Note: For filling in the Report please use only Arial Font, black color, size 10, 1.15 spacing. After completingthe Report, please delete all thegrey instructions for filling (including this one).
Mid-term / Final*Technical Report
*Please select the type of the report submitted: mid-term or final.
Executing Agency:<full organization name>
Title of the project:<title of the project>
Activity Agreement:< AAnumber
Reporting period:number of months.../ <day/month/year> - <day/month/year>
Project manager: <name of the project manager/ <email> / <mobile phone number>
Partner/s: <name of the partner/s>
Projectduration**:number of months.../ <day/month/year> - <day/month/year>
** According to the Activity Agreement or to the last approved Addendum for extending the project period.
2.1. English Summary
Please insert here a short summary of maximum 1 page, in English. This summary should include the following information: a short description of the implemented activities, results/outputs and outcomes for the reported period, other relevant aspects of the project implementation.
2.2. Romanian Summary
Please insert here the Romanian translationof the summary inserted at section 2.1.
3.1. Achievements regarding project objectives
Please fill in the following table with the outcomes, outputs and indicators of your project.(You should add or delete lines according to your project. However, you should include all the outcomes, outputs and indicators even if these were not planned to be developed during the reporting period. In this case you will mention “this is scheduled to be developed during the following period”).
PROJECT OUTCOME 1: <Please fill in the outcome name>Output 1: <Please fill in the output name>
Indicator 1.1 / <Please fill in the indicator name> / <Please fill in the source of verification
Annex No…
<Please mention the quantitative achievement of the indicator in the reported period in absolute figures and percentage>
Please describeshortly the activities(quantitative and qualitative) and the achievement of the indicator. If the case, please mention the changes occurred from the initial planning of the corresponding activities, causes and effects and the proposed solutions.>
Indicator 1.2 / <Please fill in the indicator name> / <Please fill in the source of verification>
Annex No…
<Please mention the quantitative achievement of the indicator in the reported period in absolute figures and percentage>
<Please describe shortly the activities (quantitative and qualitative) and the achievement of the indicator. If the case, please mention the changes occurred from the initial planning of the corresponding activities, causes and effects and the proposed solutions.>
Output 2:<Please fill in the output name>
Indicator 2.1 / <Please fill in the indicator name> / <Please fill in the source of verification>
Annex No…
<Please mention the quantitative achievement of the indicator in the reported period in absolute figures and percentage>
<Please describe shortly the activities (quantitative and qualitative) and the achievement of the indicator. If the case, please mention the changes occurred from the initial planning of the corresponding activities, causes and effects and the proposed solutions.>
Indicator 2.2 / <Please fill in the indicator name> / <Please fill in the source of verification>
Annex No…
<Please mention the quantitative achievement of the indicator in the reported period in absolute figures and percentage>
<Please describe shortly the activities (quantitative and qualitative) and the achievement of the indicator. If the case, please mention the changes occurred from the initial planning of the corresponding activities, causes and effects and the proposed solutions.>
PROJECT OUTCOME 2: <Please fill in the outcome name>
Output 3:<Please fill in the output name>
Indicator 3.1 / <Please fill in the indicator name> / <Please fill in the source of verification>
Annex No…
<Please mention the quantitative achievement of the indicator in the reported period in absolute figures and percentage>
<Please describe shortly the activities (quantitative and qualitative) and the achievement of the indicator. If the case, please mention the changes occurred from the initial planning of the corresponding activities, causes and effects and the proposed solutions.>
3.2. Achievements regarding programme objectives
Please fill in this table only for the FINAL REPORT.This section will not be filled in case of the mid-term report.
Indicators / Description (qualitative & quantitative)Number of people (men/ women) that benefited from NGO’s activities
Reported outcome in environmental protection /biodiversity of supported projects
Number of NGOs evidencing increased institutional capacity
Increased institutional capacity: most significant changes
Increased engagement of NGOs in regional/national/international networks
Changes in attitudes on the part of official authorities to NGOs (increased understanding, willingness to work more closely with them etc.)
