Fall Launch 2016
September 13, 2016
- The Stanford iFarm Teams Program is a project headed by the Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing. The goal of the program is to move an OTL managed technology closer to commercial applicability while providing a unique educational experience to iFarm Team participants. In the past, participants have walked away with an expanded professional network, knowledge of how to assess technologies, navigate common hurdles associated with start-up businesses, and even license technologies.
Team Potential Goals*
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- Find a new commercial application for a chosen technology
- SWOT, Market, Industry Analysis
- Opportunity Assessment, Potential Partners
- Regulatory Analysis
- Survey the industry
- Gain real world experience in technology transfer process
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- Topic: Identify a technology from the iFarm Technology Pool (“iTP”)
- Teams: Comprised of 4-5participants and mentor(s) with diverse backgrounds
- Phases: Team formation, Choose Technology, Execute plan*, Final Presentation
Final Presentation:Summary of research and recommendation for Stanford technology based on the Final Project Form.
- Stanford Inventors
- iFarm Team Applicants and Mentors
- Stanford Affiliates
- OTL Licensing Associate
- The iFarm Team program is completely voluntary; there is no compensation for participation. Team members must identify themselves as iFarm Team Program volunteers when introducing themselves to Stanford inventors.
- The Stanford inventions remain the property of the University.
- Improvements to existing inventions would be governed by the University’s IP policy (Note: Focus of program is not inventing).
- The iFarm Team members are expected to commit to participating for 5 months and attend group meetings.
- Stanford may use the iFarm Team work product to continue to try to license the technology.
Our Approach and Key Dates
Events: Start at 6:30PM in GSB McClelland Bldg, NGP CoLab, M101, see website or email announcement.
- 09/13/16:Fall 2016 iFarm Teams Launch
- Speaker:Luis Mejia, Presentation on “iFarm Teams Program” and “Life of a Stanford Invention”
- Speaker: Spring 2016 iFarm Alum Team, Shane Lofgren
- Speaker: Singari Seshardi, Venture Studio
- 09/27/16: Networking Session and Progress Report 1 Due*
- Speaker:Ryan Jones, Biotech Connection, SWOT, Market and Industry Analysis
- 10/04/16: Networking Session and Progress Report 2 Due*
- Speaker:Efrat Kasznik, President, Foresight Valuation Group, Inc., Opportunity Assessment and Potential Partners
- 10/25/16: Progress Report 3 Due - 10 Minute Team Mini Briefings*
- 11/08/16: Working Group Session and Progress Report 4 Due*
- 11/29/16: Working Group Session and Progress Report 5 Due*
- 12/06/16: Final Team Presentations and Final Project Form*
- 12/13/16: iFarm Mixer Session Finale
*Deliverables:Teams will provide written and verbal progress reports, as noted above, leading up to the 20 minute final team presentation and completion of the Final Project Form.
Team Players:
- Stanford Inventors: When working with the inventors, inform them you are working on a volunteer project for OTL. They should already be aware of the iFarm Program.
- OTL Associates: Available to meet in person, by phone, or questions by email. Their liaisons may also be able to answer questions for you if the associate is not available.
- Mentors: The role of the mentor is to provide advice to teams on a scheduled basis. Mentors are expected to be available to assist a team for 1-2 hours per week.
“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” Demosthenes
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