and/or student activities scheduled for protected professional days should not begin until 3:45 pm. These should be scheduled during the morning hours on those protected professional days which begin at 1:00 pm. All practices, games and/or student activities scheduled for all other professional days should not begin before the end of the workday.

Schools Closed During Regular Schedule Due to Weather Conditions

HEAT CONDITIONS: All Outdoor Activities (practice and games) that day are postponed until 5:00 pm when the temperature is projected to be 90° or above. At that time, it will be the responsibility of each school to measure the temperature/humidity at their respective sites. They then may proceed following very closely the steps outlined for this situation. Trainers should record the measurements for the day.

Note: An e-mail will be sent from the City/County AD to all high school and middle school AD’s regarding postponement of activities.

If students are dismissed early due to cold weather conditions (ice and/or snow), all activities (practices, games, meeting, etc.) will be cancelled.

If schools are closed to students due to cold weather conditions before school begins, all practices, games and/or student activities will be cancelled.

The Superintendent or his designee can authorize practice or games for special circumstances.

Pre-school opening practice/games will follow the same procedures as previously mentioned, including morning practices which must be completed by 12 Noon on Heat Restriction Days.



Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Procedures to be followed when determining the need to cancel or limit practice sessions due to hot weather.

It will be the responsibility of each principal, or his/her designee, to measure the temperature /humidity at his/her respective site when the climate is questionable.

Temperature + Humidity


140 – 150Observe those athletes susceptible to heat illness, especially those obese.

151 – 162All athletes should be under constant and careful

supervision. Breaks every 25 minutes. Fluid

replacement is important.

163 – 169A shortened program (max. 1 hour) conducted

in shorts and T-shirts (no helmets). Additional

fluid replacement breaks are necessary.

Combination of temperature and humidity 170 and over, no practice.


Lightning is the number one weather killer each year in the United States. North Carolina ranks second behind Florida in lightning fatalities each year.

The National Weather Service states that lightning can strike up to a distance of 10 miles with the average storm traveling at a rate of 25 miles per hour. Thunder can be heard over a distance of 10 miles depending on the humidity, terrain, and other factors. Therefore, if you can hear thunder you are in immediate danger.

Guidelines to Follow

  1. When thunder and/or lightning can be heard or seen STOP ALL ACTIVITIES IMMEDIATELY AND SEEK SAFE SHELTER. If no safe shelter is within a reasonable distance crouch in a thick grove of small trees surrounded by taller trees or a dry ditch. Assume a crouched position by placing your hands/arms around your knees and lower your head. Minimize your contact with the ground because lightning currents often enter a victim through the ground rather than a direct over head strike. Minimize your body’s surface area and minimize contact with the ground! DO NOT LIE FLAT ON THE GROUND!!
  2. In situations where thunder and/or lightning may or may not be present and you feel your hair stand on end and skin tingle immediately assume the crouched position described above. DO NOT LIE FLAT!
  3. Once it has been determined that a lightning strike is impending, play should not be resumed for a minimum of 30 minutes. At 15 minute intervals, assessment of the proximity of the storm should be made by radio/TV monitoring, assessing the sound of thunder to assure no storm is within six miles and new storms are approaching or have developed. CONTINUE THIS PROCESS UNTIL IT IS FELT SAFE TO RETURN TO THE ACTIVITY.
  4. The safety of the spectator is also a concern of the administration. Once play has been discontinued as a result of severe weather the following announcement should be made for the spectators. “The game has been suspended due to severe weather. The administration here at (the host school) strongly urges you to seek shelter until the game is either cancelled or resumed.” The announcement should be made several times to ensure the safety of the spectators.
  5. The Home School Administrator in charge will have the authority to discontinue play until a safe environment is restored. Athletic trainers and coaches when a situation arises where either of the above mentioned parties feels the athletes are in danger, he/she shall call the officials, visiting team head coach, trainer, and visiting administrator in charge and express his/her concerns regarding the

weather. The safe environment will not be compromised as a result of concerns for time or travel. The WS/FC School System feels the safety of student athletes is of the utmost importance.