A. Name of City.

B.Project name and location.

C. Brief description of proposed activity.

D. 1) Are there properties listed on, nominated to or eligible for

nomination to, the National Register of Historic Places on the

site, or in the vicinity of the proposed activity?

yes ___ no

2) If yes, does the proposed action have an effect on the properties?

yes ___ no

3) How has this determination been made?

E. Environmental Checklist:

Rate the proposed activity of the following environmental components in terms of

actual or potential impacts on the project on the environment on the project.

The rating scale is as follows:

0 = no impacts.

1 = minor impacts (i.e., those impacts which can be easily mitigated with minimal extra expenses or delay in project implementation).

2 = major adverse impacts (i.e., those impacts which cannot be mitigated or which would require extensive mitigate long delays of project implementation

N/A = not applicable to the type of activity proposed.

01. Unique geologic features on

site or in vicinity______

02. Valuable geologic resources

within 1 mile of site______

03. Slope stability/rockfall ______

04. Depth of impermeable layers ______

05. Subsidence______

06. Consolidation (geologic) ______

07. Seismic risk______

08. Foundation support______

09. Soil plasticity______

10.Frost susceptibility______

11. Liquefaction______

12. Erosion/sedimentation ______

13. Soil permeability______

14. Abandoned, active or planned

sanitary landfill______

15. Wetlands______

16. Coastal/zones/shorelines ______

17. Mine dumps/spoil areas ______

18. Hydrologic balance ______

19. Aquifer yield______

20. Drainage______

21. Flooding______

22. Water quality______

23. Ground water______

24. Surface water______

25. Unique or endangered animal species______

26.Vegetative community ______

27.Plant/animal diversity ______

28.Nutrient cycling______

29.Special climatic conditions ______

30.Forest/range fires______

31. Energy resources______

32. Air quality______

33. Education facilities:


Junior high/senior high ______

other (specify)______

34. Employment______

35. Commercial facilities______

36. Health care/social services ______

37. Water supply system______

38. Sanitary sewer system ______

39. Storm sewer system______

40. Solid waste disposal______

41. Police and fire protection ______

42. Parks/playgrounds/open space use______

43. Other recreation facilities ______

44. Public transportation______

45. Cultural facilities______

46. Site hazards______

47. Structural safety______

48. Safety (materials)______

49. Cultural patterns______

50. Road safety and design ______

51. Noise:

Airports (within 15 miles)______

Railroads (within 3,000 feet) ______

Major roads (within 1,000 feet)______

Other (specify)______


53. Odor______

54. Light ______

55. Temperature

56. Socio-economic character of the neighborhood______

57. Physical character of the neighborhood______

58. Crime levels______


60.Compatibility of land uses______

61 Aesthetic compatibility______


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I/we hereby authorize the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments or any of its affiliates/support agencies to make all inquiries it deems necessary to verify the accuracy of the information provided herein, and to determine my/our credit worthiness for any purpose related to our credit transaction with them. I/we hereby certify that the enclosed application information including attachments/exhibits are valid and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.

I/we hereby authorize the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies to furnish relevant information to all necessary sources including various federal, state and conventional funding opportunities to obtain the best sources for the project

I we further agree that I shall indemnify and hold the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies harmless from any claim or cause of action arising because of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by me/us, whether the furnishing of such incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information was accidental or intentional and in consideration of the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies' assistance, I/we waive all claims against the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies, its personnel or counselors arising from this assistance.

Signature Date


BORROWER(S) hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies from and against any liabilities, losses, damages, suits, judgments, counsel fees, or costs arising attributable to the release, discharge, manufacture, production, storage or disposal or the presence of hazardous toxic substances, on, or under borrower's property or property in which the borrow has an interest and based upon claims assertible by local, state, and federal governmental authority or other third parties against the Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies.

This indemnification will specifically survive, and is entirely independent of; the debtor's contractual obligation to repay the primary obligation held by Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies as amended, extended, or renewed by Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies prepayment in full of the borrower's indebtedness Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies; and release of Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliates/support agencies liens on the borrower's real or personal property by payment, foreclosure, or action including Mid Iowa Development Association (MIDAS) Council of Governments and any of its affiliate’s discretionary abandonment of lien.

Signature Date

Other items to be attached to this application:

  1. Business Plan (Attach as Exhibit 1)
  2. Cash-flow Summaries and/or Profit/Loss Statements (Attach as Exhibit 2)
  3. Credit Reports (for Private Developer Applications) (Attach as Exhibit 3)
  4. Appraisal Reports (If real property is included within the application) (Attach as Exhibit 4)
  5. Personal Financial Statements (If private developer application) (Attach as Exhibit 5)
  6. Documentation of commitment of other funds (Attach as Exhibit 6)


All information contained herein is TRUE and CORRECT to the best of my knowledge.