Midterm Review: 1710 Earth Science
(Midterm is 25% of your Lab Grade)
1. Review old quizzes.
2. Read through your labs.
3. Know the terms at the beginning of each chapter.
4. Test material will follow accordingly.
5. There are no complex calculations. The only ones that are given will be the ones you already had in the previous quizzes. You are getting a Bachelors degree. You must know the basic calculations.
If you were absent for a quiz, you must have already taken the makeup within the next week of the missed quiz. If you haven’t contacted me regarding your missed quiz by now, there is nothing I can do.
Lab 1 The science of Earth Science
- Know the key terms.
- Be able to draw and explain the steps of scientific method.
- Understand Hypothesis and null hypothesis.
- Know why scientists use the scientific method.
- Understand the Mann-Whitney U-Test.
- Be sure to read the following web page. There are some important questions that you would want to know before coming to the quiz.
Lab 2 Grid systems
- Know the key terms.
- Longitude and Latitude
- What do they measure?
- Which direction do they run?
- Be able to measure absolute measurements (Prime Meridian, Equator)
- Be able to determine the location of a city or feature using latitude and longitude coordinate system
- Be able to calculate the circumference of the earth at different lines of latitude.( I will provide the number of miles per degree, but you must know what to use to calculate the circumference at any given line of latitude)
Lab 3 Topographic Maps
- Key terms
- Interpreting topographic maps
- Determine the contour interval of a map
- Familiarize yourself with various features on a topographic map (depressions, rivers, hills, benchmarks, etc.)
- Range: The possible elevation of the apex of a hill(ex: From 1041 to 1059 ft)
- GRADIENT: The change in elevation divided by the change in distance.
Lab 4 Earth-Sun relationships
- Know the key terms.
- Make sure you understand the axis of the Earth, its tilt.
- Lines on Earth and their hemisphere.
- Angles of the sun and respective dates.
- Circle of illumination
- Latitude and sun angle
Lab 5 Solar Radiation and Atmospheric Heating
- Know the key terms
- What factors impact the amount of energy that reaches the Earth’s surface?
- Albedo measurements for various topographic features.
- Highest and lowest albedo.
- Calculate the net radiation. (I will give you the formula as I did on the quiz. This is a give away, not a complex calculation)
- Gradient: what is temperature gradient?
Lab 6 weather Observation
- Key terms
- Be able to construct and interpret a station model.
- Instruments used for Weather observation and measurement.
- Station Model Example: First figure in chapter 6
- Conversion from F to C: This is a MUST question. Be sure of the conversion.
Cumulative, Closed book. Do not cheat. Cheating may lead to “0” and a possible Expulsion.
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