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Photo source: BethanyWorldPrayerCenter © 1999.
Used with permission from Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse
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Map source: BethanyWorldPrayerCenter © 1999.
Used with permission from Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse
Population / Language / Religion / % Christian / % Evangelical / Audio NT / Jesus Film / Progress /
38,000 / Gwandara / Ethnic Religions / < 5.00 % / 1.57 % / Not available / Not available / 1.2


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Introduction / History
The Gwandara are one of the Plateau Chadic-speaking peoples of Nigeria, living mainly in the Akwaja, Lafia, Keffi, and Nassarawa divisions of what was the PlateauProvince. In 1996 the Nasawara state was created which includes those divisions where the Gwandara live. Traditionally, they were grouped with the Hausa people as inhabitants of the city of Kano.
Gwandara history relates that Islam was introduced into Kano in the fourteenth century. However, Gwandara, the younger brother of the ruling chief refused to convert to Islam. After a warning by the chief to convert or be enslaved, Gwandara took his followers and traveled southward to Gwagwa. Subsequent Muslim attacks led to yet another dispersion farther south.
The Gwandara finally settled in the Jukun territory during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Jukun had become a type of refugee zone for diverse peoples also fleeing their communities for various reasons, with the Gwandara dominating politically in the region for many years.
What are their lives like?
The Gwandara have lived in close contact with diverse ethnic groups in the Benue basin region and culturally resemble both the Gwari and Yeskwa peoples. They often marry with the Yeskwa; however, their dances and religion are similar to those of the Arago.
Most Gwandara are subsistence farmers with their farms located in the bush outside of their villages. Huts are built in a circle to form the compound that houses an extended family. There is only one entrance into each compound because each hut is connected to the next by a corn bin or granary. Each village has a chief who is responsible for handling village affairs and settling village disputes.
Gwandara men usually wear Hausa-style gowns. Most women wear cloths, although some wear loose strings around their hips with bundles of leaves hanging in front and in back.
Palm oil is important to the Gwandara because of its many uses. Therefore, a fair amount of it is obtained and kept in each village or sold in markets. Another major product sold in the market is mats. (Each mat takes four days to make.) Beer and tobacco are both important in Gwandara life, however, most Gwandara neither smoke pipes nor drink in excess, like many other groups in this part of Africa.
Young Gwandara men work on their fathers' farms until they marry, which is usually around age seventeen or older. Girls are betrothed as young children, but before reaching marriageable age, they have the right to break off the engagement, in which case the bride price is returned to the suitor.
Ritual dances are an important aspect of the Gwandara society. One dance is the "good and evil" dance. Old men sit in a circle and the personification of the spirits of good and evil-concealed under a long sack and wearing a high conical hat-whirl around them. Stepping to the beat of a drum, he tells the elders to get up and follow him. When the personified spirit dances, they all dance, and if anyone is struck by the knob that hangs from the spirit's hat, evil will surely befall him or his family. Another similar circular step-dance called "joy" is also practiced. The rhythm for this dance is made by the ornaments worn on the arms and legs of the dancers.
What are their beliefs?
Among the Gwandara, one supreme god is worshipped and goats and sheep are sacrificed to it. Other lesser gods for each village are also worshipped, usually in open circular spaces inside groves approached through avenues of palms. Each village has two temples, which are essentially mud huts containing the village god.
Many Gwandara believe that they possess the power to turn themselves into hyenas, which supposedly respect the Gwandara.
W hat are their needs?
Unfortunately, the Gwandara have few Christian resources available to them. Much prayer is also needed so that the Gwandara might have a chance to know a real Savior.
Prayer Points
* Ask the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom and favor to any missions agencies focusing on the Gwandara.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of the people for the Gospel.
* Pray that God will reveal Himself to the Gwandara through dreams and visions.
* Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will begin breaking up the soil through worship and intercession.
* Ask the Lord to bring forth a triumphant Gwandara church for the glory of His name!
