Miller-Motte College
1021 West H.Smith Blvd STE 102
Greenville, NC 27834
Registration with Mark Waggoner or Lolita Knight 317-445-5557.
Payment via to .
Lolita Knight with 35 years of massage experience has developed several NCBTMB approved courses # 307802-00 (Details on ) Lolita will be making her first trip to Greenville and perhaps another in 2012 before she retires to Australia in 2013. Anyone wishing to become an instructor should contact Lolita as instructor training is available so her classes may continue after her retirement.
Lolita’s style of teaching is very hands on with normally less than 10 minutes of lecture. Her classes are unique and these methods, learned through repetition under instructor guidance, can be offered immediately to clients.
Current students of Miller –Motte will receive a 30% discount and graduates of Miller – Motte will have a 10% discountof course fees (does not apply to material fees). Maximum number is 16 students so best to enroll early to insure a space.
Class Schedule:
July 29, 2011 Friday
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Soft Touch Island Massage 3 CEU’s
Soft Touch Island Massage
Lolita Knight has developed a whole new way of providing deep relaxation massage from experiences with island massage from Fiji and Tonga. Strokes are completed using the hands, finger tips and forearm. As the title suggests, this is a soft touch, but not a mindless “fluff” massage.
There are 8 different aspects of Soft Touch Islands Massage. Below are listed 4 of these to give you an idea of the class offerings.
- Change the pressure while adding slight pauses via "eye of the hurricane" stroke. Next vary sizes keeping the odd slight haphazard pause.
- Massage with upward circles (small, large and tiny) or upward and outward circles or downward and inward, etc. When feeling confident, have one hand massaging differently than the other.
- Lightly stroke half moon movements with one hand following a circle with the other hand. The full circle hand stays on the body with moving circles while the half moon stroke leaves the body. The half moon then touches a different part of the body than where the full circle was made.
- Vary direction and parts of body being touched. Use your forearm to add 3-4 touches at once.
Why all the variances to strokes, pressure, direction and style? Quite simply, when the client stops using their brain to figure out where your hands are going to next, the brain shuts off and then the client can totally feel the strokes achieving a higher sense of relaxation. The addition of sound effects brings attention to the strokes and the pauses encourage letting go of stress.
Testimonials: Christa who has received hundreds of massages reported “this is the first massage I have ever had where I totally relaxed for the entire massage. Normally I feel that pain will happen and I have to guard against that. Terri was blissed out and said “Very early on in the massage I LET GO and feel more relaxed and relaxed in a different way. For me to let go is not normal. I am a control freak. As I relaxed I saw purple boxes. I want to have this kind of massage again. Mark said “It feels like 4 hands are massaging me. The lack of the anticipation of the next stroke allowed me to achieve a deeper state of relaxation.”
So for a totally blissful mind/body relaxation massage --
go to the Islands with
Soft Touch Island Massage.
Students are to bring: 2 sheets (one flannel if possible for sound effects to the massage), face cradle cover, bolster or pillow and if the venue does not supply a massage table we need 1 table per 2 students.
It actually feels better being totally covered with a sheet and either having no or little clothing on or being fully clothed with clothing being free of zippers, belts, buttons, with no bras. Tight, but comfortable clothing is better than loose clothing. The goal is for a smooth stroke over the top of the sheet. However, wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
And bring a sense of fun and adventure.
Please note: For some reason therapists tend to forget to bring a face cradle cover so this is a reminder note.
July 29, 2011 Friday
1 pm to 10 pm 8 CEU’s
Indian Head Massage for Chair and Table
$160 plus $15 material fee
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is based on an ancient Indian healing system called Ayurveda. This massage technique has been practiced for over a thousand years. The massage is calming, yet revitalizing working on the upper back, neck, shoulder, face and scalp.
Indian Head Massage can help eyestrain, headaches, improve concentration (by improving blood flow), boost hair health, relieve shoulder tension, increase neck mobility, calm the mind and ease emotional stress.
This massage is given while the client is fully clothed sitting in a chair or may be added to a table massage (with oil for arms, shoulders, neck and upper back – optional oil for scalp and face). As far as Lolita knows, she is the only one who has created Indian Head Massage strokes for the table as the tradition is only for sitting in a chair. She did this as numerous students asked for table adaptations.
