MILLET MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION – Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2014
In attendance: James Johnston, Donna Zurbrigg, RogerLorenson, Laura Johnston, Becky Buchaski, Kenny Herman, Cynthia McLachlan, James Rennie, Cindy McGrath, Tanya Huolt, Lisa Henschel, Darren Max, Trish Schroeder
- CALL TO ORDER: James called this meeting to order at 7:11pm.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of October20, 2014 – There need to be a change from Fort Saskatchewan to Fort McMurray. Kenny motioned to accept with that change. Cynthia seconded – Carried.
- ADDITION/APPROVAL AGENDA: Addittions: Family Violence Month pledge, Tiering Issues (PeeWee), Santa Skate as additions. Beckymotioned to accept agenda– Kennyseconded - Carried
a) PRESIDENT – James Johnston
- 100th Anniversary for Hockey Canada. Only time for stickers for helmets. Designed to fit the back of helmet.
- December 12th deadline for earlybird raffle ticket books. We need to get a raffle barrel.
- Picture night is November 26. Picture forms are here and James will deliver Wednesday or Thursday.
- We need 50/50 volunteer list as of December 1. There is a bus booked for $170 for the driver and $1.75/km. Oilers will reimburse the cost of the bus.
B:VICE-PRESIDENT – Roger Lorenson
-Funding shortages are a possibility from Town and County and will effect MMHA. WE need to look at ice rentals and optimization. Also need to look at maintenance of building. We will need open communication and more grants.
-The AG society is looking for ways to spend money. Need to go to next weekend. We can talk to him about wishes (glass upgrade, screened, hand rail, windows upstairs, PA system, interactive TV).
-Talk to operations about dropping snow outside causing pebbles and dirt on ice.
-Board issues – they need to be fixed.
-Bench rubber needs to be replaced.
-Roger and James to go to meeting. Becky will talk to figure skating club about going to AG meeting.
-MMHA willing to help volunteer to fix rubber in players boxes / penalty box and stairs to dressing rooms.
-Roger to talk to some company to fix roof over players entrance.
-Assuming we have permission MMHA will do maintenance on floors in players benches, penalty boxes, stairs, dressing rooms. Roger motioned to accept, Laura seconded. Approved.
c)TREASURER – Donna Zurbrigg
-There is $12726.49 in the Bingo Account, casino now has $6,540.59. General has $72955.54 with a total of $95822.62.
-We need cheques for raffle account.
-November ice bill $9000.00 plus gst.
-Approximately $2600 more to go in.
-Hockey AB $4521.00 player insurance.
-November 24 – Town Square committee. Associations network. Volunteers help, grants etc.
-Volunteers hours record (time box, coach, time box etc.) Coordinators to help organize this.
-Website access – Kenny to ask Debbie what we could do.
-Cynthia to make a sheet and pass it out.
-See report for budget numbers.
-Kenny motioned to accept the report. Cynthiaseconded. Carried.
d)ICE COORDINATOR – James Rennie
-December schedule is done.
-December 7 is Winter Carnival and no ice. Also no ice Dec.24, 25, 26, 31.
-There is lots of open ice.
-Nov.29-30 Novice tournament
e)REFEREE IN CHIEF – Kenny Herman
-There are 28 registered for ref clinic. 11 local and 14 out of town. 3 no shows. Expense / event documents will be submitted to Donna tonight.
-Getting calls from other jurisdictions so staying busy enough for now.
-Kenny motioned for MMHA to get ref gifts $50 for 10 refs. Seconded by Becky. Carried.
-Slow start to the season with about 1 dozen local games.
f)REGISTRAR – Becky Buchaski
-10 outstanding fees. Reminders have been sent. A new PeeWee player.
-All teams are crded.
-2 coaches are still taking coaches courses.
-Early registration proposal.
- First registration date to be at the AGM were we offer the chance to win a free registration. Something to give the association a reason to want to come and register with the idea that some people would stay and attend the meeting.
- Deadline for early registration June 30, 2015. Any association member registering July 1 or later would be subject to a $200 late registration charge. For all new association member registrations, the late fee would not apply.
- Payment of fees required to commence September (just as it is now). However, once a child is registered the account holder has the ability to go into their account and make payments at any time prior to September.
- All registrations cancelled prior to September 20, 2015 would receive a full refund and those cancelled after that date would be pro-rated.
- With an early registration the ideas is to have an idea what our numbers look like for the upcoming season. Having an idea of our numbers will help us when trying to plan out ice requirements along with giving us an idea of how our teams look for the upcoming season.
g)BINGO COORDINATOR – Dawn Trent (James gave report)
-Dec.3 Bingo Annual meeting – Dawn to attend.
-Novice/Atom/PeeWee will do Memory Lane Sports for tournament.
-Remembrance Day – Lots of MMHA kids at all levels represented.
-Hockey Day in Millet – no PeeWee game scheduled.
-3 game changes for 16/60 per year.
-Santa Skate – Dec.19 @ 7:15-9:15. It will be a family skate with candy bags, elf, Santa.
-Cynthia motioned for $500 for skate, Laura seconded. Approved.
i)EQUIPMENT – Wes Johnston
-Two sets of pinnies were purchased. One for Midget & one set for Atom.
-Apparel night (track suits and coats instant replay. Needing help that night – possibly coordinators? We need to set up order forms to use year round. Pick one supplier. Tabled until Wes returns.
j)MIDGET - Laura Johnston
-Moved to Tier 4.
-3 suspensions, possibly 1 more.
k)BANTAM - Trish Schroeder
-Nothing to report.
l)PEE WEE – Tanya Huolt
-Regular season going well.
-Moved to tier 4A with a new manager starting (Wes).
-There is a new play starting which will help numbers as another player is moving away Dec.18.
-5 people have signed up for Oilers 50/50.
m)ATOM – Shelley Dreger (report given by Darren Max)
-In Tier 4 and would like to move to Tier 5. We will have a new goalie. Application form from 16/60.
n)NOVICE – Lindsay Gross (report given by Lisa Henschel)
-They are in Tier 4
-Their away tournament is Dec.13/14.
-They have an Oil Kings game booked Dec.6.
-Questions about Dodge Caravan Kids fundraiser.
-Need to look at more socks.
o)INITIATION – Cindy McGrath
-2 teams will play half ice during tournament.
-$400.00 initiations.
-Motion: Use last years tournament money (never used) towards this year. Seconded by James R. Carried.
-Power skating. Association will cover 3 sessions per team.
-Having a Christmas Party on Dec.17 in the Hugo Witt room from 7-8.
a)all covered above.
a)Covered above
b)Covered above.
c)Covered above.
d)Coach mentorship – coachs meeting with RIC. Help dealing with behaviourisues, drills, ref issues. Motion made by ?to supply the remove to meet once a month. Roger to email coaches RIC. Seconded by Roger. Approved.
e)Letters on jerseys – don’t use take because some jerseys are being wrecked. Extras in at Instant Replay.
a)Family Violence Awareness – family violence awareness pledge to be taken by coaches. Darren will get the forms for pictures from the Pipestone / Leduc Rep.
b)PeeWeetiering – started in 4A and moved to 4B after loss. Won games, moved back to 4A. Asking to be moved to Tier 5.
c)Provincials – deadline Dec.1. Parents and players need to help make the decision.
d)Old Timers Game – Cynthia to look into these.
- NEXT MEETING: Dec.8 @ 7pm.
9. ADJOURNMENT:James adjourned meeting at 9:50 pm