Metamorphic rocks
What causes metamorphism?
What changes does metamorphism cause?
What is the protolith?
What are metamorphic textures?
What is the sold-state?
What is a phase change?
What is neo crystallization?
What is pressure solution?
What is plastic deformation?
What classes of metamorphic rocks are there?
What examples of metamorphic rocks are there?
What is the metamorphic grade?
What are low grade metamorphic rocks?
What are high grade metamorphic rocks?
What is foliation?
What causes foliation (generally and specifically)?
What places cause metamorphism?
What is contact metamorphism?
What is regional metamorphism?
What is burial metamorphism?
What is hydrothermal metamorphism?
What is shock metamorphism?

Stress and Strain
What is stress?
What are the types of stress?
What is strain?
What is the geologic term for mountain building?
What causes mountain building?
What is uplift?
What is deformation?
What stress causes thicker crust?
What stress causes thinner crust?
What causes brittle deformation?
What causes ductile deformation?
How does chemical composition, temperature, pressure and the rate influence the type of

Structural Geology
What are joints?
What causes joints?
What are veins?
What causes veins?
What are geologic structures?
What are slicken slides?
Which block is the footwall?
Which block is the hanging wall?
What types of faults are there?
What is a fault scarp?
What are anticlines?
What are synclines?
What is the hinge and axial plane?
What is a fold limb?
What drives erosion?
What is isostasy?

Historic Geology
What is relative dating?
What is numeric sating?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of dating?
What is the concept behind original horizontality?
What is the concept behind superposition?
What is the concept behind cross cutting relationships?
What is the concept behind inclusions?
What can you learn from baked contacts?
How could you date a rock drawing like we did in class?
What is an unconformity?
What is a disconformity?
What is a non conformity?
How can you use fossils to date rocks?
How can you make a fossil?
Explain all the steps?
What is a stratigraphic column?
What is stratigraphic correlation?
Name types of absolute dating methods:

History of the Earth
The Earth is how old?
What do we know about the early Earth?
What was the first form of life?
What did the first form of life produce?
What is required for life to form?
What is what idea that we caused life to form?
What are the banded iron formations?
What do the banded iron formations represent?
Explain the importance of sexual reproduction that its impact on the number of species alive.
Which of these formed first? Spores, pinecones, flowers.
Which one last?
In the later Paleozoic and Mesozoic, what events cause us to say it is a new time period?
How could a meteorite cause extinction?
How could a volcano cause extinction?
How could a change in temperature cause extinction?
How could a change in the ocean level cause an extinction?
What traits would help an animal survive an extinction?

What is a dessert?
What causes a desert?
What properties of wind do you need?
What is an example of a desert?
What types of deserts can there be?
What type of weathering dominates in a desert?
What is calcrete? And How does it form?
How is desert pavement formed?
How is desert Varnish formed?
What is a ventifact and how is it formed?
What is saltation?
What type of rocks will be found in a playa?
What type of rocks will be found in an alluvial fan?
How do sand dunes form?
What types of dunes are there?
What do the dunes tell you about the wind patterns?
What do sand dunes look like in the rock record?
How does cliff retreat happen?
What are mesas, buttes, and chimneys?
What is desertification?