Miller Invitational Cross Country Meet

Monday, September 25, 2017

Miller Golf Course

The Miller Country Club is located 2 miles north of Miller on Hwy 45

Times/ Divisions / JV Girls – 2:00 start time!!!! / 4000 meters
JV Boys / 4000 meters
(rolling schedule) / V Girls / 5000 meters
V Boys / 5000 meters
6-7-8 (Girls) Middle School / 3000 meters
6-7-8 (Boys) Middle School / 3000 meters


1.  ENTRIES: We will be using a numbering system for this meet. Rosters will be downloaded from the SDHSAA and athlete numbers will be assigned - (If you have 6th graders please send a separate list and designate them as boy & girl). A list of the athlete numbers will be e-mailed to the AD/ Coaches prior to this meet. Please clearly write the numbers on the back of the athlete’s hand. For any sixth, seventh or eighth grade runner not listed on SDHSAA, please send name and gender to by Thursday (9-21-2017). Next year’s event date is (9-24-18)

TEAM POINTS: Varsity team points will be kept!

TEAM: 3 runners and 2 pushers (can run as many runners in each event as you wish)

AWARDS: Medals for the top 20 finishers in each varsity race; ribbons for the top 15 finishers in JV & Middle School divisions

ENTRY FEE: $5.00/ runner or $40.00 per school – clubhouse will be open for drinks and snacks!

DRESS FACILITIES: None! Please come dressed to compete

COURSE: The course will wind in and around the Miller Golf Course. The course will have a painted line to follow along with flags and cones to mark each course. Maps will be provided at the meet!

BUS PARKING: Buses can be parked in the parking lot at the golf course


TEAMS ENTERED BASED ON LAST YEARS MEET: Wessington Springs, Ipswich, Redfield/Doland, Aberdeen Roncalli, SBA, Potter County, Mobridge/Pollock, Miller, DeSmet, JVC, Highmore/Harold, PILC, St. Joseph’s Indian School, Crow Creek, Kimball/ White Lake, Hitchcock/ Tulare, Wolsey/ Wessington, Herried/ Selby, Platte-Geddes, Northwestern, Edmunds Central and Warner