• Clinic and Tryouts for middle school cheerleading will be held Monday-Wednesday, April 23-25, 2012 from 3:45-5:45 pm. Mon-Tuesday will be in the MS Gyms (enter south side of building); tryouts will be held in the HS Fieldhouse (enter north door at east end of building).
  • If you are interested in trying out for 7th or 8th grade middle school cheerleader, please return the parent permission form to when you come to try-outs on Monday, April 23. Or you can send them via e-mail at
  • There is a $25 fee for the clinic payable at the parent meeting or the first day of the clinic. Please make checks payable to Edison Middle School Cheer.
  • There will be an informational parent meeting prior to tryouts on Thursday, April 19that 7:00pm in the Edison Library (enter through the north side of the building).
  • Tryouts will be a three day format. The first two days will be cheerleading clinics to prepare for the tryout. Wednesday will be the tryout day. Girls will be notified at the end of tryouts whether they made the squad.
  • Participants should be on time each day at 3:45 pm and must attend each day of the clinic to maintain eligibility for tryouts.
  • Students wanting to tryout must have a completed parent permission form. This form is attached and should be brought on the first day of try-outs
  • Clinics and tryouts will be closed to parents and public.
  • Each incoming 7th and 8th grade participant must be academically eligible by passing a minimum of 5 classes based on semester grades.
  • Each participant will be taught: 1dance and 1 cheer including jumping.
  • Participants will be paired numerically for the tryout.
  • Each participant must wear t-shirt, shorts and appropriate tennis shoes.



Parental Permission Form

Student Name


Current School: EDISON MIDDLE SCHOOL Grade

As the parent, I give my permission for my child to participate in the Edison Middle School cheerleading clinics/tryouts. I will read the material presented during the parent meetingor given at clinic checkin/registration to determine if my child can continue to pursue the activity of cheer through the remainder of the clinic and tryouts.

Additionally, I accept and understand the following rules and guidelines.

  1. All clinics and tryouts are conducted according to the printed schedule.
  1. Edison will provide all clinic instructors and judges.
  1. The clinics and the tryouts are closed to public and parental viewing.
  1. Parental contact with the tryout judges is prohibited.
  1. Score sheets remain the property of Edison and will not to be given to the participating students or to their parents.
  1. Participants and parents will not be allowed to review the score sheets.
  1. The permission form should be turned in upon check in on Monday, April 23
  1. All incoming 7th & 8thparticipants must have passed a minimum of five (5) classes for the semester grading period, to be eligible for tryouts. Students that did not pass at least 5 classes during the semester will not be allowed to tryout.

I understand and agree to the said guidelines. If any of the guidelines are violated, I understand that my child will be removed from the tryout selection and will not be eligible for participation.

Parent Signature(Date)

Student Signature(Date)