Member of Western States Golf Association
PO Box 200452, Denver, CO80220
MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONS PER CALENDAR YEAR (check one) – Please complete one application per person.
$100 – Individual, (MHGC w/WSGA GHIN#)
$130 – Individual, (MHGC/CGA/CWGA w/GHIN # - Colorado Golf Association/Colorado Women's Golf Association)
(Please Print or Type) / Referred By:Name:
City: / State / Zip + 4
Telephone (home): / (Work):
E-mail Address:
GHIN #: / Renewal / New:
Birthday (month/day only) / Gender (M or F)
Name: / GHIN #: / BD: / Gender:Name: / GHIN #: / BD: / Gender:
Name: / GHIN #: / BD: / Gender:
Please select committee(s) and/or Board on which you wish to serve:
Officers/BoardHandicap ChairJr. Golf Director (Jr Golf & Scholarship)
Club Tournament ChairRules/Parliamentarian/Sgt At ArmsSponsorship Chair
Annual Tournament ChairMembership ChairTelephone committee
Good/Welfare Chair.By-Laws
RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I understand that it is my and my family members’ responsibility, when participating in any club event or activity, to do so in a manner, which will not pose a threat to the safety of me and/or family or others. In the event of injury to myself or my family, I hereby release the Mile Hi Golf Club for any liability whatsoever. ______(Initial)
INDEMNIFICATION: I understand that if I or any member of my family participating in any Mile Hi Golf Club event causes injury, loss or damages to others, I will indemnify Mile Hi Golf and hold it harmless for any judgment holding it liable, plus reasonable and necessary cost and attorney fees to defend against any action resulting from any injuries, losses, or damages caused by me or my family members. ______(Initial)
FINANCIAL LIABILITY: I understand that as a participant in any club event or activity in which requires payment, the rules of paying for and playing in all tournaments: IF YOU COMMIT TO PLAY -YOU MUST PAY! I understand that I am obligated to pay for any cost or golf fees incurred by Mile Hi Golf Club in reliance on my commitment to play in or attend any Mile Hi Golf Club event. It is further understood that if I commit on behalf of my family members or others, I am responsible for reimbursing Mile Hi Golf Club for any cost or golf fees incurred in reliance on my commitment. If I do not pay before or at the time of the event, I understand that Mile Hi Golf Club will send me an invoice and that I will pay the invoiced amount within seven days of receipt. I further understand that failure to pay timely may result in suspension of membership until payment is made. ______(Initial)
Check #: / Check Amount: / Trea: / Date Rec’d:A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE MILE HI GOLF CLUB
The Mile Hi Golf Club (MHGC) formerly known as Mile Hi Sandbaggers Golf Club (MHSB) was founded in 1985 and joined Western States Golf Association (WSGA) the same year. The Mile Hi GolfClub is the largest of the three WSGA member clubs in Colorado which represents approximately 150 minority golfers. The Mile Hi GolfClub is a member club of Western States Golf Association which represents approximately 32 clubs in seven (7) states. Our primary goal is to increase minority presence in the field of golf, in the state of Colorado.
Throughout the season we host bi-monthly tournaments which are played at courses in Denver and the surrounding metropolitan cities and around the state. Denver City Park Golf Course is considered our home course. Tournaments are played May through August - Club Championship is usually played in September. Annually the Mile Hi GolfClub host a WSGA Sanctioned Tournament. This tournament is scheduled over the last weekend in July. All MHSB members, other WSGA member clubs and the local communities are invited to participate in this tournament. This two-day tournament offers trophies and prizes for 8 flights, tee-prizes, a luncheon, and awards dinner. Headquarters/Hospitality is set up at one of the local hotels in Denver and/or the surrounding metropolitan cities.
The Mile Hi GolfClub sponsors a Junior Golf Clinic in the summer. We sponsor up to 15 Junior Golfer (never-ever to advanced) in The First Tee of Denver program. We also award promising minority students a college scholarship who has participated in the Junior golf clinics and shown a continued interest ingolf. Our scholarship program is maintained specifically for Mile Hi Junior Golf who meet the MHGC eligibility requirements.
The Mile Hi GolfClub adheres to all of the by-laws and constitution of the Western States Golf Association. Our preamble to the constitution specifically addresses our Mile Hi Golf Club members. These 5 sections address such things as our club colors, discipline (members must be financial to compete), a quorum of members entitled to vote, election of officers, and other standards of practice that are particular to our organization.
The Western States Golf Association (WSGA) was founded in 1954, incorporated 1972 in the state of California as a non-profit tax exempt corporation. WSGA, Inc. is registered in States listed below. The WSGA member clubs now reside in 7 states to include Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Washington. The organization has grown to represent approximately 32 golf clubs in the seven states with memberships exceeding 1500 adults and 500 junior golfers.
Purpose of our organization:To consolidate predominantly African-American Organized Golf Clubs located in the Western United States under one umbrella.
The WSGA maintains a very successful golf scholarship program for junior golfers. Over $10,000.00 is awarded yearly to numerous deserving young college bound students expressing a continuing interest in golf and meets the WSGA scholarship requirements.
Each year, in June, WSGA holds its Annual Championship Tournament in one of six states, where participants from all member clubs gather together in a fun filled and competitive event under the parent association banner. This three-day tournament usually exceeds over 360 golfers, with nearly 500 friends and family.
E-MAIL or WRITE TO:Mile Hi Golf Club
PO Box 200452
Denver, CO80220-0452
/ Or Call:
Al Avery, President / 720-374-0707
Carnell Wilson, Trea/Handicap Chr. / 303-371-2049
(Revised 01/05/12)