* Pray for translation of the Bible to begin in this people group's primary language.
* Pray for the availability of the Jesus Film in the primary language of this people.
Text source: BethanyWorldPrayerCenter © 1999.
Used with permission from Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse
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/ Geography
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Country: / Nigeria
Continent: / Africa
Region: / West and Central Africa
10/40 Window: / Yes
Total Provinces on file: / 2
Location in Country: / Niger state, Suleija LGA; Federal Capital Territory; Kaduna state, Kachia LGA; Nassarawa state, Keffi, Lafia, Nasarawa, and Akwanga LGAs
(Source: Ethnologue 2010)
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Peoples[6] / Submit Update:
People Name in Country: / Gwandara
People Name General: / Gwandara
ROP3 Code: / 103609
Joshua Project People ID: / 12015
Indigenous: / Yes
Population in Country: / 38,000
Population all Countries: / 38,000
Least-Reached: / Yes
Affinity Bloc: / Sub-Saharan Peoples
People Cluster: / Chadic
People Name General: / Gwandara
Ethnic Code: / NAB60b
Ethnic Relationships: / Affinity Bloc -> People Cluster -> Peoples Ethnicity Tree
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Primary Language: / Gwandara (38,000 Speakers)
Language Code (ISO): / gwnEthnologue Listing
Total Languages: / 1
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Primary Religion: / Ethnic Religions
% Christian Adherents: / < 5.00 %
% Evangelical: / 1.57 %
Progress Indicators[3]
Progress Scale:[4] / 1.2Evangelicals >.01% but <=2%. Professing Christians <=5%
Least-Reached: / Yes
GSEC Status: / Level 2Less than 2% Evangelical. Initial (localized) church planting within past 2 years
Bible Translation Status
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Bible Portions: / Help start a Bible Translation
New Testament: / None Reported
Complete Bible: / None Reported
Ministry Resources[5] / Submit Link:
Audio Recordings / MegaVoice Audio Bible and Stories
Audio Recordings / Global Recordings
Video Resources[5] / Submit Link:
None Reported
Ministry Activity
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Description: / Register your ministry activity among this people group. Contact the Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse to learn about others that might be focused on this people group.
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Peoples / Geographic
Global / Global
All Affinity Blocs / People Clusters / / / All Regions / Continents
Affinity Bloc / Global
Sub-Saharan Peoples / / / All Countries
People Cluster / Region
Chadic / / / West and Central Africa
People / Country
Gwandara / / / Nigeria
People-by-Country (Profile)
Gwandara of Nigeria
Religion / / / Language
Ethnic Religions / Gwandara
Global / / Language
All Religions
* Notes: /
  1. Significant effort is made to match photos with people groups. In most cases those providing the photo have identified the people group. However, in some instances when the exact people group is not identified Joshua Project has made educated attempts at matching. As a result some photos may be representative of the people cluster rather than the specific people group. If you believe a photo is not matched with the correct people group, please contact us.
  2. Certain percentages display as '0.00%' because of space limitations, but some may be slightly greater than zero. The exactness of numbers presented here can be misleading. Numbers can vary by several percentage points or more.
  3. Discrepancies may exist between "Progress Indicators" because of the varying sources of information. Joshua Project does not have specific ministry activity data supporting each of the "Progress Indicators."
  4. The Joshua Project Progress Scale is an approximation of church planting progress based on all progress indicators available. For a fuller explanation, click here. If you have additional information, please contact us.
  5. These are links to external sites not managed or controlled by Joshua Project. A link to an external page does not necessarily imply that Joshua Project a) endorses the organization(s) or person(s) providing them, b) agrees with the ideas expressed or c) attests to the correctness, factuality, appropriateness, or legality of the contents.
  6. As on-site realities are understood, barriers of acceptance may be found in many of the larger people groups that will require multiple distinct church-planting efforts.
  7. This data may contain errors and needs continual correcting and updating. To send feedback, please contact us.