
Root and Affix

Graph-ic Book

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Review your lists of all roots and affixes. Determine what 20 roots/affixes you are least familiar with (the ones you know the least)! Highlight them on your lists.
  1. Create a small picture book that illustrates and gives the meaning of each root/affix (no bigger than a half sheet of computer paper).
  1. Use computer paper…you may fold the pieces in half to create a booklet or cut and staple. Figure out how many pieces of paper you need and construct it however you would like. Try to conserve paper whenever possible! You may use construction paper for a cover if you would like.
  1. Each “entry” should have the root/affix labeled, with its meaning, along with a colored illustration that will help you remember the meaning of the word. Your illustration may have captions if you feel they are necessary.
  1. You will be graded on completeness and quality-20 points!


Root and Affix

Graph-ic Book

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Review your lists of all roots and affixes. Determine what 20 roots/affixes you are least familiar with (the ones you know the least)! Highlight them on your lists.
  1. Create a small picture book that illustrates and gives the meaning of each root/affix (no bigger than a half sheet of computer paper).
  1. Use computer paper…you may fold the pieces in half to create a booklet or cut and staple. Figure out how many pieces of paper you need and construct it however you would like. Try to conserve paper whenever possible! You may use construction paper for a cover if you would like.
  1. Each “page” should have the root/affix labeled, with its meaning, along with a colored illustration that will help you remember the meaning of the word. Your illustration may have captions if you feel they are necessary.
  1. You will be graded on completeness and quality-20 points!