GlobalNet21 webinar 24 September 2012 – Twitter tips

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a free micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets answer the fundamental question “What are you doing?” In its most simplistic form this can be a one or two word answer, but when developed this is a tool that lends itself to developing understanding and starting collaboration. Conversation and collaboration can be carried out in real time (synchronous) or over time (asynchronous). It is often described as filling the gap between email and instant messaging. Each message or ‘tweet’ is no more than 140 characters in length and may include a link to a web site, article, blog and so on. To use Twitter, you need access to the internet either from a computer or mobile phone.

How can I use Twitter?

· Develop your own knowledge by sharing ideas, opinions and resources from a group of people that you have chosen to follow and who follow you. Reflect on your practice and compare and contrast with experiences of other people in your group.

· Connect your message and your brand to what is taking place now.

· Gather market intelligence.

· Keep up to date with news and important changes in your field by following appropriate influencers and media outlets.

Set up a Twitter account

How to get started

· Create an account at

· Add a picture of yourself. People like to see who they are talking to.

· Find people to follow (see below).

· Simply read what others say to start with.

· When you’re ready, respond, ask questions, start conversations with people about their interests.

· Share links to things of interest.

Twitter Language

· A comment is called a Tweet. It is 140 characters long. You can tweet as often as you want.

· Following somebody on Twitter simply means receiving their Twitter updates. You will receive a message in your Twitter home page in real time, every time the person you are following posts a message.

· To reply to a follower and/or mention them in your tweet, use their @ Twitter name.

· Remember, every tweet you write can be seen by the ‘whole world’, but chances are only your followers will care about it.

· To send a ‘direct message’ or Tweet that only the intended recipient will see, use D at the start of your message.

· To follow somebody, click on their name and press ‘follow’. If you no longer want to receive their updates, click ‘unfollow’ or ‘block’ to stop them following you.

· Links to websites in your tweets are automatically shortened to reduce characters.

· RT or retweet is a way of ‘forwarding’ interesting tweets made by others to your followers.

· Hash tags # are used to tag tweets and make searching easier. Hash tags are often used in conferences or by businesses to group all relevant tweets.


Find people to follow by:

· Searching by name for people you know on Twitter.

· Click on people you are following and see who they follow.

· Use and search with keywords.

Best practice for business

(adapted from

· Share Share photos and behind the scenes info about your business/interests. Even better, give a glimpse of developing projects and events. Users come to Twitter to get and share the latest!

· Listen Regularly monitor the comments about your company, brand, interests and products.

· Ask Ask questions of your followers to glean valuable insights and show that you are listening.

· Respond Respond to compliments and feedback in real time

· Reward Tweet updates about special offers, discounts and time-sensitive deals.

· Demonstrate wider leadership and know-how. Reference articles and links about the bigger picture as it relates to your business.

· Champion your stakeholders Retweet and reply publicly to great tweets posted by your followers and customers.

· Establish the right voice Twitter users tend to prefer a direct, genuine, and of course, a likable tone from your business, but think about your voice as you Tweet. How do you want your business to appear to the Twitter community?

Further information

· How to set up a Twitter account:



· How to use Twitter for small business:

· Twitter for small businesses :

· Case studies of Twitter advertising:

· Tweetdeck:

· Twitterfall:

· Twitter QR code generator:

· Mobile tweeting app: Uber Social

Deborah Record @deborahrecord Teresa Connolly @ tconnolly1