Middlesex County 4-H Advisory Council
Minutes – March 15, 2011 - 7pm by Conference Call
Meeting was called to order at 7:00
Attendees Present: Amy Brown, Pam LeFave, Joanne Brown, Emily Oneschuk, Wendy Marcks, Sue Lewis (7:30), Louise Donahue (7:30), Regina Brown (Canine Club)
Recording Secretary (Amy) - Minutes accepted. Motion: Joanne, Second: Emily. Motion passed.
Treasurer (Joanne) - Monthly Financial Report accepted. Motion: Amy, Second: Emily. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business:
Committee Reports:
March Awards Dinner (Pam) – Pam wrote Thank you’s to volunteers and sponsors who participated in the dinner. We need to find a new location because the Westford Church will be charging $450.
Bake less Bake sale – Money is coming in. After Saturday, Wendy plans to add a reminder about the bake less bake sale to the e-mail she is sending out about the 4-H Idol contest.
**This required a vote because of the money – I don’t have the motion or 2ndVP Judges Training (Pam) – Joanne needs to send a check for $20 to the First Parish UU Church in Chelmsford. We used it for VP Judging. The contact is Lila Pilosi.
County VPs (Louise) – Sara will man the camp booth at the County VP event. The camp plans to give a discount on camp registration to VP winners. Louise plans to announce this during the time everyone is waiting before awards are presented
New Business:
State Report (Wendy) – The annual Golf Tournament is looking for volunteers to help with sponsors at the event. The golf event is looking for donations of items for the Auction and Raffle Baskets. The Mass 4-H Foundation Board is looking for new members. Mass 4-H Foundation plans to have a fundraiser at a Red Sox Game on September 17. There will be an Agriculture day at the State House April 7. The big topic for 4-H will be the National Smith Lever Budget. It has provided government money to states since 1913. The house wants to cut this budget by 30%. The senate has been supportive of 4-H, but still needs to hear from us. Go if you can or contact legislators about supporting this. The more personal the request, the better impact it makes. Parents and 4-Hers are encouraged to e-mail or send letters telling their story and why 4-H is a great organization. Wendy plans to mention this at County VP Day. Last summer, Middlesex County had a summer intern (4-H alum) help out in the office. She was instrumental in starting a new club (Waltham Clover Buddies) during that time. Due to her success, there will be an opportunity for counties statewide to do this.
Horse Report (Wendy) – Middlesex County is testing out a new horse registration procedure where 4-Hers only need to send in paper work if they have a new animal, this is their first time registering the horse or if there is a change in the registration. If this program works in Middlesex County, it will be used statewide. Dee is now chair of the Horse Department at the fair. The Horse website is being updated, 4H-MiddlesexHAC.org
Camp Report (Louise) – A record number of staff will be attending the ACA Conference this year. Louise plans to attend a grant writing workshop on March 29 in Tewksbury, 8:30-12 at the Holiday Inn. She will forward information to our members. A request was made to use the barn at the camp year round. In addition to leasing the building and having it be in use all year round,
animals will be there during camp eliminating the need for camp staff to arrange for that.
Science, Engineering, Technology (SET) (Wendy) – The Essex County Science Club is having a Science Fair and has invited all counties to participate. This year’s science camp is scheduled to be held June 26, 27, 28 at UMass Amherst.
Discussion – Should we have more meetings on the phone? It may make it easier for clubs to be more involved.
Action Items:
Everyone – Look into possibilities for a new venue for the Awards Dinner
Everyone – Contact your legislators about 4-H
Pam – Include thank you’s to everyone who contributed to the Awards Dinner in the Newsletter.
Wendy - Announce the need to contact your legislators about supporting 4-H.
Wendy – Send out reminder about 4-H Idol and include a reminder about the bake less bake sale.
Joanne - Send a check for $20 to the First Parish UU Church in Chelmsford.
Louise – Announce the discount program for County VP winners at the VP event.
Louise – Send information on the grant writing workshop to MAC members
Sara – Man camp booth at the VP event
Next meeting:
April 19, 2011, Littleton Congregational Church, Littleton, MA, 7pm.