MEETING NAME / Regional Young Umpiring Action Group / Held at / Netball and Badminton Centre, LoughboroughUniversity
LEAD / John Litchfield (JL) / NOTE TAKER / Margaret McLoughlin (MM)
DATE / 30th April 2008 / START TIME
END TIME / 19.00
present / Andy Barnes (AB), Dave Fellows (DF) and Saul Shohet (SS)
circulation / Pat Colledge (PC),Nisar Chaudhry (NC) Bill Holdforth (BH),Alan Grocock (AG), Claire Stewardson (CS), Kevin Freeman (KF), Elaina Leithead (EL), Jo Duff (JD), and Jane Nockolds (JN)


1 / Apologies
Received from Pat Colledge, Elaina Leithead, Nisar Chaudhry, Jo Duff, Alan Grocock and Bill Holdforth
2 / Minutes of the Last Meeting
All agreed that the minutes were a true record and were adopted accordingly.
Matters arising not covered elsewhere in the agenda
We still need to find 2 new committee members. BCHUA possibility Steve Tabb
What is happening at the county level to develop young umpires and was there a lead EH officer with that responsibility was raised as a question. Response for NC ‘I have made enquires within my area and the general consensus is that there isn’t an appointed person to oversee junior umpire development within the counties. Individuals do become proactive where there is a need to encourage youngsters but it usually is with a club environment. I can give you names if required for some areas. YES PLEASE to MM
We have requested info re numbers of courses and we can add this information and possibly take it forward as a discussion to JD.
Message from BH - the next meeting of BCHUA Exec is at the start of June will look at the request for funding from the John Lockwood fund. He intends to ask for £500 but the decision is the committees
EH request for Information re RYUAG progress / plans etc. Nothing as yet returned from them.
Letters had not gone to Jay Heath and Dominic Oliver - to be picked up when we update MYUPL list. Contact had been made with Bill Holdforth & Andy Barnes, both wished to remain on the group
L1 exam for Tom Cheevers completed and passed. He has assessment at the weekend / ALL
3 / Finance Update
  • Saul Shohet reported a currentbalance of £960.51. The money long awaited from EH has arrived (£135). Mini’s costs £273.63 with £65.10 donation. Raffle raised £275.
How much does it cost to run the MYRUAG? – need info for any prospective funding requests. We still need to find a permanent source of ongoing funding. We possibly need a conversation with schools and youth. / SS
4 / MRYUAG Business
Recruitment – this has been good, following the trawl for the Mini’s with 11 new umpires so far.
Midland office to house the consent forms – MM has spoken to EL who is aware.
We had forgotten the role of the Welfare Officer. MM had circulated a draft which was approved. We do however need a post holder for it. The person need not necessarily attend meetings but could be coopted as necessary. Names to be collected and given to JL.
Review of Action Plan
This proved a thought provoking item, and it was decided that we need more direction from England Hockey before we can reasonably put a new 2nd two year action plan together. Last year we concentrated on increasing our activity following last years Challenge where it was identified that other regions young umpires appeared to be better prepared. Certainly the core of our umpires is much further ahead than they have been before. We also thought that sending a coach to that tournament to work with others to identify good practise that could go across the regions would be a great step forward. Nationally what is envisaged to assist umpires coaches to specifically assist young umpires? JL to speak to EL.
To be an agenda item for next meeting. / ALL
5 / Programme review 07-08
Review of activity since last meeting
1. Boys U15/U17 CountyWeek 2 – 30th March 08 (2 venues). Coaching reports from both outstanding
2. Midlands Mini Festival – Cannock 27th April 08 – 22 actually appointed. One injured and one just didn’t arrive. Colin Jones acted as UM. Congratulations and thanks recorded for his work. Collectively from those present overall standard higher than last year with spoken positive comments (and one email of praise from WellingboroughSchool).
Matters for consideration for next year – Clarification re long injuries action, central appointments board in bowls hut, and possible use of the extra room at that location for our base. Extend the day’s appraisal throughout the day. Umpire shirts colour (orange?), and need for TEAM colours sheet and a ‘runner’ for Umpire manager. Another RAFFLE.
National Challenge 2008 - Info now circulated. 5 nominees - Tom Cheevers, Alex Davies, Katy Gutteridge, Ben Mills and Jonathon Oldham. Reserve Fran Perry. Two YU’s had been in contact expressing disappointment. Significant numbers were not available for the challenge w/end.
Future Events
No calendar as yet known. Target 10 to 12 events again but increase YU numbers to 50% of umpires / MM / Colin Barthorpe
6 / Young Umpires
(a)Consent Forms for 07-08
Numerous in following Mini’s. Send paperwork to Camilla Johnson
(b)YUA and FUA course tutors – list required and Tutor requirements, continues to be on hold as there is no update.
7 / Midlands Young Umpire Promising List (MYUPL)
Review of panels - This was completed and agreements made. A permanent copy to be added to these notes. During discussion we it asdecided to introduce a MRYUAG group for those not yet on panels, but whom we wish to work with further. This will require a small redraft of the criteria paperwork / jl/MM
8 / Website Update
Approaches made to John Lockwood fund and the National Hockey Foundation. MM still to speak to Hannah Sanders re the Nationwide building Society. It is still far from ideal as YU’s are either split across EMHUA or BCHUA or are not on any system / ALL
9 / Any Other Business
  • We need to find out all the countyL1 coordinators especially those who deal with youngsters
  • DF’s CRB still not arrived
  • Numbers and make up of management committee to be reconfirmed at next meeting (currently JL/EL/AG/MM
/ MM
10 / Date of Next Meeting 7pm Monday 14th July 2008 at LoughboroughUniversity / ALL

Circulated on 13/5/08 by MM

1April 2008