/ Department of Education/ HAWTHORNDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL
Telephone 0131-271-4600
Fax 0131-654-2046
GWEN MAITLAND, Headteacher
19 October 2015
Dear Parents/ Carers
30 MAY 2016 – 6 JUNE 2016
I am delighted to inform you that next May/June we are able to offer our Primary 5 pupils the opportunity to attend an outdoor education camp. This is the sixth year we have offered this to P5 pupils, as our P5’s have an absolutely wonderful time! At the camp the children will develop knowledge and skills that have been introduced at school whilst exploring a new environment. They will also experience new physical and educational challenges. Above all, this experience encourages the development of personal and social skills and the need to value and respect others whilst appreciating their own self-worth. At the same time the children are encouraged to take responsibility for caring for the environment around them.
This would be at Craigower Lodge Outdoor Centre at Newtonmore. Further information about this camp can be found on our school website. The approximate cost including transport would be £264. Theamount will be confirmed once numbers have been established. A letter will be issued immediately, once known.
A booking has been made at Newtonmore leaving on Monday 30th May 2016 and returning on Friday 6th June 2016.
If you would like your child to take part, Newtonmore require a non refundable deposit of 25% of the cost as soon as possible. To secure a place, a non refundable deposit of £66should be paid to the school by Friday 4th December2015.
It is proposed that the following payments should be made (based on £264 total figure – which could change as previously mentioned due to numbers attending):
Deposit £66.00 due 4/12/15.
Followed by 4Payments of £40.00 per month–due 15thof each month (January – April 2016 and a final payment of £38).
A payment card will be issued to those pupils who wish to go to camp. To allow greater flexibility of payments, if you wish, you can make payments when you want to by sending in instalments to the school office. The payment card must be sent in when payments are made as receipts will not be issued. The office will also keep a record of what payments have been made for each child.
Financial assistance may be available from Midlothian Council for parents whose children are already in receipt of free school meal entitlement; a form to apply for assistance will be available from the school office once numbers are known and will be given out only if requested. We would point out, however, that even if assistance is applied for, it is not guaranteed and payments must still be made up front. Any overpayment made by those who subsequently do receive assistance will, of course be reimbursed as soon as we receive confirmation of the amount granted.
Please complete and return the slip below by 4th December 2015 and enclosea deposit of £66 if you would like your child to attend. Please confirm by this date if you wish your child to attend or not as final numbers/cost has to be calculated and given to parents of those children wishing to attend. A payment card will be issued once final numbers/costs are calculated. If no slip is returned then it will be assumed your child is not attending.
Yours sincerely
Gwen Maitland
Head Teacher
30th MAY 2016 - 6th JUNE 2016
Child’s Name:______Class:______
I wish my child to take part in the ASG Camp at Newtonmore and enclose £66non refundable deposit.
I do not wish my child to take part.