Pressure points are stimulated during the massage. Oil is optional for the scalp massage for both chair and table techniques. Lolita will have organic Ayurveda herbal scalp oil from Solavedi for the class.
Learn a method that will leave your clients totallyblissed out while giving them gentle relief from physical ailments. Great to add to a regular office chair massage, for geriatric clients confined to a wheelchair -- plus learn extra creative and blissful strokes for your table massage.
Needed are comfortable chairs having a low back with no arms on the chairs (check with your massage school to see if they can provide these chairs—you may want to add a cushion for back or hip support).
Bring normal requirements with a massage table such as sheets (fitted are best), massage oil, gel or cream and bolsters.
Also needed is a bath hand towel to fold up for head support with the table version.
If you bring a TV tray, music stand or clipboard to hold class handouts, it will make it easier to follow notes.
Bring water to drink and light snacks.
Students remove upper garments if they wish for the table version. A Velcro spa towel works well.
When receiving the first part of the chair version, a hair clip to tie back hair is beneficial with the hair free and loose for the second part.
Please have clean hair and use no hair products on day of class.
July 30, 2011 Saturday
TNT Massage
9:30 am to 11:30 am
2 CEU’s
$40 plus $10 materials fee
TNT for a Dynamite Massage
Lolita suffered from inflamed wrist tendons for 2 years and once recovered she made sure to develop methods that would save her hands while giving her clients a deep therapeutic session. She tried many different massage tools and though finding many very beneficial, her favorite ones were a Turtle tool and the Thumbby. In this short 2 hour class you will gain hand saving strokes for all parts of the body. Learn how 4 turtle legs, head, eyes, shell and edge of shell contour across arms, legs and along spine to give even and deep pressure. The Thumbby, a firm, yet soft silicon cone shaped tool, can stick on a wall to give yourself a back massage plus increase your pressure 8 fold when applying pressure to the base of the cone on various tight muscles of your clients. Yes, TNT for a Dynooomite Massage.
July 30, 2011 Saturday
12:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Chinese Facial Fusion Massage
7 CEU’s
$140 plus $15 material fee
Chinese Facial Fusion Massage
A relaxing and rejuvenatingfacial massage engaging 25 pressure points (including 2 on the hands) astaught by Dr Lilly Fu, a Chinese doctor, to Lolita Knight.Techniques are learned and experienced that help tone, uplift, remove tension, reduce facial lines and increase circulation to the face. Facial massage can benefit Bell’s Palsy, facial tics, eye droop, sinus problems, eyesight (near and far), TMJ difficulties and may reduce scars.
Course curriculum:
1) Chinese Facial Pressure Points
2) Facial Rejuvenation Massage (over 40 strokes including
3) Honey Pat sequence
4) TMJ techniques
5) Relaxation strokes
6) Facial points to improve eyesight
7) Before and after comparisons are made to note
improvements in fine lines, puffiness, TMJ problems,
medical conditions and other facial features.
A Chinese Facial Massage is beneficial to add to a regular massage, for gift certificates for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day or Christmas and to help improve medical facial conditions. Therapists can give clients all 5 facial massages taking 45 minutes to an hour or just do one method for 15 minutes to add to your normal 60-minute session.
Students need to bring a thermos (if possible) with hot water, 2 medium size bowls (2 quart size), massage table (one per pair of students if school does not provide), mirror, small container (for 1 tsp. honey), 2 sheets, bolster, 2 washcloths and wear no make-up (prefer no contact lenses). Students may remain fully clothed and a Velcro spa towel or halter top enhances the availability of the upper chest for smoother strokes.
Bring a camera to take before and after pictures if you like.
Class hand-outs describe all strokes so no need to take notes; however a music stand, clip board or TV tray is handy to support the notes for easy reading.
July 30, 2011 Saturday
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Introduction to Fijian Massage
Fijian Massage Introduction 1 CE
Have you thought about massaging with your feet to save your hands to give a deeper massage than you can with your hands, but were not quite sure you would like it?
You will be very surprised to see how easy it is to give a deeper, yet more gentle, massage using your feet. This is more than a demonstration as you will actually give and receive a Fijian Massage so please wear comfortable cotton clothing, no jeans.
Bring a large sheet, face cradle and cover plus 4 pillows or cushions—or ideally bring the Body Support System or a back jack chair.
For questions call Lolita Knight, founder of Fijian Massage, on 317-445-5557 or look on .