Middle School Language Arts

Mrs. Robinson

Summer Reading 2017

Welcome to your summer reading for 2017! The following books are available in your local library, bookstore, or online bookstore.

Assignment #1: I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World (Young Readers Edition)

ISBN: 0316327913 (*Please be sure to get the Young Readers Edition!*)

Complete the following questions and have your answers ready to hand in on the first day of school. Also, be prepared for a quiz on the book the first week of school!

1. In the first chapter, Malala describes herself as someone who belongs to many communities and assumes different identities: Pashtun, Muslim, female, Swat Valley resident, student. How does membership in each community influence the different parts of her life? Is there one identity that is the strongest force in her life? Or does it depend on the situation? How do you identify yourself?

2. Throughout the book, Malala provides a window into Pashtun culture by providing examples of Pashtun traditions. For instance, when relatives arrive for a visit, the hosts

do not know—or ask—when they are leaving. In school, girls read speeches written by their fathers, uncles or teachers and are judged and awarded prizes. Pashtuns also rarely say “Thank you.” Were there other cultural traditions that struck you as unique or notable? What cultural traditions do we have in America (or Florida) that might surprise Malala?

3. Malala’s address to the United Nations Youth Assembly includes the following quotation: “Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are the most powerful weapons” (Yousafzai). What does she mean by this? How does this statement relate to Malala’s experience and her call for activism on a global level? Is there a specific cause that you care about deeply? Have you been involved with, or have you led a project or event to further that cause? If so, how?

Assignment #2: Novel about one person’s experience during war

You are to choose a novel - fiction or nonfiction - that recounts one person’s experience during war. It can be any one person, and any war. You will be creating an 8-10 slide powerpoint presentation on this book. Be sure to include:

  1. Full background on the war covered in the book. Remember 5 Ws: who, what, where, why, and when.
  2. Pictures and words on every slide.
  3. Full description of the main character(s) in the book
  4. Describe what he or she did and experienced in the war.
  5. Did he or she make a difference? How? Explain.
  6. Tell similarities and differences between you and the person. Can you see yourself responding like the character in the same situation? If not, how would you do things differently?
  7. Be ready to share your presentation on the first day back to school!
  8. If you need ideas on books to use, email me at !

I hope you have a wonderful summer. I look forward to seeing you in August and being your Language Arts teacher for the upcoming year.


Mrs. Robinson