Dear Wind Ensemble Parents and Students,

Band festival is two weeks away! We have been working hard to learn and perfect our music and are looking forward to band festival. Here are some important facts to know about the upcoming festival:

What is a band festival?

Band festivals are sponsored by the Southern California Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA). They are put on every year all around Southern California. Middle school and high school bands and orchestras attend them.

What is the purpose of band festival?

We think of festival as the band equivalent of any big assessment (test) that students take in other classes. It is an opportunity for us to be assessed on how well we play as a band. We also have the opportunity to hear and see other middle school bands from around the area.

How are students assessed at band festival?

Performances at the festival are judged and scored according to how well we play. Scores correspond to a particular ranking. A “Superior” or “I” ranking is the highest ranking a band can get. After Superior (I) comes Excellent (II), Good (III), Fair (IV), and Poor (V). There are three judges listening to our performance and each gives us a score. The overall score is a combination of the three judges scores. Some bands with “Superior” ratings are invited to participate in a regional festival later in the year.

What is the day like for students at band festival?

Each band begins band festival with about 30 min of warm up time. After warm up, bands proceed to the performance stage to perform their selections. After the performance, each band is required to go to a separate sight-reading room for a judge to assess their sight-reading abilities. Our overall score includes our sight-reading score. After sight-reading, the rest of the day is spent watching other bands and enjoying the festival!

With all this in mind, Wind Ensemble will be participating in TWO band festivals this year. The first is on Friday, March 13 at Ramona High School in Riverside. The second is on March 26 at the Bonita Center for the Arts. Attached is the information sheet and the permission slips for the festivals. Please return the permission slip to me no later than Thursday, March 5. As always, please let me know if you have any questions! Wish us luck!

Sarah Owen

Band Director

Ramona Middle School


Ramona High School SCSBOA Festival

Friday, March 13 2014


7:30am–report to the Ramona MS band room in CONCERT DRESS

8:00am – Leave Ramona MS

9:00am – Arrive @ Ramona High School,watch bands

11:15am – WARM-UP

11:45am – Performance

12:15pm –Sight Reading

12:45 – lunch (We will either eat at Ramona High School- they have burgers, hot dogs, snacks, etc. Students need to bring $$ for lunch OR bring a sack lunch).

2:00pm – leave for Ramona MS

3:00pm – arrive @ Ramona MS


Students will be excused from class for the day. Students are NOT excused from any work that they may miss that day. All students need to be responsible for making up work they miss. Please check with your teachers ahead of time.

What to wear:You will need to wear your concert dress for the WHOLE day.

What to bring: Your instrument, your music, and your brain. BRING A SACK LUNCH OR MONEY TO BUY LUNCH. We will eat after our performance. You may bring a backpack with you to keep your things in. ELECTRONIC DEVICES NEED TO BE OFF AND PUT AWAY THE ENTIRE TIME WE ARE AT THE FESTIVAL.

Behavior: All school rules apply. We are guests at another school. Ramona High School will be in session that day and Ramona MS students are expected to respect their school policies as well as Ramona MS’sAT ALL TIMES. Students not adhering to school rules will be sent back to Ramona MSand will lose all future field trip privileges.

Audience Behavior: Students are expected to be a quiet and respectful audience for all groups. If students cannot follow these audience rules, they will not be allowed to participate in future field trips. NO ELECTRONICS. AT ALL. EVER. IF I SEE THEM I WILL TAKE THEM. BE RESPECTFUL LISTENERS.

Money: SCSBOA will be selling medals, pins at the festival. If you wish, you may bring money to buy them. The cost is $5 for pins and medals, $1 for stickers.

Chaperones: We will need several chaperones for this field trip. Please let me know if you are interested. Chaperones may drive themselves to the festival, or ride the bus with us.

Parents are welcome to attend the festival as audience members as well. We would love the support! The address for Ramona High School is: 7675 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA, 92504


BUSD Band Festival

Thursday, March 26 2014


8:30am – report to the Ramona MS band room in CONCERT DRESS

8:50am – Leave Ramona MS

9:00am – Arrive @ BCA

9:30am – Symphonic Band warm-up

10:00am – Symphonic Band performance

10:30am – Symphonic Band sight-reading

11:30am – 6th Grade Band warm-up

12:00pm – 6th Grade Band performance

12:30pm – 6th Grade Band sight-reading

1:00pm – Wind Ensemble warm-up

1:30pm – Wind Ensemble performance

2:00pm – Wind Ensemble sight-reading

2:30pm – leave for Ramona MS


Students will be excused from class for the day. Students are NOT excused from any work that they may miss that day. All students need to be responsible for making up work they miss. Please check with your teachers ahead of time.

What to wear: You will need to wear your concert dress for the WHOLE day.

What to bring: Your instrument, your music, and your brain. BRING A SACK LUNCH. Let me know if you need a school lunch. You may bring a backpack with you to keep your things in. ELECTRONIC DEVICES NEED TO BE OFF AND PUT AWAY THE ENTIRE TIME WE ARE AT THE FESTIVAL.

Behavior: All school rules apply. Ramona MS students are expected to respect their school policies as well as Ramona MS’s AT ALL TIMES. Students not adhering to school rules will be sent back to Ramona MSand will lose all future field trip privileges.

Audience Behavior: Students are expected to be a quiet and respectful audience for all groups. If students cannot follow these audience rules, they will not be allowed to participate in future field trips. ELECTRONIC DEVICES NEED TO BE OFF AND PUT AWAY THE ENTIRE TIME WE ARE AT THE FESTIVAL.

Chaperones: We will need LOTS of chaperones for this field trip since I will be with the performing groups most of the day. Please let me know if you are interested. Chaperones may drive themselves to the festival, or ride the bus with us.

Parents are welcome to attend the festival as audience members as well!




Dear Parent/Guardian:

______has my permission to participate in the following

voluntary school activity:

Wind Ensemble Band Festivals (Ramona HS, Riverside and BCA)Friday, March 13 and

Thursday, March 26, 2015

In case of emergency, I give permission for any necessary treatment/medication to be administered to my child by the attending physicians/nurses/hospital/paramedics.

California Education Code Section 35330 states, in pertinent part, as follows:

“All persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the district or the State of California for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip or excursion.”

I have read and understand Education Code Section 35330 as quoted above. I further understand that I hold harmless the Bonita Unified School District, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all liability or claims that may arise out of or in connection with my child’s participation in this activity.

I fully understand that participants are to abide by all rules and regulations governing conduct during the school activity. Any violation of these rules and regulations may result in that individual being disciplined and/or sent home at his/her and/or parents’/guardians’ expense.

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Address Phone #

Signature of StudentDate of Birth

Family Medical Insurance Carrier Policy Group No.Phone #

A special note to Parents/Guardians: For safety purposes, the school needs to be aware of any medical situation which may affect your child while participating in this school activity.

_____Check here if there are no special medical problems of which the staff should be aware and no medications are required during the school activity.

_____Check here if there are special medical problems of which the staff should be aware and/or medications that are required during the school activity. If medications are required, you must sign and attach the “Authorization for Medication” form obtained from the School Health Office and describe the medical problem:


Permission Slip Due Thursday, March 5