307 Arnold House  Department of Public Health  715 North Pleasant Street  UMass Amherst 01003

Public Health Sciences 4+1 B.S./M.P.H. Degree

The School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is offering a new 4+1 B.S./M.P.H. degree to eligible undergraduates. The program is rigorous and demanding and is designed to offer high achieving students with a quick path to a terminal graduate degree. Students graduating from the program will have both a B.S. and an M.P.H. degree, for a total of 162 credits.


  • Students interested in the 4+1 apply at the end of their second year (63 credit minimum);
  • Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher;
  • Students are required to take 18 credits for both junior and senior year; this includes 2 graduate courses for each semester of senior year;
  • Summer after graduation includes completion of the required MPH practicum and a graduate elective course;
  • Students are required to have 9 credits of a public health internship. This should, ideally, be completed in the junior year.
  • Application to the 4+1 program does not entitle the student to enter the MPH program directly. As a senior, the student will still have to apply formally to the graduate school, take the GRE test, and comply with all application requirements as usual.

Course Sequencing

  • In order for students to complete the 4+1 B.S./M.P.H. degree, the following is a suggested distribution of course credits:

Year / 1st year / Sophomore / Junior / Senior / Summer / Graduate
1st Sem-credits / 15 / 15 / 18 / 18 (include 2 grad course) / 3 credits Practicum
1 grad elective (taken online) / 12
(can vary)
2nd Sem-credits / 15 / 18 / 18 / 18
(include capstone)
2 grad course (from Core MPH requirements) / 12
(can vary)
Cumulative Credits / 30 / 63 / 96 / 132 / 138 / 162

Application Process

  • Application, unofficial transcript, and two letters of recommendation are required. Letters of recommendation should come from faculty or an internship/work supervisor. Applications are due October 15th. Final decisions will be made by end of May and students notified by email.

Public Health Sciences 4+1 B.S. /M.P.H. Degree Application

There are four parts to the application. Please type all of your answers. Completed applications can be submitted to Dr. Gloria DiFulvio, located in Arnold House 307.

Part One: Fill in the information below

Name: ______Date: ______

Spire ID: ______Track: ______Year of Graduation:______

Double Major: ______Minor: ______

Local Address: ______

Permanent Address: ______

E-mail: ______

Phone(s): Cell: ______Other: ______

Part Two: Unofficial Transcript

  • Please attach a current unofficial transcript with your application as well as a copy of your most current Academic Requirements Report and send to Gloria DiFulvio at the address below.

Part Three: Letters of Recommendation

  • Have two letters of recommendation sent to (letters from those who can speak to your academic abilities are preferred):

Dr. Gloria DiFulvio

Undergraduate Program Director

307 Arnold House

715 North Pleasant St.

Amherst, MA 01003

 Letters should be sealed and signed across the seal.

Part Four: Personal Statement

  • A personal statement in which you discuss your academic interests, career goals, the reasons why you wish to pursue the 4+1 B.S./M.P.H. in Public Health Science, which concentration you’re considering, collateral field interest and the courses you’re taking to fulfill that area, and any other information you wish considered in the review of your application.

 Suggestion: Essay should be double-spaced and no more than 5 pages long.

(Modified 03/12/13)