Changes in the reported professionalism of NGOs
Level of involving citizens in activities that increase their engagement in decision-making
Increased NGO competence in advocacy and lobbying for better policies
Evidence of NGOs’ successful advocacy campaign/accepted public policy NGOs’ proposals by the governmental institution
Number of reported innovative approaches in providing social services for vulnerable groups, including social enterprises
Increased access to welfare/ social services that are responsive to their needs (health, education, social services)
Please fill in the following table with the actual situation of the time frame of the planned activities. (You should add or delete lines according to your project).
Activity / Year 1 / Year 21 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1.*<Please fill in the activity name>corresponding to indicator/s<please fill in the indicator/s number>
1.**<Please fill in the activity name> corresponding to indicator/s<please fill in the indicator/s number
*Planning submitted in the application form/ during pre-contracting.
**Planning at the time of reporting. Please include this line only if changes were or/and will be made in the planning of the activity.
Please mention the promoting methods, target group and their number. If applicable, for large grants, please include the updated visibility campaign.
Communication Tools / Description (Qualitative and Quantitative) / Please fill in the source of verification>Please include all the project visibility materials in one annex/folder
Annex No…
Opening/closing/information conferences, promotional events for general public (forums, fairs, open days)* / Please detailthe eventsin which the projectwas promoted. Describebrieflythe event,key messages, target group/s, number of participants andhow theproject was promoted
Contact with media:
a. press conferences, briefings, interviews
b. press releases, newsletters, articles etc.
c. spots, promotional films, radio and television broadcasts / Please list all the materials developed during the reported period.Specify the key messages, target group/s howand where publications/ materialswere distributed / published / broadcasted
Website or social media / Please add details aboutthe websitededicated tothe projector thesection/sdedicated to theprojecton the websiteof the organization/partners. Please mention the number of visitors of the website / social media site
Additional promotional actions and channels / Please mention other types of project promoting which does not match with the categories above
*Do not forget that the Executing Agency is obliged to prepare and disseminate at least two press releases – one at the launching and the otherat the closing of the project.
6.1. Contractual Changes
Please listthe notifications/ amendmentsin chronological orderduring the reporting periodas follows:Notification/addendumno.... / dated... +subject of thenotification/addendum.
Type / No. / Date / SubjectPlease fill inthe type of the document: notification /addendum / <day/month/year> / Please fill in the subject of the notification or addendum
Please fill inthe type of the document: notification /addendum / <day/month/year> / Please fill in the subject of the notification or addendum
6.2. Organizational Set-Up
Please statebrieflytheresponsibilities of theproject teamduring the reporting period, correlating the involvement in activities with information providedin the financial report.
No. / Name, position in the project* / Activities / The periods in which the person was involved / Workload**For independent experts, freelancers and persons without a constant activity in the Workload column will be filled in the total number of hours worked during the reported period.
6.3. The involvment of partner/s in the project
Please detailthe involvement of each partnerin the project, howeach partnercontributedto thedevelopment of the activitiesand achieving resultsin the reporting period. Please mention all the cooperation issues between EA and partner/s.6.4. The relationship with SIB
Describethe relationshipwith the SIB in the reporting period. Please mention all the cooperation issues between EA and Swiss Intermediate Body.6.5. Financial Aspects
Total budget of the project / CHF …Grant amount / CHF … / … % of total budget
Own contribution (EA and Partner/s) / CHF … / … % of total budget
Advance payment received / CHF … / … % of grant amount
1st installment received (if the case) / CHF … / … % of grant amount
2ndinstallment received (if the case) / CHF … / … % of grant amount
3rdinstallment received (if the case) / CHF … / … % of grant amount
Total amount spent / CHF … / … % of amount spent from the total budget / … % of amount spent from the received payments
Please describe the difficulties during implementation and lessons learned from these experiences.- OUTLOOK (NEXT STEPS) / SUSTAINABILITY
Please include a short outlook for the next period / next stepsor the sustainability plane for the final report.
Please list the annexes attachedto this report.You should add or delete lines according to your report.
Annex No. / Documents included1.
Name of the project manager: <name of the project manager
Signature /Stamp: ...<please sign and stamp
Please send theoriginal signed andstamped report on hard copy. Supporting documentsshould be attachedon CD,organizedin foldersaccording tosection 9 –Annexes, except the printed (hard copy) publications, promotional materials. Each publication and promotional material produced through the projecthas to be sent at least in one original copy / piece.