Mid-Atlantic Parish Training Program

Guide for the Lay Committee’s Reflection Paper

An electronic copy of this form is available so that responses can be inserted.Responses may also be handwritten. It is requested that the full committee, or as many members as possible, take part in completing this reflection.


Lay Mentoring Committee Convener:

Lay Mentoring Committee Members:

I.The Calling of a Priest:

1)Do you perceive the intern as a person who is called to be a priest?What qualities, abilities and/or gifts does he or she have which you associate with ordained ministry?

2)Does the intern proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior?In what way(s)?

3a)Does the intern preach the Good News of the Gospel? What theological topics (for example, forgiveness, healing, love) did the intern preach about during the internship?

3b)What do you sense his or her relationship with scripture is?

4a)What is your perception of the intern as a minister of the sacraments?

4b)When he or she assisted in leading the liturgy and administering the Eucharist, how would you describe his or her presence?

5)If you or your family were in a crisis and the intern was the person offering you pastoral care, what quality or qualities about the intern would you rely on to help you through it?

6)Did the intern serve as a teacher during the MAPTP internship?If so, please describe his or her teaching ability.

7a)Does the intern proclaim the priesthood of the baptized (that all baptized people are ministers, some lay and some ordained, and each one has a calling to serve God in Christ)?

7b)Does the intern empower lay people for ministry—that is, does he or she motivate, inspire and try to find opportunities for lay people to do God’s work, both in the church and in the community? If so, in what ways?

II.The Identity-forming Vows of a Priest:Please answer these questions “yes” or “no”, and add any comments or descriptions which seem pertinent.

1)Do you sense in the intern a person who is called to serve as a Priest? If so, what traits, abilities or events in the intern’s life have shaped your perception?

2)Do you sense in the intern a person who is committed to the work of ordained ministry?If so, how is that evidenced?

3)Do you sense in the intern a person who is under authority?If so, how is that demonstrated?

4)Do you sense in the intern a person who is a student of holy things?If so, what contributed to that perception?

5)Do you sense in the intern a priest who is a minister of Word and Sacrament?If so, how is that demonstrated in his or her approach to ministry?

6)Do you sense in the intern a priest who is a servant,pastor, and partner?If so, what is there about his or her approach to these roles which contributed to shaping your opinion?

7)Do you sense in the intern a priest who is a model of Christian living?If so, what do you see in his or her life which demonstrates this?

8)Do you sense in the intern a priest who is a person of prayer?If so, how does he or she live this out?

9)Do you sense in the intern a priest who is empowered?If so, what seems to you to be the nature of that empowerment?

10)Do you sense in the intern a priest who empowers others for ministry?If so, please give an example of the intern having empowered a member of the congregation for ministry, either in the church or in the community.

III. Questions from the Ordination Liturgy:Based on your knowledge of the intern, please answer these questions from the Ordination liturgy.

Do you know of any impediment or crime which should prohibit the intern from moving forward toward ordination?

 Yes  No  Unsure

Is it your will that the intern continue on the path toward ordination as a Priest?

 Yes  No  Unsure

Will you do all in your power to uphold the intern in the ministry of the Priesthood?

 Yes  No  Unsure

Please make any further comments which are pertinent, using additional paper if necessary.

2011Guidebook, Mid Atlantic Parish Training Programpage 1