Chapter 9 – Life Span Development l

Web Resources

Would you like an inside view of prenatal development?

This site contains an extremely detailed, interactive visual of the incredible journey through the first nine months of a baby’s development--from conception to birth.

Want help with parenting?

This on-line magazine provides parenting advice, suggestions for purchases, resources and referrals, and much more. Another helpful website for parenting tips is offered on This is the official website of New York University’s Child Study Center, which contains advice for parents, information on parenting styles, resources for families and numerous articles and links. In addition, offers a long list of helpful links for expectant couples and new parents.

Would you like tips for dealing with special problems in development?

The AACAP site offers "Facts for Families" about bedwetting, daycare, learning disabilities, and other developmental issues.

Want more information about aging?

This Administration on Aging website contains numerous articles and press releases regarding information on a multitude of subjects having to do with the elderly.

Cognitive Psychology Links from Athabasca University

This Web site offers a variety of links relevant to the field of cognitive psychology.

Time magazine on Jean Piaget (100 most influential scientists of the century)

Jean Piaget, the pioneering Swiss philosopher and psychologist, is highlighted in this article.

Developmental Psychology Links

This Web site provides links to information on infancy, childhood development, child protection, parenting, adolescence, and many more child development topics.

Brief Outline of Theory of Attachment by Eliana Montuori and Juan Carlos Garelli

From the site: “Bowlby’s Attachment Theory advances a multidisciplinary stance in which psychoanalysis is integrated with ethology and sociobiology, psychobiology, and cybernetic theory of control systems and modern structural approach to cognitive development. In spite of the fact that the integration of these disciplines was first undertaken in order to understand the origin, function and development of the child’s early socio-emotional relations, Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment is in actual fact deeply embedded in a general theory of behaviour which is an outgrowth of these manifold origins.”

Jean Piaget Society

From the site: “The Jean Piaget Society, established in 1970, has an international, interdisciplinary membership of scholars, teachers and researchers interested in exploring the nature of the developmental construction of human knowledge. The Society was named in honor of the Swiss developmentalist, Jean Piaget, who made major theoretical and empirical contributions to our understanding of the origins and evaluation of knowledge.”

I Am Your Child

From the site: “I Am Your Child is a national public awareness and engagement campaign to make early childhood development a top priority for our nation. Since its spring launch in 1997, I Am Your Child has educated millions of parents and professionals about breakthrough new discoveries in the process of brain development. These findings reveal that the first three years of a child’s life are more important for emotional and intellectual growth than previously thought. Through mass media, community mobilization, public education and policy outreach, parents and caregivers across the US and around the world are learning how to make a difference in the lives of young children. I Am your Child founders include Rob Reiner and Michele Singer Reiner, and Ellen Gilbert of International Creative Management, as well as a broad range of experts from the early childhood fields.”

National Institute of Mental Health: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

From the site: “Imagine living in a fast-moving kaleidoscope, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly shifting. Feeling easily bored, yet helpless to keep your mind on tasks you need to complete. Distracted by unimportant sights and sounds, your mind drives you from one thought or activity to the next. Perhaps you are so wrapped up in a collage of thoughts and images that you don’t notice when someone speaks to you.”

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

From the site: “An individual’s place, and success, in society is almost entirely determined by neurological functioning. A neurologically injured child is unable to meet the expectations of parents, family, peers, school, career and can endure a lifetime of failures. The largest cause of neurological damage in children is prenatal exposure to alcohol. These children grow up to become adults. Often the neurological damage goes undiagnosed, but not unpunished.”

About Brain Injury: A Guide to Brain Anatomy

This Web site offers a very thorough introduction to brain anatomy and explains the effects of brain damage to any area.