Parish Meeting Rooms

Main Road

Middleton Cheney


Oxon OX17 2LR

Tel: (01295) 713500

Minutes of the meetingheld on 8 May 2013



Present:Tom Rice (Chairman), Sue Jerrams Coughtrey (Vice Chair), Val Furniss, Alan Youel, Roger Charlesworth, Caroline Stacey,Peter Fernie (arrived late)

  1. Apologies Merry Wadlow,Nigel Wadlow, Craig Orris
  1. Questionnaire

Roger Charlesworth had written a statement for the cover, which tried to state the case without leadinganyone, but would encourage people to fill in the questionnaire. Alan Youel had devised an objective initial statement, which could be refined by the next meeting. Tom Rice commented that “the objective of the Neighbourhood Plan was to represent the views of the village to the planners”. A discussion on how to proceed resulted in an agreement that the questionnaire needed to be more robust to produce responses. That there was a need to put the right questions in a format that would encourage people to fill it in and that the questionnaire should be held back until the group were happy with it. Survey Monkey could not be used to collate the questionnaire as anything more than 10 questions would have to be paid for. The process should start again at the Village Fete stand on 2 June.

  1. Terms of Reference form Prism Performance

Tom Rice reported that he had met with Mike Olive and Peter Mackie, but that there were no terms of reference yet, they should be ready by the end of May/early June.

  1. Other Business
  1. Suggestions for disseminating information or recruiting new members were:-

Canvassing outside Londis/Brads/the Primary School

Items in the Primary School and Pre-school Newsletters

Flyers to be handed out

  1. Stand at the Fete

Leaflets (use the ones printed for the September Open Day, Sue Jerrams Coughtrey offered to find these)

Large Map, use Lego blocks to indicate where houses could go

Ideas wall, what is right/wrong with the village?

A Rota would be sent out, to be filled in by anyone willing to help on the day of the Fete

  1. Facebook, Tom Rice would set up a facebook page for MCNP
  2. An Action Plan/Road Map would be put together which would cover the next 3/4 months
  1. Date of next meeting

Friday 17 May at 7pm

Items for the next Agenda

  1. Prism Performance
  2. Fete Arrangements