Teacher: Mrs. Ramirez

Class: Spanish 1, 2, 3

Office Hours: Available before/after school, unless previously discussed by teacher

Grading Rubric: Is divided by 2 different Categories

Daily Participation/Activities

Point Objective

  • 5 pts. Engaging 100% on the in-class activity or assignment
  • 4 pts. Somewhat engaged on the in-class activity orassignment
  • 3 pts. Occasionally engaged on the in-class activityorassignment
  • 2 pts.Struggling to participate on the in-class activity or assignment
  • 1 pt. Little to no participation on the in-class activity or assignment

Major Assignments and Testing


B 80-89

C 70-79



Course Materials

  • 2 Composition notebooks (Supplied by students)
  • Spanish-English dictionary
  • Textbook

Course Description:

This class develops beginning abilities in all four language skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. It offers a study of vocabulary and grammatical structures in communicative context. It also introduces students to Hispanic culture and traditions.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, student be will be to:

  • Read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate written work in the target language;
  • Write and/or speak clearly and suitably in Spanish for a variety of purposes and for different audiences.
  • Explain their own cultural perspective and make a meaningful comparison between it and other cultural perspective.
  • Employ speaking, listening and interpersonal skills in Spanish at the elementary level.

Classroom Assignment Descriptions:

  • Test:

Each Unit will be concluded with a summative test over the material from the textbook as well as from lectures. These tests will be given a multiple choice, matching, and/or short answer format.

  • Quizzes:

Vocabulary and grammar quizzes will be based on the text. Each should take no more than 20 minutes.

  • Performance-based assessments:

These will be variety of oral presentations in the form of partner and/or group activities, skits, class discussions, and a final oral research project. There will be an oral presentation with each unit.

  • Homework:

Each unit will have practice activities for students to do or as a worksheet to reinforce concepts learned in class.

  • Active Participation:

Active participation in all the said criteria will be essential. There will be a great deal of group work and paired activities in this class. Daily participation is also crucial to success in this course. Your performance in the classroom will be evaluated as your part of your participation grade.

Your participation grade willbe based on the amount of target language spoken in the class, daily preparation, in class activities and other activities by the instructor.

Spanish 1:

Students will be required one final culture project and one final narrative paper.

Spanish 2 and 3:

Students will be require to complete two culture projects one due atin the first semester and the other one in May. Two compositions which include a narrative and autobiography will also be due, one each semester.

Classroom Rules: “RESPECT”

  • Respect Self

“I can’t Vs. I can try”

  • Respect Others

Behave as ladies and gentlemen you are. Respect others attempts to participate (there will be no toleration on bulling includingput-downs) Respects learning time; miss-behaving in the classroom is a distraction from others learning. Respect the teacher by being on time. Participating in classroom discussions and paying attention during lessons.

  • Respect the Room

We have a wonderful room. Take care of it and keep it clean.

Electronic device

No use of cell phones or tablets except in circumstance where their use promotes learning. An example of this in Spanish class when a student is defining words. Ask your teacher permission when wish to use your smart phone or tablet for educational purposes.

Take this syllabus home, have your parents sign it,

Bring it back for 5 pts.


(Student’s Signature) (Parent’s/Guardian’s)


(Date) (Date)